Let's fix the parks!

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Calamar
In general, I've found that this sort of unorganized, collective reform can lead to problems. Either the suggestions are contradictory (example: Imagineer Boy wants Tapestry of Nations, mkt doesn't) or they simply aren't feasible (example: bring back all the old attractions, pay all cast members $15/hour, and repaint every square inch of WDW nightly).

In due time, everything will be organized. :) Remember - this is PARKS. Films/Company (CEO)/Animation have their *OWN THREADS* in the Walt Disney Co. Forum and Animation.

By the end, several months from now, a comprehensive copy of a "Walt Disney Co. Constitution by the Fans and Shareholders" will be available to download.


New Member
First I would like to say I agree with all that some repainting needs to be done.

70. Animal Kingdom needs a multitude of new attractions. I can see this is being delt with but some, namly dino-rama are not of disney quality. I would also like an extention to Kali River rapids. don't get me wrong it's a great ride but a little short(definitly not first priority)
71.I think the new additions to Epcot have been great and should be continued especially in the world showcase, and an Austrailia, Africa, Antarctica(not very important but could be very interesting), and South America are all not being represented. The Great Barrier Reef, Saharrah desert, And the Amazon rainforest would all very good additions. And big improvements on the boat rides.
72.I understand magic kingdom is a classic but maybe there is a way to balance out the old classics with some new E-tcket attractions. Maybe a new track for Space mountain to make it more thrilling???


Active Member
73. Let's decide where to use characters and where to not. In my opinion the introduction fo characters into Epcot ruins the atmosphere. When I walk into EPCOT I feel it as being different from the magic kingdom...in a way it feels more mature which I love! CLARIFICATION: Original characters I don't mind at EPCOT...figment dreamfinder (*tear*).....its all the others....mickey minnie goofy....these belong in the magic kingdom not EPCOT. At MGM I don't mind characters from fairly recent disney movies

74. Let's update rides on a consistent basis....Many rides simply cannot the same for so many years. Examples: Star tours...Muppet vision....both these only need new videos


New Member
I agree with # 73 I also don't like how there are areas set up for character meetings. I enjoyed them a lot more when they would spontaniuosly appear. and they aren't as fun to interact with any more. Its more like you get an autograph and a picture and leave.


New Member
74 Go back to tickets....A,B,C,D and E ( Let me explain). I have felt that once the parks went to gen admission, the quality has lacked. Even before Eisner. There is need to try for your business, because they had your money up front. It also is more cost effective for families with little children (Under 6) and senior citizens to return to tickets. I also believe it would make the lower rides more popular. Another benefit might be the length of lines for the E ticket rides. I also feel it will help justify the hours of operation being extended. Maybe a $15 fee and tickets.

I may be very confused, and I know the current arrangement is easy. But it was a thought:hammer:


Well-Known Member
Alot of this sounds like good specific fixes, but I would like to see some better ideas about how to run the theme parks in the future. Here is my stab at some golden rules:

75. (And most important) The Disney Parks are a special place. Keep tham that way. That means doing something DIFFERENT than what all the other theme parks are doing. Dare to make reides that are unique, entertaining, and that apeal to everyone, not just the thrill seekers.

76. Disney parks are meant to be enjoyed by everyone. Therefor there should be rides, attractions, and shows that are appealing to all guests. Do not design rides and shows soley to appeal to one group of guests.

77. Cast members are a integral part of the Disney Experience and will make or break a guests vacation. Cast Memebers need to be appreciated and supported. That includes both compensation as well as training. Money invested in these areas goes a very, very long way.

78. There is more to the parks than the rides. Restaurants and shops help create the Disney Experience. Food and Merchandise should be high in quality and special.

79. Each park needs and should have it's own identity. They should have their own merchandise and food. Characters should have their own home park - classic Disney Characters should most often be seen - and often seen - in the Magic Kingdom. The Disney-MGM studios should have characters that are in keeping with it's theme as should the other parks.

80. Guests should feel like they are getting value out of their vacation. If they feel they are being taken advantage of, they will be resistant to the Disney Experience and to Disney Marketing. A happy customer is a very valuable asset.
I have a hell of a lot of ideas and I'm just gonna spew um all out. I wouldn't expect all of them to come into play, but just to give multitude of ideas. And don't anyone dare to tell me there isn't room or they'd never do that or it's not finacially fesible because i'm not havin it. I'm taking the "if we can dream it we can do it" approach. And my ideas aren't nessisarily for one specific park unless stated.

