Well-Known Member
Hey, I make 2 reservations all the time, sometimes at 2 different restaurants, its my vacation and I paid for it, and when Disney says I cannot do this, the I won't, until then, its fair game.
Yup, just like you admitting to it makes you fair game for criticism. Isn't it nice how that works?
It's because of people like yourself that eventually Disney will require a credit card security on ALL reservations. Then we ALL have to pay because instead of planning you hedge your bets.
Thankfully, if Disney does catch wind of your double ressies they have been known to cancel them both.

It's this "as long as I get what I want screw everyone else" attitude that so many of us find the worst part of a Disney vacation - dealing with people like yourself.
Lots of other people, in fact, just about every other family, pays for their Disney vacations as well. And you are actively trying to prevent them from enjoying them because of your selfishness - stand proud. :hurl: