Less Intense M.S. is open

Pete C

Active Member
I think they should put up lights around the bays that can project orange or green light on the walls. That way they can change the bay color to the profile they are running if demand changes. Plus, it would look cool to see the areas bathed in orange or green light.


New Member
ive just had a thought.
instead of recolouring all of the bays green and orange keep the old colours blue,green,gold and red.
each of the centrifuges can be a different intensity amd that is represented by what colour it is,for example

-blue could be a star tours style simulator,eg bumps,shakes and jossles

-green could have a slight bit of rotation,just enough for you to feel the force but not too intense

-gold could be as it is now, with about 2.5 Gs of force(orange side)

-red could be the intense one with about 3 to 4 Gs of force

this way there is something for everyone, an intensity for everyone,and they wont have to re colour the entire ready rooms.disney could find some way of splitting the queue line into 4 colour coded lines (possibly 8 so that each line could have a single riders queue or even 5 and the single riders choose which one they want to ride at the end)
oh and also i like the idea over on the emagineers forum, about a space station like thing at the end as the post show,check it out its under something like space port;epcot or space station epcot or something (i added my 2 cents to it:animwink:)


New Member
MrNonacho said:
What we're seeing now is just phase one of this makeover. Phase two is already in the works, and the long term plan is to have at least three phases. Once things have settled down with these changes, we should start to see more fit and finish to everything. One other thing that should be changing is the bays' color schemes. It might be a bit confusing right now for a guest who had an orange ticket to walk into Bay 4 and see all that green. Over time (and with enough funding) the interiors of the Ready Rooms and flight bays will be redone in the new color schemes. The color coded floors of the entrance area and Team Dispatch will also be changed. When will this happen? I have no idea!
Cool info, thanks... You guys are doing a great job making this work so far.

Quick question though, wasn't one of the main selling points about these new changes the fact that they'd be able to change over which profile was being used in each bay based on what the current demand for either orange or green was?

Wouldn't permanent changes in the color schemes prevent that? ...Or do you think they would just use a neutral color scheme so that the different bays could infact be used for either profile?


Well-Known Member
bassman said:
ive just had a thought.
instead of recolouring all of the bays green and orange keep the old colours blue,green,gold and red.
each of the centrifuges can be a different intensity amd that is represented by what colour it is,for example

-blue could be a star tours style simulator,eg bumps,shakes and jossles

-green could have a slight bit of rotation,just enough for you to feel the force but not too intense

-gold could be as it is now, with about 2.5 Gs of force(orange side)

-red could be the intense one with about 3 to 4 Gs of force

this way there is something for everyone, an intensity for everyone,and they wont have to re colour the entire ready rooms.disney could find some way of splitting the queue line into 4 colour coded lines (possibly 8 so that each line could have a single riders queue or even 5 and the single riders choose which one they want to ride at the end)
oh and also i like the idea over on the emagineers forum, about a space station like thing at the end as the post show,check it out its under something like space port;epcot or space station epcot or something (i added my 2 cents to it:animwink:)

While I can see the benefit of your ideas, the problem would be logistics. (1) if a bay goes down, that experience is indefinitely on hold. (2) people would get EXTREMELY confused about what was what. I like how youa re thinking, but it just wouldn't work.


Premium Member
imagineersrock said:
Quick question though, wasn't one of the main selling points about these new changes the fact that they'd be able to change over which profile was being used in each bay based on what the current demand for either orange or green was?

Wouldn't permanent changes in the color schemes prevent that? ...Or do you think they would just use a neutral color scheme so that the different bays could infact be used for either profile?

I wish I had a good answer to that, but I don't. That's just what we've been told. I'd think a neutral color scheme with switchable lights would work fairly well, though.


New Member
MrNonacho said:
I wish I had a good answer to that, but I don't. That's just what we've been told. I'd think a neutral color scheme with switchable lights would work fairly well, though.
Gotcha. One more question for ya- do you know if the new profile is already available on all 4 bays, or is it currently just on one or two of them?

What I'm getting at is, has there been any of the "changing from one profile to another based on the line for either version" over this past weekend yet, or have the same bays been used for the same profiles the whole time so far..?


Premium Member
imagineersrock said:
Gotcha. One more question for ya- do you know if the new profile is already available on all 4 bays, or is it currently just on one or two of them?

What I'm getting at is, has there been any of the "changing from one profile to another based on the line for either version" over this past weekend yet, or have the same bays been used for the same profiles the whole time so far..?

Since the change, it's just been the 50/50 split with no bays switching profiles during the day. I don't know for sure, but I think each bay can be set to run either profile. The only bay I haven't seen run the Green profile is Bay 3. Bay 4 was running it for the cast preview, but has only run Orange for guests.

I'd think the trickiest part would be switching the preflight and ready room videos. I don't know if they're set up to be easily switchable.


Active Member
We loved it!!!

I thought it was great to experience this ride without getting sick:hurl:
My daughter now has a favorite ride:) , instead of a ride to be afraid of and avoid.
And I'm happy to be able to have her riding it without fear of her (or me) dying:eek:


Active Member
I was a huge skeptic when I heard about this new version, but it really works very, very well. Sure, I still prefer orange, but green is still a great ride for those who cannot or do not want to do orange.
I expected it to be mostly stationary, but it was more like a super-smooth version of Star Tours, minus the annoying droid and the motion sickness. The programming even managed to simulate the g-forces during launch, flyby and landing quite well (just much less intense and much briefer).

One of my original concerns still remains: Some guests may use the green version as a stepping stone for the orange one, which they really should not ride due to medical conditions or what not. Let's hope that won't happen too often.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I got to ride it Sunday and I can say I was pleasantly surprised. I am a big fan of the "orange" side but wanted to give the "green" side a try. It was much like a smoothed out non nauseating version of Star Tours. The feelings of acceleration and zero G's are still there just nowhere as intense. I feel that is a great addition to the ride and once the word gets out will increase the guest count to more acceptable levels.


New Member
Epcot82Guy said:
While I can see the benefit of your ideas, the problem would be logistics. (1) if a bay goes down, that experience is indefinitely on hold. (2) people would get EXTREMELY confused about what was what. I like how youa re thinking, but it just wouldn't work.

i spose that now i think about it it is kinda confusing and it would be frustrating if a whole experience was delayed.
er give me a few hours and i come up with something else

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