Large crane now in Fantasyland for expansion


Well-Known Member
Everyone needs to keep in mind that the LM at DCA is scheduled to open in about 6 months. The WDW version may be ahead of where DCA was 6 months ago. So, I just did the math.

A year from now is not out of the question especially if they are motivated to open by the 40th. And that may be depending on just how much TWWOHP is actually impacting the MK.

And then there is Legoland, which opens Fall of 2011. Just sayin'.


Well-Known Member
Everyone needs to keep in mind that the LM at DCA is scheduled to open in about 6 months. The WDW version may be ahead of where DCA was 6 months ago. So, I just did the math.

A year from now is not out of the question especially if they are motivated to open by the 40th. And that may be depending on just how much TWWOHP is actually impacting the MK.

The DCA version is so different though. It was basically just plopping down a structure sunken 15 feet into the dry Anaheim soil.

The MK version has far more going on with the construction challenges of working in Orlando's soil and water table issues. But I think the real difference is that Little Mermaid at MK isn't just a new ride, it's part of an overall newly designed expansion. Would they want to open the new ride without having all of the other parts of FLE ready to go?

A year from now will the BatB complex, Gaston's, and whatever is replacing the Chateau based meet n' greets also be completed and ready to debut to 50,000 people per day?


Well-Known Member
Everyone needs to keep in mind that the LM at DCA is scheduled to open in about 6 months. The WDW version may be ahead of where DCA was 6 months ago. So, I just did the math.

A year from now is not out of the question especially if they are motivated to open by the 40th. And that may be depending on just how much TWWOHP is actually impacting the MK.

And then there is Legoland, which opens Fall of 2011. Just sayin'.

I do believe that LM could very well be completed a year from now, or even slightly before. However, IMHO, they won't open any part of FLE unless it is all complete. I can't imagine them opening this in waves. I think it'll be open in one big chunk with a ribbon-cutting type press event.

PS- JT, check your Imagineer thread. I posted a link to something you might enjoy. You might already know about it, but just another idea to add. :)


Well-Known Member
I do believe that LM could very well be completed a year from now, or even slightly before. However, IMHO, they won't open any part of FLE unless it is all complete. I can't imagine them opening this in waves. I think it'll be open in one big chunk with a ribbon-cutting type press event.

PS- JT, check your Imagineer thread. I posted a link to something you might enjoy. You might already know about it, but just another idea to add. :)

I agree. Disney will be making a bang with this and it will all open at once.


Well-Known Member
But isn't the second phase the area now occupied by MTtF? The area that was originally going to be Dumbland and Pixie Hollow.

That is true but LM and BatB are so far ahead of the mystery project I think the mystery project might be phase two also. It would just be a matter of building a DCA-ish construction wall with a passage to the backstage areas. I'm still thinking LM will open sooner than the rumored mine train.

But that is just judging by how things appear right now.


Beta Return
That is true but LM and BatB are so far ahead of the mystery project I think the mystery project might be phase two also. It would just be a matter of building a DCA-ish construction wall with a passage to the backstage areas. I'm still thinking LM will open sooner than the rumored mine train.

But that is just judging by how things appear right now.

Now this is something I can definitely agree with! :animwink:

Whatever goes in the former MnG area can't possibly open before LM or BatB. It's likely that it will be considered Phase 2...or perhaps just a really delayed Phase 1. This unfortunately means that even when Phase 1 opens, we'll have a big blob of construction right in the middle of everything, instead of just the TT area.


Well-Known Member
I think phase one will continue as planned with the mystery project opening with it. Keep in mind there were two meet in greets planed to open with phase one. Instead of getting two, we are getting one ride. I don't foresee it slowing things down, but we will see. It would make no sense otherwise. Why would they get everything ready except for the middle? This makes zero sense. Because the lavish Pixie Hollow was cut, they will not need as much time to complete Circusland. Which is why I say it will likely open together because the lack of attractions being added. Just my two cents and I could be wrong. I am looking at it from a logical point.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
very welcome! tarps down walls still up at small world

also from twitter two hours ago
"Vertical/steel construction has begun of the Beauty and the Beast restaurant in Fantasyland."

mad tea party walled off

Very nice. I'll be interested to see how people like the changing of the queues for IASW.

