Lightning Lane at Walt Disney World


Well-Known Member
Exactly. And that is a reasonable accommodation. But going "straight" to or near the front of the line is beyond reasonable.
How could you wait in a separate location and then not go to the front of the line? If one cannot wait in line for whatever reason, going anywhere but the lightning lane wouldn't work, especially since they already waited.

Fido Chuckwagon

Well-Known Member
100 percent true. It happened to my family member.
So we can agree to disagree.
One of the common misconceptions about DAS is that it’s for everyone who has a “disability.” It is not. Disney will only give a person DAS if they cannot wait in line due to their disability. If the disability relates to mobility, inability to stand, walk, etc, then they will (and always have) told the person that they will provide them with a wheelchair, etc. for the line.


Well-Known Member
I think they just need stricter definitions of what qualifies. For instance, and I’m gonna sound heartless here but I don’t intend to, I read about a mom who got DAS for her daughter. Why? Because when she waited in line, she would psyche herself out and get too scared to ride when it was finally their turn. Isn’t that almost every kid? They have vivid imaginations and build things up to what they aren’t on the daily. Does that really qualify for DAS? What about ADD? I’m genuinely not trying to be disrespectful, but I know people who use DAS every trip because their adult child has ADD and will touch everything he sees in the queue. He has medicine to help this, but they don’t take it at Disney.

Again, I am very aware that DAS has a purpose, and maybe this is my inner old man thinking about what once was, but there was a time this wasn’t an issue and people just waited.


Well-Known Member
One of the common misconceptions about DAS is that it’s for everyone who has a “disability.” It is not. Disney will only give a person DAS if they cannot wait in line due to their disability. If the disability relates to mobility, inability to stand, walk, etc, then they will (and always have) told the person that they will provide them with a wheelchair, etc. for the line.
To clarify. For many years up until and including 2019, my family member qualified for DAS in WDW there was never an issue. If I remember correctly we needed to go to guest services every 30 days to get re qualified? Anyway never an issue.

Today, my family member is significantly worse. We went to guest services like we always did previous and now my family member no longer qualifies and they did not care that they previously did.

While my family member's condition is significantly worse today, they no longer qualify when in years past, they did.

I am sure different folks had different experiences based on who is at the desk that day, but that's our experience.


Well-Known Member
People need to also bear in mind that many disabilities that affect someone’s ability to wait in line are “invisible”. So you may see someone who doesn’t look disabled but inside they deal with a physical or psychological issue
Today at WDW, its whatever the cast member on duty feels.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit, I don't really know what's an appropriate level of disability/difficulty for DAS. I have a family member who *hates* waiting in line, physically and mentally. It's at the point where we just skip a lot of his favorite rides completely because he just can't take it. He does have a diagnosis that would probably qualify for DAS, but I also feel like his loathing of waiting falls within a relatively normal human boundary of preferences/dislikes, so we've never asked and never used it. (For instance, while I don't enjoy waiting, if it's inside I can tolerate it just fine. But he is not like this.)

I am *not* saying that people who use DAS just hate waiting, by the way. I am very well aware that there are real disabilities there, no question. I just don't know where the outer boundary lies. It's occurred to me that I could ask, but I feel very weird about it.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
My anecdotal experiences this week.

Soarin' queue on Monday:

Between 11:40-11:53am, I counted 304 people walking past in the LL line. What the mix was of Genie+, ILL, and DAS, I cannot say.

Guardians that afternoon:

12 standby guests in the first pre-show room, 58 ILL guests. During EMH, there were nearly double the total number of people in that room.

Thursday at Living with the Land, around 2:30pm:

Roughly 72 Genie+/ILL/DAS guests sent to the load area per 18 standby guests. Boats were not filled with any kind of operational efficiency in mind, despite the posted 35 minute wait (and it was fairly accurate, maybe a few minutes low).