74. Enough of this putting the same exact attraction in every park. Originally they wanted to most mostly new attractions at the parks and I think that's how it should be to an extent. Make em different enough and more people may be willing to travel to those parks.
75. No more disney character quick fixes for less popular attractions. It's an insult to peoples' intelligence.
76. Give each tommorrowland a different sub theme. One can be sci fi version of fantasyland like in FL, another a space port ect.
76. Give different space mountains different sub themes to go with the different tommorrowland ie commercial launch site, space battle station ect(just examples of possibilites)
Arabian Nights- alladin dark ride where rideres are on magic carpets
78. Jungle book dark ride
79. Temple of doom type ride but not indy, minecart wild mouse
80. Get rid of new managment. Maybe do a whole new concept like tribal ritual with AA
81. Frontierland:
Make each BTMR at each park different. Can do one in a mountain and have the raindow falls from natures wonderland
82. Western expedition
83. Raft ride- Big thunder falls
84. some kind of haunted ghost town ride
85. interactive dark ride where you shoot cowboys
86. A jungle cruise type ride but with wilderness animals, bears, dear ect
87. wooden roller coaster called grizzly run themed with bears in the wilderness
88. Fantasyland:
Get rid of snow white at WDW
89. DOn't put in ariels grotto in 20k lagoon or whatever they were gonna call it.
90. Toad ride using indy technology, inside and maybe oustside, heavily themed with stuff from movie and the show they had, nothing like old ride.
91. Gentle wild mouse ride in dimond mine with 7 dwarfs
92. Peter Pans flight with some kind of harness or flying roller coaster so you can really fly, find way around height restrictions
93. little mermaid dark ride
94. great mouse detective ride
95. tommorrowland:
Tron lightcycles ride
96. do a mission space but theme it like old mission to mars with preshow and everthing, not in FL
97. AE not in FL
98. Call a tommorrowland progress city
99. indy style ride but on serfice of mars and inside
100. MGM
I like the muppets ideas, make a darkride and the restaurant, but turn it into a whole area and you can have a dumbo style kiddy ride where people ride in fish and you have that guy in the center who throws fish.
101. Doom buggies, haunted mansion style roller coaster where you ride in cars (doom buggies), like if you crossed Space moountain with haunted mansion
more to come...


New Member
Originally posted by Disneyland1970
74 Go back to tickets....A,B,C,D and E ( Let me explain). I have felt that once the parks went to gen admission, the quality has lacked. Even before Eisner. There is need to try for your business, because they had your money up front. It also is more cost effective for families with little children (Under 6) and senior citizens to return to tickets. I also believe it would make the lower rides more popular. Another benefit might be the length of lines for the E ticket rides. I also feel it will help justify the hours of operation being extended. Maybe a $15 fee and tickets.

I may be very confused, and I know the current arrangement is easy. But it was a thought:hammer:

A ticket system would be a tremendous hassle for everyone involved. The need to constantly buy attraction specific tickets would create NEW lines. Disney would have to hire more employees with really little purpose - therefore, a bad management idea.

The ticket system has a cheap country fair midway feel, something Disney should NOT have.

By paying at the gate, you feel like you've entered a world which you can enjoy without limitation -- with tickets, you have to plan where to go based on your wallet. You would have to be more conscious of what you were spending along the way, rather than up front.

Just some thoughts... as you can see, I'm a general admission fan.


Well-Known Member
101. (a combination of earlier posts?) Instill vintage Disney...Bring back the boat that ran along the canaal around the hub at MK...the docks are still there! make it a gondola ride! Same thing at AK...what happened to the boat rides around the Tree of Life? Come on! (I never had the chance! :()

Think simple stuff that was axed that made Disney DISNEY!


New Member
Originally posted by Disney2002
A ticket system would be a tremendous hassle for everyone involved. The need to constantly buy attraction specific tickets would create NEW lines. Disney would have to hire more employees with really little purpose - therefore, a bad management idea.

The ticket system has a cheap country fair midway feel, something Disney should NOT have.

By paying at the gate, you feel like you've entered a world which you can enjoy without limitation -- with tickets, you have to plan where to go based on your wallet. You would have to be more conscious of what you were spending along the way, rather than up front.

Just some thoughts... as you can see, I'm a general admission fan.

I totally agree with you. I like the general admission. :)

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Anything conflicting will be taken to vote (so far, the majority is anti-tickets, so that seems to be what will happen).

Remember, each category should be broad (i.e. bring back songs and not "rename a land"). Just keep that in mind to keep this as general and formulative for the entire resort as possible. :)


Active Member
Originally posted by BwanaBob
101. (a combination of earlier posts?) Instill vintage Disney...Bring back the boat that ran along the canaal around the hub at MK...the docks are still there! make it a gondola ride! Same thing at AK...what happened to the boat rides around the Tree of Life? Come on! (I never had the chance! :()

Think simple stuff that was axed that made Disney DISNEY!

people didn't get what the boats at AK and ended up waiting in areally long line for just a short boat ride

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Originally posted by TestTrack
people didn't get what the boats at AK and ended up waiting in areally long line for just a short boat ride

Short ride? It wasnt that short and was mildly entertaining, Im sure we passed a few anamatronics. Besides it was better than having several fenced off areas and a large un used piece of water.


