Large People and Baby Harnesses


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Original Poster
Hi there, 17 days and counting until AKL and 10 days on property WHOOP.

I have been reading recently with some amusment and also some disappointment the pet peeve sections.

The two things that I am would like to reply to would be large people and kids with harnesses.

Well, my mom is one of those people who are large and have gotten an electric scooter while we have been visiting WDW. While I understand the thinking that "You are the type of person that needs the exercise, so why don't you just walk!", that is pretty insensitive. My mom literally cannot walk around because she is so large, but she loves Disneyworld. She is in the process of losing the weight, but it does take a great amount of time and an enormous effort. For the record, we NEVER go to the head of the line. My mother waits in ALL the lines, even though it is a tremendous toll on her. She doesn't mind that because she is exercising honestly just standing up. She is very careful not to sideswipe anyone, nor hit their ankles. Big people struggle, and I pray for my mother as it really is a huge thing in her life.

The second thing is parents who put thier children in harnesses. I am going to tell you that my 19 month old is going to have a five point harness with a cord attached. I have got to say this, my daughter is my treasure, I love her, and without her my life would be empty. So she is going to wear one, not all the time, but just when she is running away from us, which she sometimes does. We don't hit, we don't yell, we chase, but in a crowd the size of a Disney crowd, I am unwilling to take the chance that she get snatched up while she is running away from us thinking she is playing a game.

I am prepared for the "you're so cruel" comments and also the "why then are you bringing a child so young?" comments. The answer to both of those is this, I love her more than anything except God. I do not want to lose her and REALLY subject her to someone cruel, who is looking to hurt her and molest her. There are so people in the world that are sick and need help, but I am not willing to give my daughter to them so that they can be found out and helped.

The second answer is that we were given this trip, otherwise there is NO way we could ever afford to on our own. My parents bought us this trip as a gift, and I am not going to refuse it, and I dont think any of you would either. I go to Disney knowing that I am not going to enjoy some things, because I need to be attentive to my daughters needs. I do try to take her out of areas when she is fussing to be polite to others, and I do apologize to ALL the people she accidently runs into.

I have got to say, that when you have so many people in one place, you are bound to meet people who do things differently thatn you do. While some of these people are pretty ignorant, there are others who honestly try to be good people, so please don't lump us all into a group when you see me with a child, or you see my large mother on a scooter.

17 days until vacation and the happiest place on Earth!


Well-Known Member
Hope you enjoy your trip!

I wouldn't worry about your Mom using the electric scooter. My Dad recently went with us and can walk, but got sick while at the park and we had him in a wheelchair the rest of the time. No comments were made and we also did not take advantage of his situation. Just be prepared to endure biting comments from ignorant guests while you are there.

As to the harness, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how the crowds are. I for one wouldn't use a harness and I don't know that you'll really need one unless you are leaving from a show (Fantasmic, Fantasy in the Sky, etc.). Have you considered carrying her of holding her hand when the crowds are heavy or when she is not in a stroller?


New Member
There are those that definitely need those motorized wheelchairs. Unfortunately, I should use them but I don't. I suffer from a sickness that if I stand more than an hour I pass out. But there are others more unfortunate than me, so that's why I don't use. I stop and rest as much as possible. My mother suffers from emphesyma(?) but she too won't use them because there are others that do. They only have a limited amount of the motorized wheelchairs. What ticks me off is seeing kids (teenagers) getting them and using them to run people over.

Sorry for the drift in the thread.

Don't worry about the looks, not everyone thinks like that. Have a great time. We're going Thanksgiving week.:sohappy:


New Member
Originally posted by sandjhooker
As to the harness, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how the crowds are. I for one wouldn't use a harness and I don't know that you'll really need one unless you are leaving from a show (Fantasmic, Fantasy in the Sky, etc.). Have you considered carrying her of holding her hand when the crowds are heavy or when she is not in a stroller?

I agree. It reminds me of people walking a dog. When the crowds are incredibly heavy, I would just carry her.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
You will have a great time because you have decided that you will.

IMHO, 19 months is an incredibly difficult age (I just dropped off my teenager at homecoming this evening, and I think teenagers are a breeze compared to 1 year olds.) Some kids are "runners" and you are right to be hyper-concerned.

You will probably rent/bring a stroller, but she will not stay in it all day. At that age, mine would just bolt out of the stroller, despite the seatbelt being so tight it nearly cut them in two.

Use the harness if she refuses to stay with you (I assume that 's what you intended to do--use it as a last resort). You're the daddy, and you get to make these decisions. Quite honestly, I used to think they were degrading, then I had kids. Most of your critics have no clue, or have forgotten what toddlers are like.

There are good places at the parks for her to run off steam. (I read once that for little kids, standing still, like in line, is more tiring than running around like a maniac) Toontown is great for this. Epcot has the "sparkly sidewalk" and the jumping fountains, that mesmerize kids for a good 20 minutes.

You will be a considerate guest because you are aware of other people and realize that it's not all about you.