Well-Known Member
Didn't claim to have a solution, but I agreed that "waiting outside the line" is a reasonable accommodation. Letting someone to the front of the line as soon as they walk up (without prior claim) is beyond reasonable.
As a DAS user i agree. I have no issues having to come back. Like i said in the past the pro was it was like a max 30 min wait and a good amt of times they would let you literally go right on. Con to that was you had to walk from ride to ride so depending on the need that was very tiresome. Now w the ability to make everything in the app its so much easier and honestly if you know what you are doing you spend time “waiting” in line while entering and riding your current attraction but even with this i always purchase Genie+ because to me its still worth it to be able to use both and max my trip out. Yes its costing me an extra 100 per day but again vacations are not cheap and worth it imo. My worst experience with it was my 1st time using it after that as ive stated ive been pleasantly surprised by the success ive have. Granted knowing the drop times help 100% but hey a little research goes a long way


Well-Known Member
As a DAS user i agree. I have no issues having to come back. Like i said in the past the pro was it was like a max 30 min wait and a good amt of times they would let you literally go right on. Con to that was you had to walk from ride to ride so depending on the need that was very tiresome. Now w the ability to make everything in the app its so much easier and honestly if you know what you are doing you spend time “waiting” in line while entering and riding your current attraction but even with this i always purchase Genie+ because to me its still worth it to be able to use both and max my trip out. Yes its costing me an extra 100 per day but again vacations are not cheap and worth it imo. My worst experience with it was my 1st time using it after that as ive stated ive been pleasantly surprised by the success ive have. Granted knowing the drop times help 100% but hey a little research goes a long way
I'm not sure which way I fall on this... but do you as a DAS user think it's fair that you can redeem G+ reservations while waiting for your DAS return time?

I also wonder if eliminating this ability would slow down any DAS abuse.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure which way I fall on this... but do you as a DAS user think it's fair that you can redeem G+ reservations while waiting for your DAS return time?

I also wonder if eliminating this ability would slow down any DAS abuse.
Personally yes i do. Im paying for a service like everyone else is and im using a system that i need that Disney offers. So to me there is nothing wrong with it… how would telling someone they cant buy Genie eliminate abuse?


Well-Known Member
Personally yes i do. Im paying for a service like everyone else is and im using a system that i need that Disney offers. So to me there is nothing wrong with it… how would telling someone they cant buy Genie eliminate abuse?
I don't think it would eliminate abuse. What it would do is lessen the amount of people using the system.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it would eliminate abuse. What it would do is lessen the amount of people using the system.
How so?!? If you give people the “option” who will choose an inferior paid system in Genie vs DAS and why would Disney stop people willing to pay from paying?
Everyone is trying to come up with different excuses and reasons to blame everything but the obvious. Disney is the reason this has happened lack of capacity intentionally may i add reduced hours reduced entertainment etc. The hate and to me over exaggeration of DAS abuse is comical. Whats next. Is it fair that people can afford plaids and walk on any rides they want?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure which way I fall on this... but do you as a DAS user think it's fair that you can redeem G+ reservations while waiting for your DAS return time?

I also wonder if eliminating this ability would slow down any DAS abuse.
I would argue in the balancing of equities it would be more unfair to not let this happen.

G+ is a completely separate purchase, with its own restrictions on when you make reservations. I get to make G+ reservations when i am standing in line, and if it just so happens that within my grace period for checking it, I am still in line for something else, i can finish that ride, then walk onto my G+ reservation. Why should someone who paid the G+ fee, not only have to follow all the G+ restrictions, but also not get to redeem G+ while they are waiting return time?


Well-Known Member
How so?!? If you give people the “option” who will choose an inferior paid system in Genie vs DAS and why would Disney stop people willing to pay from paying?
Everyone is trying to come up with different excuses and reasons to blame everything but the obvious. Disney is the reason this has happened lack of capacity intentionally may i add reduced hours reduced entertainment etc. The hate and to me over exaggeration of DAS abuse is comical. Whats next. Is it fair that people can afford plaids and walk on any rides they want?
I know it's Disneys fault due to lack of capacity and reduced hours. We also know that is not getting fixed any time soon. I will also say a big problem Disney has is the mindset of the guests. They created the mess but now Disney guests refuse to wait in standby.

I don't think there is as much DAS abuse as many make it out to be. IMO what's happening is people that have always had the DAS option didn't need it with FP+ as that worked well for them. Now other Genie+ and the cost they are opting for DAS.

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