Active Member
but people were waiting a VERY long time for this simple ride....I believe more than 2 hours in some cases....it was just too much


New Member
Well I guess everyone likes the Gen Admission:lol: Since this new constitution is based on a democracy, I agree!

I never got to ride the boats in the AK... I agree, why not use them, especially since AK can use all the rides it can get, but let the guests know it is just a way around the park not a ride. rename or signs???. Are these same people planning to take the TTA to EPCOT?:D


Well-Known Member
OK, I am going to make poor Mr. Grizzley's job tougher. I had posted some suggestions before, but I guess my spelling and grammar left a little to be desired. So I am going to repost them again, but with more, so I will give them new numbers.

Oh, what I am after with these suggestions is sort of a "Disney Guest Directives" for the Disney board, kind of a time for the guests to make themselves heard.
(Sorry about the verbosity)

105. The Disney Parks are unique. Do something different than what everyone else is doing. Disney should be a special place that you cannot find anywhere else.

106. The Magic is in the little details, not the big deals. Don’t put all your resources into a few short-lived events. Be willing to let someone steal the temporary limelight. Keep the magic, and it will inevitably come back to you.

107. Invest in the parks. All the corners that are cut become noticeable when they add up.

108. Disney is more than just rides. Disney is about creating special places. This means as much effort should be paid to the non-attraction parts of the park as the attractions themselves.

109. The Disney Parks appeal to everyone. This means not turning every ride into a thrill ride to appeal to a small demographic. Instead offer something for everyone. There should be a wide range of experiences available to the guests.

110. Give each park it’s own identity. Each park should have it’s own feel and it’s own characters. And each Magic Kingdom should have it’s own feel, too. Do not just copy parks from one continent to another.

111. Some rides become classics – recognize and value them. They can be as endearing and special as any animated feature

112. But don’t be afraid of change. If you are going to change something, then change it for the better. Change can bring excitement, but only when it is done well.

113. Rides should have their own stories; do not just make repeats of movies. It is easy to turn a ride into a retelling of an animated feature. But the best rides have their own stories. Guests can watch animated features at home – give them something different when they come to the parks.

114. Rides have special storytelling needs. They are more than just a movie you watch while in a moving vehicle – nurture and expand this form of story telling.

115. The Disney Magic should extend to all parts of the guests stay, not just while they are in the parks. This means the Disney Resorts, their travels between the parks, and their experiences at the Disney Stores

116. Cast members are a vital element in the Disney Experience. No element has a bigger impact on the Guests experience. Value and recognize your employees – train them and compensate them well. If working at Disney is a special experience, then visiting Disney will be even more special.

117. Characters are special. Make them available to the guests, but do not inundate the guests with the latest character in many different guises.

118. Food and Merchandise are important aspects of the Disney Experience. Shopping and Dining at Disney should be special treats. Offer good, unique food and merchandise.

119. Don’t over merchandise or over cross-sell – there is value in exclusivity. Being inundated with the same merchandise takes away from both the magic and the appeal of the gifts.

120. Guests should feel like they are getting a value, not robbed. If a guest feels like they are getting a good value, then they will have a good time. If the guest feels like they are being taken advantage of, they will become defensive and resistant. A happy guest is a valuable guest

121. Don’t be scared into dullness. Dare to do something different or special. Being to timid to do anything special will only lead to boredom for the guests.

122. Treat your guests with Dignity and Respect, and they will treat you with their business.

123. Remember – it all started with a mouse. Don’t forget your roots.
124. Bring the omnimovers back online. They are great for moving vast amount of people through a ride and move slow enough to let riders enjoy a story instead of a drop hill then get off.

125. If a ride has lost it's effectiveness, AUGMENT the ride instead of closing it and creating an eyesore.

126. Create new characters exclusive to the parks (aka Dreamfinder).

Ok, that's my 2 cents. I saw many other GREAT ideas and didn't want to repeat anyone.


Well-Known Member
127. If you hold yourself to a high standard, be prepared to get grief if you don't.

128. You're Disney!! Quality is the name of the game. That includes the food please. There is no reason why you can't feed large numbers of people with quality food. It's done at other venues that have masses of people and you should learn how. I wouldn't mind so much the wait and the price if the food was awesome.


New Member
129. Does any one remember the old Doug Live?Well why don't we bring it back but not as Doug Live mayby Kim Possible Live?Or mayby Phineas and Ferb Live?Anyway I will try to think up a script.And I will get back to you!:D

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