Less Intense M.S. is open


Active Member
I personally look forward to it. I have inner ear problems and I've never ridden MS because of that. I'd like to at least see what it is all about, without spending the rest of my day...:hurl:


Well-Known Member
I rode the new version today and was very impressed with it. Even though it is not spinning as fast it actually feels like you are moving! Disney did a great job with this new version and everyone I heard talking about it absolutely loved it.

During tonights EMH the full version (orange) had a 10 minute wait while the less intense (green) version had a 30 minute wait. While I personally feel that the orange version is better the green one is great. It is not just tipping a little bit here and there, it actually moves a lot.

A CM that I was talking to said that the ride actually has movement capabilities measured in feet, not just inches or a "little bit" as people here have feared.

I must say that I feel completely justified defending Disney's decision to do this to M:S from the start. I encourage all of you to try the new version as it is still a lot of fun. Just don't misplaces your ride "tickets" that you will get upon entering the line.


Well-Known Member
askmike1 said:
I will not call this a bad attraction simply because I haven't experienced it (and I have no plans ever to do so). But I will also never call it Mission: Space, because that it is not.

I would suggest that you actually RIDE the new version prior to stating that. It actually feels as if you are moving even though you are not spinning. On the launch sequence for example they tilt the car back to the point where you are pressed back into your seat, it has the same feelings as the full version, just not as intense.

I rode the "green" version and rode the "orange" immediately afterward so I can now state the above as a matter of fact, not speculation nor guessing.

Great job WDI, you just made an attraction appeal to many more guests than it previoulsy had!

Edited both posts for numerous spelling errors- has been a LONG day!


New Member
I'mchoosing to go green

thanks for all the info guys I've always been leery of trying MS because I get motion sickness easily. Im realy looking forward to trying the new version on monday or tuesday I missed the MS opening by 2 weeks on my last trip to orlando.
and for all you green bashers I'll just say:p :p :p
askmike1 said:
But where's the line? A dropless Tower of Terror elevator? A spinless teacup? A motionless Rock 'n' Roller Coaster? Where does Disney draw the line? I find this udderly rediculous and a result of the media blowing things way out of proportion.

I will not call this a bad attraction simply because I haven't experienced it (and I have no plans ever to do so). But I will also never call it Mission: Space, because that it is not.

It's an opportunity to allow many Guests who haven't been able to experience the attraction have the ability to experience it at this time.

There is another option as well. Get rid of the intense experience all together and keep it all Green. Or 4 days of the week MS is green and the other 3 it's Orange. It's all about accomodating.

Now I wonder if the one who thought up the colors chose Orange for the more intense because it's probably going to require more O-Ban from the protein spills? ;)


Account Suspended
And now everyone can show their avatar support:

Green Team:


Url: http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2006-5/1179349/greenteam3.gif

Orange Team:


Url: http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2006-5/1179349/orangeteam3.gif


jmvd20 said:
I would suggest that you actually RIDE the new version prior to stating that. It actually feels as if you are moving even though you are not spinning. On the launch sequence for example they tilt the car back to the point where you are pressed back into your seat, it has the same feelings as the full version, just not as intense.day!
Okay, I have an analogy I was saving just for this. :) It's like an apple pie. You have the crust which is the basic ride (movements, weightlessness, plot, movie, joystick section) & the filling (which is 3 major times (blastoff, slingshot, mars landing) you feel the extended Gs). Orange Version (the real M:S) has both crust and apples. The green version is an apple pie with just the crust. Yes, it has everything else, but it doesn't have the signature effect M:S is known for. Do I care that it moves around a lot & makes you feel like your moving in space? Absolutely not. Star Tours gives that same effect. What makes M:S different from Star Tours is the apples (or in this case, the extended Gs).

Like I said, I will not call it bad without experiencing it. Maybe it's a very good ride. But it is not Mission: Space.
It's an opportunity to allow many Guests who haven't been able to experience the attraction have the ability to experience it at this time.

There is another option as well. Get rid of the intense experience all together and keep it all Green. Or 4 days of the week MS is green and the other 3 it's Orange. It's all about accomodating.
That hasn't answered my question at all. Where does Disney draw the line? A spinless teacup just so more people can say they went on that attraction? Dropless ToT? Motionless Star Tours? Video form of Rock 'n' Rollercoaster?


askmike1 said:
Where does Disney draw the line? A spinless teacup just so more people can say they went on that attraction? Dropless ToT? Motionless Star Tours? Video form of Rock 'n' Rollercoaster?

Disney does occasionally run a motionless Star Tours, when guests request it. On the teacups, the guests can control how much they spin (they will still spin some, but they can make it more "intense" if they choose to by spinning the wheel faster), just like they can go on MS Green, or go on MS Orange, to make it more intense.


New Member
Ok, here is my 2 cents regarding the changes over at M:S:

I went over to Epcot after work today and decided to give this thing a try for myself.

When I got to the attraction, the new outdoor set-up felt a bit... temporary. Not sure if it actually is or not, but that's how it felt. Ropes blocking off the attraction, a new fastpass time sign that is changed by hand, and Cast Members under umbrellas, handing out these (very) temporary feeling paper tickets asking you whether you wanted to go orange or green.

