Ladie's Rooms


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by miles1
I am about to get myself in serious trouble here, but it's 1 AM, I cannot sleep, and I have just read a 3 page thread about bodily functions in Walt Disney World. So, here it goes....

Typical trip to mens room:

Enter room. Unzip. Do your thing. Make sure all parts safely stowed away, zip up. Wash Hands. Exit Room.

Typical trip to ladies room:

Enter room. Find empty stall and enter. Inspect commode to make sure it is clean enough to sit on. Put on one of those liner things if not. Pull down shorts, panty hose, underpants, misc. other contraptions. Do your thing. Pull up shorts, panty hose, underpants, contraptions. Leave stall.

Wash hands. Check mirror. Comb/Brush hair. Fix eyeliner, blush, lipstick. Ask complete stranger at next sink if shorts make your butt look big. Ask stranger if she saw the girl with the 40 DDD bust in the red lycra halter top (WHAT was SHE thinking?). Complain about husband (All men are pigs). Check makeup one more time and adjust.

Exit Ladies Room.

So, Why are the lines always longer for the ladies room?
1. OK, you got the men's thing down correctly, though we do have bathroom etiquette--like leaving an empty urinal in between the other guy. Question: if there are three stalls/urinals open, which one do you not go to? THE MIDDLE ONE!

2. Liner things? Just wipe off the seat or find another stall.

3. Panty hose at WDW? You're cruising for trouble.

4. What are contraptions? :lol:

5. Pass on big butt comment. If you gotta ask, it's big.

6. what's wrong with a red lycra halter top?

7. Yes, we are pigs.


P.S. This post is also in jest.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by SpongeScott
1. OK, you got the men's thing down correctly, though we do have bathroom etiquette--like leaving an empty urinal in between the other guy. Question: if there are three stalls/urinals open, which one do you not go to? THE MIDDLE ONE!

2. Liner things? Just wipe off the seat or find another stall.

3. Panty hose at WDW? You're cruising for trouble.

4. What are contraptions? :lol:

5. Pass on big butt comment. If you gotta ask, it's big.

6. what's wrong with a red lycra halter top?

7. Yes, we are pigs.


P.S. This post is also in jest.

6. Nothing. Some people don't think umm...overly endowded women should flaunt their assets. I say if you got it, flaunt it. :lol:


Originally posted by JaynMACP96_97_9
Yeah, very true. I was talking about this with my girlfriend a few months ago. All the women in my life always say this, so i was saying to my girlfriend that if very few sit down, wouldn't they be pretty darn clean? :D

NO, due to bad aim :zipit:


Active Member
What are "contraptions"?

You know, those stringy things they have in the back room at Victoria's Secret that leave guys scratching their head. Then you're too afraid to ask because the sales ladies are looking at you like a "pig" has invaded THEIR space.

Oh well, maybe I am thinking of PEP BOYS.

Cut me some slack, I had no sleep last night.


Re: What are "contraptions"?

Originally posted by miles1
You know, those stringy things they have in the back room at Victoria's Secret that leave guys scratching their head. Then you're too afraid to ask because the sales ladies are looking at you like a "pig" has invaded THEIR space.

Oh well, maybe I am thinking of PEP BOYS.

Cut me some slack, I had no sleep last night.

You are too much :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by Erika
NO, due to bad aim :zipit:

Ah, ok Erika, good point. I didn't bother to think that far ahead. :D

So i guess you could blame the very first women of the day in any particular bathroom?

Another thing, since we're on this subject is that extra room that tends to be in women's rooms solely for sitting down or standing and doing makeup. Unfair! I think men's rooms should be designed with big leather recliners and TV's with a continuous sports center loop.


New Member
Originally posted by JaynMACP96_97_9
Another thing, since we're on this subject is that extra room that tends to be in women's rooms solely for sitting down or standing and doing makeup. Unfair! I think men's rooms should be designed with big leather recliners and TV's with a continuous sports center loop.

What for? So you could go in groups and socialize? :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JaynMACP96_97_9
Ah, ok Erika, good point. I didn't bother to think that far ahead. :D

So i guess you could blame the very first women of the day in any particular bathroom?

Another thing, since we're on this subject is that extra room that tends to be in women's rooms solely for sitting down or standing and doing makeup. Unfair! I think men's rooms should be designed with big leather recliners and TV's with a continuous sports center loop.

NO, that's for nursing the babies. And we would be happy to set up a room for you if you could take over the job! :lol:


New Member
Ummmm, I've never actually been in the ladies rooms at WDW.. So I think I will just gracefully exit this thread.. :lookaroun


New Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
NO, that's for nursing the babies. And we would be happy to set up a room for you if you could take over the job! :lol:

Nah, and i hope i never get to the point that i have to wear a bro(see Seinfeld).


New Member
Originally posted by Maria
What for? So you could go in groups and socialize? :lookaroun

I'm all set with that scenario!zipit

I was just thinking about how some bars, and the ESPN Club and AS Cafe down at WDW have the sports pages and/or tv's built into the walls in the mens rooms and taking it to the next level of having that extra room. Nevermind. This would get weird before it would ever get creative.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by strobe
Ummmm, I've never actually been in the ladies rooms at WDW.. So I think I will just gracefully exit this thread.. :lookaroun

Stay. We need some fresh blood...I mean ideas.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by miles1
I am about to get myself in serious trouble here, but it's 1 AM, I cannot sleep, and I have just read a 3 page thread about bodily functions in Walt Disney World. So, here it goes....

Typical trip to mens room:

Enter room. Unzip. Do your thing. Make sure all parts safely stowed away, zip up. Wash Hands. Exit Room.

Typical trip to ladies room:

Enter room. Find empty stall and enter. Inspect commode to make sure it is clean enough to sit on. Put on one of those liner things if not. Pull down shorts, panty hose, underpants, misc. other contraptions. Do your thing. Pull up shorts, panty hose, underpants, contraptions. Leave stall.

Wash hands. Check mirror. Comb/Brush hair. Fix eyeliner, blush, lipstick. Ask complete stranger at next sink if shorts make your butt look big. Ask stranger if she saw the girl with the 40 DDD bust in the red lycra halter top (WHAT was SHE thinking?). Complain about husband (All men are pigs). Check makeup one more time and adjust.

Exit Ladies Room.

So, Why are the lines always longer for the ladies room?

Sounds pretty accurate to me!! :lookaroun


Active Member
Originally posted by gjpjtj
Sounds pretty accurate to me!! :lookaroun

Thanks for the support. BTW, I'm originally from your neck of the woods (Carbondale). Had a lot of family in Hawley, but haven't been there in years. Is it still as pretty down there as it was? How is the employment scene?



Originally posted by tigsmom
NO, that's for nursing the babies. And we would be happy to set up a room for you if you could take over the job! :lol:

:D Really!?

Oh wait... you meant take over the job of nursing the babies... not nursing LIKE babies.


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