Least Favorite 3D Film

ScrapIron said:
Captain Eo is the only Disney 3D film I didn't like.

Captain EO Rocks!!! but fo right now HISTA needs to go, and a figment movie would be nice, but you could only play it at epcot, where HISTA is played everwhere.


Well-Known Member
Mickey's PhillharMagic is obviously the best.

Honey I Shrunk the Audience is obviously the worst.

For the other two, I think it is personal opinion (which I don't have in this case).

It's Tough to be a Bug: Since the first time it terrified me, I haven't taking much of a liking to it. But as far as shows go, it's very well done. The 3D effects, Flik and Hopper, the creepy finale. If I could sit through it without leaning forward during the hornet part, it would be my 2nd place show.

Muppet Vision 3D: It's funny, but as stated, there aren't many 3D effects. And the ones that exist are completely pointless (banana cream pie). I've seen it three times, and the third time bored me out of my mind. If I could actually sit through it without falling asleep, it would be my 2nd place show.

I'm loving the Figment show idea for Epcot.


Well-Known Member
You see, this is another case of different strokes for different folks... I don't think any of them are "obviously" the best or "obviously" the worst...

I think Muppets is absolutely the funniest and most entertaining, and I'll go over to the park on a rainy day just to see Muppets 3D
Philharmagic is terrific, though bland and similar in style ot Muppets 3D (which came first). THe artwork is great.
Bug is entertaining, but that claustrophobic entrance lobby under the tree of life is annoying as all get out
Honey is completely dated at this point - I used to kid Rick Moranis when I lived across the street from him in NYC that at least he is "ageless at Epcot" -but the film itself is completely entertaining, and it works both at Epcot and at DRP in three languages.


New Member
ScrapIron said:
Captain Eo is the only Disney 3D film I didn't like.


When I took my DD to EO (she was around 5 or 6) after it was over, she said, "That Captain EO sure was a nice lady, huh Mom?"

Jekyll Baker

New Member
Another vote here for HISTA as the least favorite. The only unique effect it seems to have is its bouncing floor.

The other three are much better, though nearly identical effect-wise. And I agree with RonAnnArbor, that Bug's waiting room is maddening.

At least all four are better than Universal's Shrek 4D, with its bouncing seats that are almost as rough as Dinosaur and squeak so loud you can't hear the film.


New Member
Jekyll Baker said:
At least all four are better than Universal's Shrek 4D, with its bouncing seats that are almost as rough as Dinosaur and squeak so loud you can't hear the film.

Those seats REALLY caught me off guard. I was not expecting it at all.

They got very annoying after a while. I'm glad Disney did not use them anywhere.


Active Member
Muppets is the funniest.
Muppets has the best preshow.

I don't see how some of you can say that Muppets 3-D is dated.
Is it dated because it doesn't have the latest technology? If you pile on
the latest gimmicks and forget about the storyline then you end up with attractions like Shrek 4-D and Honey I Shrunk the Audience.

Even though most people on this board rank philharmagic as the best 3-D show on property, it's still a replaceable film. Muppetvision on the other hand is timeless.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
dr_teeth90210 said:
Muppets is the funniest.
Muppets has the best preshow.

I don't see how some of you can say that Muppets 3-D is dated.
Is it dated because it doesn't have the latest technology? If you pile on
the latest gimmicks and forget about the storyline then you end up with attractions like Shrek 4-D and Honey I Shrunk the Audience.

Even though most people on this board rank philharmagic as the best 3-D show on property, it's still a replaceable film. Muppetvision on the other hand is timeless.

i see where you are coming from.
i feel that philhar is perfect for the MK - it would be hard to say if it were my favorite, OVER muppets, because i LOVE the muppets. maybe that's why i want so much change to the muppets movie. It hasn't changed since it opened (i believe shortly after the park opened).
Def. keep the muppets, keep the same gags, and keep most of the script. but i still say it needs some updates, and better 3D effects.
"not moving to the end of your row in un-patriotic" - gets me EVERYTIME!


New Member
HISTA is really outdated. Yeah it still has cool effects such as the mice and the bouncing floor but the main problem with this show is that the Honey movies are so old, very few people recognize them. It's Tough To Be a Bug is definitely my favorite show. The in-house effects are top notch and the show is hilarious. Plus, its definitely the most immersive out of the 4 3D shows on property simply due to its location inside the Tree of Life.


New Member
Honey, I Shrunk the Audience was worth seeing only for its "True Colors" preshow. Now that it's gone, the attraction is dead to me.


Active Member
mkepcotmgmak said:
i see where you are coming from.
i feel that philhar is perfect for the MK - it would be hard to say if it were my favorite, OVER muppets, because i LOVE the muppets. maybe that's why i want so much change to the muppets movie. It hasn't changed since it opened (i believe shortly after the park opened).
Def. keep the muppets, keep the same gags, and keep most of the script. but i still say it needs some updates, and better 3D effects.
"not moving to the end of your row in un-patriotic" - gets me EVERYTIME!

I dig your enthusiasm for the Muppets, but I'll have to respectfully disagree for several reasons...

1) It was the last thing Jim Henson worked on before he passed away.
Changing the film would be sheer sacrilege and cause rioting on Sesame
B) Unfortunately, since Jim's passing, the Muppet films have not been at
par with previous films.(ex. the muppet movie>muppets in space)
3) With the exception of Toy Story 2, Empire Strikes Back and Godfather 2,
sequels always suck.

Why don't Imagineering save money on the muppetvision remake and put it
towards the "Great Muppet Movie Ride".See pics at the link below for the greatest Muppet ride that never Muppet was...



Well-Known Member
just so you know...to post a poll...go to thread tools and there should be a listing for "Post a Poll." If it doesn't appear, I don't know what to tell you. (although, you have to be the one who made the thread to post a poll)

oh...and my ranking order is:
Best to worst:
Bugs Life
HISTA-but only because the movie is SO dated.


New Member
1. Muppetvision 4-D
2. It's Tough to be a Bug
3. Captain EO (I'd rate it higher, but the audio-animatronics in the first two put them way over the top)
4. Magic Journeys (I still like that song, though the movie itself wasn't overly exciting)
5. Mickey's Philharmagic (not that impressed with the videos I've seen so far. Maybe my opinion will change when I see it in 3-D. There's no way it could climb above Captain EO, though)
6. Honey, I Shrunk the Audience (there's nothing really wrong with it. It just doesn't have anything to it to encourage repeat viewings...no catchy songs, no audio animatronics, just chair effects done better in It's Tough to be a Bug).


New Member
I Hate to admit it but when that thing came out of the seat in "It's tough to be a bug", I said "________" out loud (the other word, but did not yell it.):lookaroun :cry:


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say HISTA is bad, just not as entertaining to my family as the others. If one was going to be updated or taken out, HISTA is it.

Muppets? Take out the film and put in a well done dark ride AA attraction. That could open up some interesting possibilities.

Captain EO? One of the best comedies that Disney has ever put on the screen!

A Figment 3-D? I know that would be great for Figment Fans, but would it would it be a popular enough attraction to justify the cost? Every time we've been on FIJI, it's been a no-wait line.

While on the topic of JIYI, I have a question for you Figment Fans. On the ride, towards the end, there is a room that has nothing going on...no graphics, no AA, just music. Is this normal? Or has something been in disrepair for several years?


New Member
Please no more figment!
In order best to worst
HISTA - although they need to clean it up
The Muppets, although this is the funniest the affects are not even close to the other three.

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