Well-Known Member
I'm fairly certain the prices OOP have not gone up very much with the change to 2 credits on DDP.
The newest pre-Signature Le Cellier menu I could find was January 2009, the Filet was $35 at dinner and $26 at lunch. It's now currently $43 at dinner and $28 at lunch. (That's an 8% raise in the lunch price, a 23% raise in the dinner price in 3 years)
At the Yachtsman, their 8oz filet was $39 in Nov 2008, and $41 now (A 5% raise)
Even ignoring the jacked-up price change, do I think the Le Cellier dinner filet is worth more than Yachtsmans? Nope.
Though I do agree with a previous poster that my burger at Le Cellier last June was the single best burger I have ever had. And I look forward to having it again in November (and most likely paying OOP for it)