New Member
why on earth is this thread still going on if its against the rules?? :brick: none of you seem to be listening to each other and this kind of convo is as pointless as making someone see eye to eye on politics as you!!! just be the bigger person and stop debating this...please!!
anyways, is florida's weather good?!?we just got over some bad flooding here in kansas and im ready for some beautiful sunshine!!!!
also, i know this is a silly question but since we're on living arrangements, i'm turning 21 when im there!! is there no alcohol allowed at all in wellness apartments even if im of age? can i store it there but just not drink it while im there, or would my car be the best place? i dont wanna get terminated when im finally legal to do everything an american citizen can do!!! :shrug:
Florida weather is very nice except in the summer, where the heat and humidity can get to you. I really liked winter and spring there.
In answering your next question, the answer is yes. Wellness apts were created to house CPs under 21. If you want alcohol around, then make sure you request a non-wellness apt at check-in. To prevent termination, make sure that you are in a non-wellness apartment, and leave the party/report to someone IMMEDIATELY when you see underage drinking so that you are not assumed guilty as well. Security doesn't leave any survivors - if they ask for your ID when they check the apt, and there's people under 21 drinking, they will report you and you'll get termed.
It's not fair, but it's the rules.