Less Intense M.S. is open


New Member
this is great news,now i can finally convince some1 too come M:S with me:sohappy:
in all honesty when i first heard that disney was making a non G-force virsion of the ride my first thought was :eek:.but now i think more about it,the more i come to love it!.
i am so excited about going on it just to see what they have done i am so sure disney will pull it off.after all it is disney:animwink:.


Le Meh
Premium Member
bsandersjr said:
Next thing you know, Stitch will be implemented into the "toned down" version.

They could tone him right out of the park.....

Dont get me wrong, I like Stitch, just not everywhere.


New Member
kiawahman said:
it's going to suck....darn press had to run it into the ground

OK, seriously... All of you new version haters need to chill out--Especially considering the fact that you haven't even been on it yet. Wait until you've actually experienced it yourself to form an opinion about it.

With that said, NO ONE should be upset or complaining about this except for one group of people: The Cast Members of Mission: Space. I say this because they now have a LOT of extra work to do, from the card distribution to explaining to all the confused tourists what the difference between the two versions is. Again though, besides the CM's no one should be complaining--this is a win-win situation for the guests. Not only do the current M:S lovers still have the same attraction they have always known and loved, but a new option takes advantage of a usually empty 4th centrifuge and turns it into a ride for a brand-new demographic of people who find the origional version too intense.

I'll admit, I too was skeptical at first, (at least from a logistics stand point) but it sounds as though this might just work out and become rather popular as well.

Stop complaining, folks. Gotta give credit where it is due, Disney actually made a really smart move here.


Account Suspended
I rode it!!

Nice ride, less intense than Body Wars, but more intense than Soarin'. Very smooth movement like Soarin'.

Acceleration was convincing as was the "sling shot." Pics soon.


New Member
hakunamatata said:
Sorry, I cant. Its my spiritual gift. :D
Let me guess, that gift was the only gift you received... and it wasn't even in size or color you asked for, right!?:lol:

It's cool, I'll let you slide because at least you're an informed complainer. ;) It's the people complaining that M:S is closed forever or that there is no G-force version whatsoever left that are getting to me.


Le Meh
Premium Member
imagineersrock said:
Let me guess, that gift was the only gift you received... and it wasn't even in size or color you asked for, right!?:lol:

It's cool, I'll let you slide because at least you're an informed complainer. ;) It's the people complaining that M:S is closed forever or that there is no G-force version whatsoever left that are getting to me.
Yes, I have ridden both M:S and Mission to Mars, so I feel I am qualified to make that statement. :lol:


New Member
hakunamatata said:
Yes, I have ridden both M:S and Mission to Mars, so I feel I am qualified to make that statement. :lol:
:lol: nice.

Seriously though, I'm interested in trying this thing out myself... I might have to stop by and give it a try sometime this weekend after I get off of work. While I'm a huge fan of the origional, and will surely still favor that one, I'm interested in checking this out after reading NoNacho's comments about it.


Le Meh
Premium Member
The more I think about it, I think its an excellent move on Disneys part.

I think Disney should implement this in all attractions that move. You know, have a time where you just sit in Dumbo for three minutes and dont move.


New Member
hakunamatata said:
The more I think about it, I think its an excellent move on Disneys part.

I think Disney should implement this in all attractions that move. You know, have a time where you just sit in Dumbo for three minutes and dont move.
I liked your comment better before the edit lol...


Well-Known Member
EdandAmy said:
I can't imagine the non moving version will be any fun. Its not that great of a video/story to stand alone.

Just got back. I rode both today--I prefer the "orange" side, but the "green" still gives you a good ride--more intense than I thought it would be. For those who think that this will ruin the ride are very mistaken.


imagineersrock said:
Besides the CM's no one should be complaining--this is a win-win situation for the guests. Not only do the current M:S lovers still have the same attraction they have always known and loved, but a new option takes advantage of a usually empty 4th centrifuge and turns it into a ride for a brand-new demographic of people who find the origional version too intense.
But where's the line? A dropless Tower of Terror elevator? A spinless teacup? A motionless Rock 'n' Roller Coaster? Where does Disney draw the line? I find this udderly rediculous and a result of the media blowing things way out of proportion.

I will not call this a bad attraction simply because I haven't experienced it (and I have no plans ever to do so). But I will also never call it Mission: Space, because that it is not.

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