Give your generous mother a big hug and take good care of her.

Most importantly--have fun and send a trip report!


New Member
I am responding to the part of the message about wheelchairs and scooters. We went with my parents and sister on our last trip and my dad had to be in a wheel chair. He was only 49 and looked younger than even that. People made comments and stared, because I'm sure he appeared to be healthy. He is a cancer survivor and had radiation damage which made him unable to walk or stand for any length of time. Sometimes we used the wheelchair entrances and sometimes he and my mom would and the rest of us would stand in line. It's hard if you all want to ride together. You just have to ignore people's comments, they just don't have the full picture sometimes. That was my dad's last trip to Disney, he passed away from radiation damage from his treatments last October. I'm glad we went and I'm glad he used a wheelchair to better enjoy the park!:)


Well-Known Member
I would like to speak to the harness for your child. Good for you!!! You are a concerned parent in a world where you have every reason to be so. If a child will not stay at your side and wanders off, by all means make sure you have a link to her. I cant imagine lugging around a child all day. If the child can walk but may get even momentarily distracted and not notice Mom and Dad have walked more than a step or two away in a large crownd, use the harness. It will give you peace of mind and make your child feel safe. Ignore the people who have nothing nice to say. Chances are they are just happy being miserable!! Belle


New Member
Have a great trip. There is no need to apologize for your mother or your daughter being in a harness. It would be a very boring world if we all agreed about everything. I personally don't like the harness, however, you know your child and I like you would perish if anything would happen to my grandchildren in such a large area. Go to Disney, enjoy and savour every minute, it truly is a place of joy. Tell your mom to take her time and rest during the best parades and shows on earth.:wave: :wave:


New Member
Originally posted by Lilo
There are those that definitely need those motorized wheelchairs. Unfortunately, I should use them but I don't. I suffer from a sickness that if I stand more than an hour I pass out. But there are others more unfortunate than me, so that's why I don't use. I stop and rest as much as possible. My mother suffers from emphesyma(?) but she too won't use them because there are others that do. They only have a limited amount of the motorized wheelchairs. What ticks me off is seeing kids (teenagers) getting them and using them to run people over.

Sorry for the drift in the thread.

Don't worry about the looks, not everyone thinks like that. Have a great time. We're going Thanksgiving week.:sohappy:

Actually, they don't allow people under 18 to use the EMV's. Only wheelchairs. I remember the last time I was at "The World", I had this HORRIBLE pain in my foot, bad enough that i kinda had to hop around, once we hit the hotel at night. It only showed up at the hotel though....except it carried through one day and I really couldn't walk around. We went to EPCOT, and actually almost got an EMV for me, but then when we told the CM that I was to use it (I think i was like 13 or so at the time....EMV's looked much more cooler than the wheelchairs), they told us thet Security would have it taken away.

My grandma also has that problem with not being able to walk far, or stand for very long. She's not large or anything, just unable to. My grandpa would be able to run the entire property in a few hours though. Really weird.



New Member
Originally posted by RevRay

The second thing is parents who put thier children in harnesses. I am going to tell you that my 19 month old is going to have a five point harness with a cord attached. I have got to say this, my daughter is my treasure, I love her, and without her my life would be empty. So she is going to wear one, not all the time, but just when she is running away from us, which she sometimes does. We don't hit, we don't yell, we chase, but in a crowd the size of a Disney crowd, I am unwilling to take the chance that she get snatched up while she is running away from us thinking she is playing a game.

I am prepared for the "you're so cruel" comments and also the "why then are you bringing a child so young?" comments. The answer to both of those is this, I love her more than anything except God. I do not want to lose her and REALLY subject her to someone cruel, who is looking to hurt her and molest her. There are so people in the world that are sick and need help, but I am not willing to give my daughter to them so that they can be found out and helped.

I applaud your decision on the harness! I had never thought it is cruel. Yes, they look like a puppy, but they look cute anyways! Plus, better safe than sorry all the times! I would do it if I were going to take my kid into a crowded place like WDW. Even without thinking about people hurting my child, the sole idea of loosing him in a crowd would kill me. I wouldn´t take that risk.

Have a great trip and don´t care for what others might say! :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Wheelchairs (electric or otherwise) are there to aid mobility - if your mom move freely without one then get her one and enjoy.
We're taking the M-I-L next year - she walks with the aid of a stick. We know that she'll not be able to cover the ground that we cover in a day and so we'll be hiring a chair to aid her mobility, without it she'll be unable to see the attractions and parks properly.

Babys in harnesses - these were designed to assist them walking and preventing them from falling over. In a crowd like you encounter at WDW I would suggest they are ideal to stop baby wandering off, becoming lost , or, getting trampled underfoot.

If you feel comfortable with it - use it.

The Mom

Premium Member
I must confess that I used "The Leash" for my oldest at WDW. ;) She was just so fast, and unless she was tired, wouldn't stay in her stroller.

