Well-Known Member
What happend to your "o" key?
The fact that I can get steak for 2 at Peter Luger's (That's a menu item, if you have ever been to Peter Luger's you know you don't order a rib eye, or a filet, you order "steak for 2", "Steak for 3" etc. - it's a porterhouse). Anyway, Steak for 2 is on the order of $85. That is less per person than a rib eye at Le Cellier. there is no way you can compare Peter Luger (food, atmosphere, service, and the availability of slab bacon as an appitizer) to Le Cellier - but there it is. Le Cellier is in that price point.
-dave thinks a trip to Williamsburg is in order soon. Peter Luger's is the pinnacle of steak....(salivating)