Always interesting to see the shells of those buildings being put up and turned into the final decorative products.....:)


Well-Known Member
Without seeing it in person, it's hard to tell for sure but isn't some of that vertical construction too close to the wall to be LM? After looking at satellite pics (out of date, from when construction began), it looks like one of the pics on wdwinfo may actually be the chateau. It's angle and approximity to the construction wall seem to fit the original plans.(?)

I can't tell if it's just an optical illusion because of the angle of the photos though. Can someone who's seen it in person shed some light?

It's my opinion phase 1 will remain completely intact and will open late next year. Phase 2 (the part of the plan from Dumbo to Pixie Hollow) is where the changes are occurring and won't open until 2012. I've stated since day one that Pixie Hollow was never seriously on the table and would never happen. The Dumbo area will remain intact and will expand slightly to the north with the circus theme. If it's truly what they're planning, the Snow White area (mine train) will be where Pixie Hollow was.

Pixie Hollow is going across from Pan, in the old skyway area. It's too perfect of a fit.

For those of you thinking this won't open in phases, DCA should tell you that this regime doesn't mind opening things in phases if it's what they need to do. Think of it this way, you'll go in 2011 to see LM and BatB and then they'll get you back again to see phase 2 in 2012. It actually makes more sense, for repeat business, to open it in stages. They'll get publicity twice rather than just one time also. Imagine if Potter were opening in two phases (which I know phase 2 is on the drawing boards).


Well-Known Member
Without seeing it in person, it's hard to tell for sure but isn't some of that vertical construction too close to the wall to be LM? After looking at satellite pics (out of date, from when construction began), it looks like one of the pics on wdwinfo may actually be the chateau. It's angle and approximity to the construction wall seem to fit the original plans.(?)

I can't tell if it's just an optical illusion because of the angle of the photos though. Can someone who's seen it in person shed some light?

It's my opinion phase 1 will remain completely intact and will open late next year. Phase 2 (the part of the plan from Dumbo to Pixie Hollow) is where the changes are occurring and won't open until 2012. I've stated since day one that Pixie Hollow was never seriously on the table and would never happen. The Dumbo area will remain intact and will expand slightly to the north with the circus theme. If it's truly what they're planning, the Snow White area (mine train) will be where Pixie Hollow was.

Pixie Hollow is going across from Pan, in the old skyway area. It's too perfect of a fit.

For those of you thinking this won't open in phases, DCA should tell you that this regime doesn't mind opening things in phases if it's what they need to do. Think of it this way, you'll go in 2011 to see LM and BatB and then they'll get you back again to see phase 2 in 2012. It actually makes more sense, for repeat business, to open it in stages. They'll get publicity twice rather than just one time also. Imagine if Potter were opening in two phases (which I know phase 2 is on the drawing boards).

This is exactly what I have been thinking but was too afraid to say. :lol:

The only thing I was not sure about was PH but the IASW reconfig may allow for the space. Great post.


Premium Member
Without seeing it in person, it's hard to tell for sure but isn't some of that vertical construction too close to the wall to be LM? After looking at satellite pics (out of date, from when construction began), it looks like one of the pics on wdwinfo may actually be the chateau. It's angle and approximity to the construction wall seem to fit the original plans.(?)

It really does look like the vertical contruction is really close to the wall, but I am thinking it has to be an optical illusion. You can clearly see in the pictures from Orlando News (look at the 3rd and 4th picture) the same structure an it's obvisouly further back in the expansion then it appears over the wall.



Beta Return
The steel is all for LM. The in-ground concrete walls are all for BatB.

Any work taking place near the "walls" is merely utility and other underground infrastructure.


Active Member
Yes. That.

Phases...very likely.
Cindy and Aurora...not happening. Why are they still being discussed?
PH...deader than disco.


If they do Snow White (hope it's still very much alive...) that will be right in the middle of everything =/ CHAOS!

Has Dumbo construction started?

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