I do *NOT* agree.
Some information on the Land's balloons in tribute from a Land Cast Member:
First of all, the Sunshine Season umbrella designs represent the suns from around the world. (And we all know that the background music plays sun/moon songs - "You are my Sunshine" etc).
Above the umbrellas, there are five balloons; the four smaller balloons represent the four seasons and the center depicts "Mother Earth" with a male and female sun (because different cultures see the sun as either male or female). Meanwhile, the four other balloons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) are colored by their season (yellow, green, orange, and blue).
The designs on these smaller balloons also represent different areas of the world. The Americas are represented in the winter balloon with Indian and Eskimo suns; the spring balloon depcits the suns from Africa and the Middle East; the summer balloon shows the European suns; the autumn balloon features the Chinese and India suns from Asia.
The center balloons feeds down a raincloud and lighting bolt that represent climate/nurturing of the earth; the fountain is designed to "receive" the rain, which translates into the constant flowing of water on the Land.
Anything that replaces this area should have just as much symbolism - or at least a heartfelt attempt.