I didn't need to with my son...his big sister helped me run after him. ;)

I always assume that people need the scooters, even if there isn't anything "obvious."

I also would like to give ALL rental wheelchair users the benefit of the doubt, but when I hear kids begging, "Mommy, can we puleeze rent a wheelchair?" as they're running into the park, I have to wonder about some of them. ;) However, I'm still convinced that the vast majority of people do really need them. I'm so happy that I don't even need a stroller was always a hassle to park, and store, etc. It's better than toting a child around, but not exactly fun. The same could be said about the wheelchairs. They're a Godsend for someone who needs them, but rather inconvenient (IMO) if you don't.


New Member
My Mom put my sister in one of those harnesses when we went to disney back in the early 80's. It was when they first came out and people gave her the dirtiest looks and made some mean comments. We would go to disney every year and we would gradually see more and more of the harnesses.

My sister loved being in the harness. She always thought it was fun. I liked it cause my mom would sometimes let me hold on to the leash.

To those that say it's degrading and might damage the kid some how, whatever!:p My little sister is in the honors program and on the deans list in college.

Also, I think it's much better than letting your kid run aound like crazy. Keeps them out of trouble or getting lost.

As to the wheelchair, my Dad is handicapped and can't walk far without resting. So he gets an electric cart. People look at him funny and say things, but he doesn't care and we don't let it ruin our trips.:lol:

Have a great trip!! We got back 2 weeks ago!!:lol:


New Member
Original Poster
15 days and counting WHOOP

Thanks so much for the kind feedback! I was half expecting to come on here and find many flames! I enjoy the community on this board very much, good job to those who have strived to create a friendly culture in which people can share safely! It is very important to be able to do so.

Last year when we went we brought my daughters coach cruiser stroller, this thing is a BEAST, and I regret bringing it since I know that I caused discomfort to other people. This year we picked up an ultralight stroller that folds down to the size of a pizza box from Little Ceasars, (are those still around?), so my apologies if I hit any of you with the old one, I learned a lot on my first trip with a family. This new stroller will be a piece of cake I hope.

We also picked up the harness today, and the kid LOVES being in it, is a little scary actually, but we are going to use it as a last resort sort of thing.

Thanks for all your feedback!


New Member
Good for you. I've seen lots of parents at WDW that leave their kids run without even holding a hand.I know it's Disney, but things happen. Our kids have been going since they were about 2. And yes, we had the harness!!! We didn't use it much, but the stroller was a lifesaver.

As for the ECV, my wife has had to use one occasionally, mostly near the end of a trip. Even though she looks fine, she had surgery on a bone spur on her heel which had grown into her achillies tendon. The tendon had to be reattatched with screws and has not been right since. And pushing someone in the MK in a wheelchair is brutal. I think Main Street is the only level ground. People shouldn't be so quick to judge.

You also mentioned "not enjoying some things" because of bringing your daughter. Don't forget, there will be a lot more you will enjoy because she's there.

Also, ask a castmember about the child swap at rides you don't want to take her on. They will let one of you go on the ride while the other waits with your daughter. Then you can "swap" the child and the other can ride without waiting in the line again.

I'm going in 16 days. AKL concierge!!!:sohappy: Have fun and make sure to get her picture with lots of characters. The memories are priceless.(and they can also be used for blackmail before her first date:drevil: )



Well-Known Member
My mother has been restricted to a wheel chair for the past 25 years. She owns her own wheelchair and we take turns pushing her, that way no one person will become too tired.

Take advantage of courtesies offered to those with limited mobility. I'm not saying to cut in every line, however use the handicap spots along the parade routes.

As long as she and you are courteous of the crowd around you, you'll be fine.

Have a good time.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by RevRay
15 days and counting WHOOP

Last year when we went we brought my daughters coach cruiser stroller, this thing is a BEAST, and I regret bringing it since I know that I caused discomfort to other people. This year we picked up an ultralight stroller that folds down to the size of a pizza box from Little Ceasars, (are those still around?), so my apologies if I hit any of you with the old one, I learned a lot on my first trip with a family. This new stroller will be a piece of cake I hope.

Thanks for all your feedback!

We had the best stroller last year when our daughter was 9 months old it is by instep and it turned into a back pack. I loved it and it was a life saver for our trip. Our daugher is now 18 months old (I am guessing our daughers are very close in age :) ) She can still use it now (18 months old and 19 pounds.) We are hopeing the backpack stroller will still work for our next trip March 1 2003, but are looking into new travel strollers just in case. So far we have checked the Combi travel stroller. What is the name of your new one, and how do you like it?

I hadn't thought about standing in long lines with a under 2 year old. She can't even stand in line at the grocey store check out. Should be fun. (we maybe skipping any long lines and using fast pass a lot. :) )

As for the harness. Some kids are runners, some aren't. If yours is a runner, better safe then sorry in places where she could get away fast. Ours likes to run, but will not run away from us, and stops to be sure we are right behind her (Thank God for that.)

Have a great trip.

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