I ofcourse went to try out the new green profile so I asked for a green card and was directed up the ramp and into the red planet. From here it was the green, orange, or fastpass line--with a CM posted at each. There is a noticeable amount of new signage, recordings being played in the queue area, and splashes of orange and green throughout the waiting area.

I realize this is a test-and-adjust stage they are going through, so I'm sure there are still subtle changes ahead while they figure out how to make this whole operation run as smoothly as possible, but for the second day of these changes being put into action, things were running very smoothly and I found everything to be very well organized.

Orange was pretty much walk-on around 6:00pm, while Green was about a 10 minute wait.

The preshow was well done, bits and pieces were cleverly removed from the origional film with a few changes as far as team green safety warnings go, same goes for pre-show #2.

The ride itself: Excellent. :D Two thumbs way WAY up on this one. While I will always prefer the origional, this is a terrific new option that will open this attraction up to a whole new fan base. As Nonacho from these boards had reported, there are actually parts of this version I prefer over the origional. I think it was (again) very clever how they created the sensations for this new version. Using a lot of tilting (such as during launch) was done very well: by leaning you further and further back it felt as though you were being pushed back into your seat. Just like the origional version, just minus the woozy feeling those G's tend to give. Same was true for the rest of the attraction.

I find it interesting that an apple pie example was given before, because I personally was thinking about using a cake example to explain the differences:

The origional Mission: Space (Orange)---A delicious cake with Icing:
An incredibly fun and exciting ride (The delicious cake) and then the G-force sensations are simply icing on the cake.

The new profile (Green)---A delcious cake.
Take away the icing on the cake, and you are still left with an incredibly fun and exciting ride that can now be experienced by a much broader audience.

I've said it before, I'll say it again... This whole thing is win-win, and judging by the reactions I saw today alone, M:S is going to see some major growth in both attendance and popularity as word spreads about these changes.

Again, while I personally still prefer Orange (the orgional), Green is a great alternative I can definitely see myself using on days I either am not feeling 100% or quite feeling up to Orange, or if I am visiting with friends/family who I know wouldn't be able to enjoy Orange.

askmike1 said:
But where's the line? A dropless Tower of Terror elevator? A spinless teacup? A motionless Rock 'n' Roller Coaster? Where does Disney draw the line? I find this udderly rediculous and a result of the media blowing things way out of proportion.

I will not call this a bad attraction simply because I haven't experienced it (and I have no plans ever to do so). But I will also never call it Mission: Space, because that it is not.

Mission: Space is like nothing ever experienced before, this is what makes it such a great attraction, but at the same time, this is also its major downfall as an attraction. Guests are not able to see what it is, and even the best of explanations do little justice as far as actually conveying what the attraction is like. When people see a log come down the flume at Splash Mountain, they know whether or not that is something they want to experience... When people see the teacups spinning around, most people know whether or not that is something they would enjoy, when people see the doors of Tower of Terror open to show an elevator, and then show it plummet down to the screams of riders, most know whether or not that is something they want to experience... Even with something like Rock 'N' Roller Coaster, most people know beforehand whether or not they enjoy roller coasters.

Mission: Space is different. All first-time guests have to go by is information by word of mouth, or from the safety information presented by Disney.

In my opinion, the scariest part of M:S--Team Orange is the safety information before the ride. It warns of G-forces and Spinning again, and again, and again... on top of that the media now paints a picture that the attraction is responsible for 2 deaths and countless accounts of injury or sickness. This probably scares off a LOT of people, simply because they have never experienced the attraction before and don't know what to expect.

In my opinion, offering this new option (Team Green) will not only let a lot of people enjoy a new version of M:S, but some of these same people might now be able to work up the courage to try Orange, simply because they now have some idea of what to expect from this ride... In effect, increasing popularity for both versions of the attraction.


Le Meh
Premium Member
imagineersrock said:
Ok, here is my 2 cents regarding the changes over at M:S:

I went over to Epcot after work today and decided to give this thing a try for myself.

When I got to the attraction, the new outdoor set-up felt a bit... temporary. Not sure if it actually is or not, but that's how it felt. Ropes blocking off the attraction, a new fastpass time sign that is changed by hand, and Cast Members under umbrellas, handing out these (very) temporary feeling paper tickets asking you whether you wanted to go orange or green.

I ofcourse went to try out the new green profile so I asked for a green card and was directed up the ramp and into the red planet. From here it was the green, orange, or fastpass line--with a CM posted at each. There is a noticeable amount of new signage, recordings being played in the queue area, and splashes of orange and green throughout the waiting area.

I realize this is a test-and-adjust stage they are going through, so I'm sure there are still subtle changes ahead while they figure out how to make this whole operation run as smoothly as possible, but for the second day of these changes being put into action, things were running very smoothly and I found everything to be very well organized.

Orange was pretty much walk-on around 6:00pm, while Green was about a 10 minute wait.

The preshow was well done, bits and pieces were cleverly removed from the origional film with a few changes as far as team green safety warnings go, same goes for pre-show #2.

The ride itself: Excellent. :D Two thumbs way WAY up on this one. While I will always prefer the origional, this is a terrific new option that will open this attraction up to a whole new fan base. As Nonacho from these boards had reported, there are actually parts of this version I prefer over the origional. I think it was (again) very clever how they created the sensations for this new version. Using a lot of tilting (such as during launch) was done very well: by leaning you further and further back it felt as though you were being pushed back into your seat. Just like the origional version, just minus the woozy feeling those G's tend to give. Same was true for the rest of the attraction.

I find it interesting that an apple pie example was given before, because I personally was thinking about using a cake example to explain the differences:

The origional Mission: Space (Orange)---A delicious cake with Icing:
An incredibly fun and exciting ride (The delicious cake) and then the G-force sensations are simply icing on the cake.

The new profile (Green)---A delcious cake.
Take away the icing on the cake, and you are still left with an incredibly fun and exciting ride that can now be experienced by a much broader audience.

I've said it before, I'll say it again... This whole thing is win-win, and judging by the reactions I saw today alone, M:S is going to see some major growth in both attendance and popularity as word spreads about these changes.

Again, while I personally still prefer Orange (the orgional), Green is a great alternative I can definitely see myself using on days I either am not feeling 100% or quite feeling up to Orange, or if I am visiting with friends/family who I know wouldn't be able to enjoy Orange.

Mission: Space is like nothing ever experienced before, this is what makes it such a great attraction, but at the same time, this is also its major downfall as an attraction. Guests are not able to see what it is, and even the best of explanations do little justice as far as actually conveying what the attraction is like. When people see a log come down the flume at Splash Mountain, they know whether or not that is something they want to experience... When people see the teacups spinning around, most people know whether or not that is something they would enjoy, when people see the doors of Tower of Terror open to show an elevator, and then show it plummet down to the screams of riders, most know whether or not that is something they want to experience... Even with something like Rock 'N' Roller Coaster, most people know beforehand whether or not they enjoy roller coasters.

Mission: Space is different. All first-time guests have to go by is information by word of mouth, or from the safety information presented by Disney.

In my opinion, the scariest part of M:S--Team Orange is the safety information before the ride. It warns of G-forces and Spinning again, and again, and again... on top of that the media now paints a picture that the attraction is responsible for 2 deaths and countless accounts of injury or sickness. This probably scares off a LOT of people, simply because they have never experienced the attraction before and don't know what to expect.

In my opinion, offering this new option (Team Green) will not only let a lot of people enjoy a new version of M:S, but some of these same people might now be able to work up the courage to try Orange, simply because they now have some idea of what to expect from this ride... In effect, increasing popularity for both versions of the attraction.
I think thats more like a buck fitty.:lookaroun


Premium Member
imagineersrock said:
When I got to the attraction, the new outdoor set-up felt a bit... temporary. Not sure if it actually is or not, but that's how it felt. Ropes blocking off the attraction, a new fastpass time sign that is changed by hand, and Cast Members under umbrellas, handing out these (very) temporary feeling paper tickets asking you whether you wanted to go orange or green.

What we're seeing now is just phase one of this makeover. Phase two is already in the works, and the long term plan is to have at least three phases. Once things have settled down with these changes, we should start to see more fit and finish to everything. One other thing that should be changing is the bays' color schemes. It might be a bit confusing right now for a guest who had an orange ticket to walk into Bay 4 and see all that green. Over time (and with enough funding) the interiors of the Ready Rooms and flight bays will be redone in the new color schemes. The color coded floors of the entrance area and Team Dispatch will also be changed. When will this happen? I have no idea!


Active Member
MrNonacho said:
What we're seeing now is just phase one of this makeover. Phase two is already in the works, and the long term plan is to have at least three phases. Once things have settled down with these changes, we should start to see more fit and finish to everything. One other thing that should be changing is the bays' color schemes. It might be a bit confusing right now for a guest who had an orange ticket to walk into Bay 4 and see all that green. Over time (and with enough funding) the interiors of the Ready Rooms and flight bays will be redone in the new color schemes. The color coded floors of the entrance area and Team Dispatch will also be changed. When will this happen? I have no idea!

That's ridiculous, all they need to do is call it Triton Team and Orion Team on the slips. Bays One and Two have always been the Triton Side and 3 and 4 have always been the Orion side. This new color thing is dumb and cost ineffective. Perhaps more employees at mission space should have been involved in the decision making.


Premium Member
EpcotMark said:
That's ridiculous, all they need to do is call it Triton Team and Orion Team on the slips. Bays One and Two have always been the Triton Side and 3 and 4 have always been the Orion side. This new color thing is dumb and cost ineffective. Perhaps more employees at mission space should have been involved in the decision making.

Do you really think anything would ever get done if they involved some of the special people who work at Space? There are people who work there (as COORDINATORS) that don't know Triton from Orion. Asking guests to distinguish between two levels of intensity based on the names of two celestial objects just isn't simple enough.


Well-Known Member
I agree. While the celestial names are cool, peope won't get it. Just like SM, people do simple. I think the permanent changes sound good. Yes they are costly, but hopefully this will push the life of this attraction a bit more.

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