Let's look at this from another angle.
This proposition is targeting the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim.
Why don't we target Amazon, who supposedly didn'y pay taxes last year?
Pass a bill saying Amazon must raise the wages to $3 more than all their competitors. Let all the retail stores still be allowed to pay the state minimum wage (except Whole Foods, which chargers more for their items, so they should pay more).
Why do the citizens have the right to tell someone else how to run their business?
The union has the right to strike if they don't like the offer that Disney is offering as a pay package. If Disney feels their are enough job applicants willing to accept the wage package without being in the union, then Disney should have the freedom to say no to the union. The Union is not running the business, it seems all they want is higher dues to pad their current company. And aren't most unions just that, a separate company?
Anyone who gets a city subsidy from the city of Anaheim, entered into a deal with the city, where both parties were looking to get something. For example, the city was looking for someone who would invest in the city, provide jobs, help improve the cities infrastructure, reducing pollution and traffic concerns, draw customers who would not just spend at the one business, but many other businesses in the city, bringing in additional tax dollars in increased spending, etc. The companies agreed to what the city was asking for, and a signed contract was made between the two parties, and agreed to by the city council and/or the citizens. (Such as the vote in the 1990's agreeing to the TOT increase).
Now, one side wants to change the contract. (What many would say is binding).
So what is the Fair Share a company has to pay a city?
And then who loses? Many pension funds rely on their investment in Disney to pay benefits to its employees....
California Public Employees' Retirement System, Sacramento;
New York State Common Retirement Fund, Albany; American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Pension Plan, Washington; and
Illinois State Board of Investment, Chicago are three major shareholders.
So does the city of Anaheim have the right to reduce the pensions of those who work in Sacramento, or since the pensions are guaranteed, making all California taxpayers pay more to benefit Anaheim?
Yes, many Disney jobs are entry level and designed for someone who is a student, a retiree, a second income, etc. The jobs are not meant to be the sole source of income for a family. They are designed for those who want more flexible hours, learn skills, build up a resume by showing good work habits as showing up on time, following rules, etc. The that person can opt to pursue other options, such as moving up into management, getting a college degree, going to trade school, finding a job in another industry, etc.
Alas, to the Union, that means they lose the member if they go into management or leave the company, something that they don't want.
So basically the citizens are telling a company that they shouldn't offer these type of jobs, and only offer full-time positions with lots of responsibilities, and even if they fail fulfilling those job requirements which include promoting the health of the company and making more profits for the investors, that they can not be fired due to the union.
Also, who comes up with the standard of a "living wage". Does everybody have the right to have a smart phone, a nice car, their own apartment without roommates or a partner to share in the costs, $200 pair of shoes, an unlimited moviepass, Netflix, Hula, etc.
People do things to start their career, many pick the military since they offer benefits as education, and being taught job skills. Some opt for college to get a degree, some opt for a trade school to learn a trade in professions like the building trades, or the medical field.
Should we have some sort of tired wage program, where those students under a certain age, where they are still expected to live with their family (18, 25?) are eligible for a lower wage, how about a senior already getting pension and/or social security checks, how about the second partner who opted to have a child, and only wants a part time second income to go along with raising a child.
Maybe anyone who wants to be a professional athlete or a movie celebrity should get a higher wage, no matter their skill level?
How about giving everyone a house on the ocean?
America and the Constitution is about freedoms and the right to achieve the American Dream. But that means those willing to work hard, take risks, can get rewarded for their achievements. By earning those achievements do you get the nice car, house, lifestyle.
That is why people take risks, such as trying to be a professional athlete, a professional singer, a head of a business, a doctor, a general contractor, etc.
Companies like Disney also take risks, not every movie or TV show is a hit, nor is everything a Theme Park offers is a hit (think DCA 1.0 and even 2.0, DLP, etc.) Walt Disney bet the "farm" multiple times. and he struck out more than once. But he picked himself up, and tried again until he got it right.
Disneyland could have easily failed, and many folks thought that it would. When Walt was proven right, a lot of folks came on board, both directly and in-directly to help improve the park, and the surrounding area. The city of Anaheim decided to join that group in the 1960's and opted to grow the Tourism base in the 1960's, starting with the Convention Center, then professional Sports Teams, and the need for Hotels, restaurants, shops to support them. Add laundry service, food distributors, construction companies, transportation needs, etc. All creating jobs and tax revenue and growing the city. That brought new Hospitals, Housing, shops and services to support those things, etc.
The city revenues have been going up and up, especially in the last decade or so due to those investment in the Resort area. But for some reason, the city has decided to spend at a higher amount than the increased revenues. And those who want the government to spend more now wants to take away from those who also invested, worked hard, and built the growth in income and jobs that they created.
So the city got what they wanted from the city subsides, and are continuing to do so. I live in West Anaheim, and our section of Beach Boulevard is not very nice, especially compared to the Buena Park section that has Knott's Berry Farm, the hotels, the Dinner Theaters, the upcoming Butterfly Pavilion and new Source Shoppertainment Mall. There are plans to improve it, but it will require city subsidies to get it done. (Similar to what Buena Park did over the last couple of decades to improve its section of Beach Blvd.)
But for some reason, the Unions along with some city of Anaheim leaders, want to try and punish those who agreed to work with the city to achieve those goals, and force everyone to become a union employee in those areas, such as the Hotels.
Unions should be an option, not a requirement. Employees should be offered a chance to Unionize, but also have the option to not join, especially when a large percentage of union dues are spent on political activities, which many union employees do not support.
The proposed proposition if passed would cause many lawsuits, and could end up costing the city so much that it could force it into bankruptcy (repayment of costs in voiding contracts made). Where would that leave the city of Anaheim?
The proposal is so wrong on so many levels, but is mainly a political play to try and change the political climate in not just the city, but the region. And none of it would help the issues we face in homelessness, lack of housing, need for more and better roads, rising pension liabilities, need for more criminal prosecution and the ability to place those who need to be placed in jails and prisons, etc.
I have always believed in Working Hard to be able to play hard, I have always worked, from my first legal job at 12, at $1 an hour in a approved job with specific hours, and have never stopped working while also gaining my education including college. I have worked multiple jobs, and 80 hour work weeks are normal for me. I have earned a nice life, and get to enjoy it. But there are those who now want to take more and more from me in taxes and government fees. Plus they want to also cut down on my ability to drive, change my housing situation, reduce my investment income, which I have planned on to live the rest of my life, have me spend more on private security measures due to increased crime. I am paying more and getting less.
I am looking into an investment on Beach Blvd in West Anaheim, and if this proposition passes, I will guarantee you that I won't move forward, nor would my partners. And that means a loss of jobs, that would have been at multiple levels, including some that could be described as an apprenticeship or intern, not much money(wages) at first, but a chance to move into a much higher pay if successful.
I benefitted from that type of learning, and would love to give the opportunity to others starting out. But I can't risk my "pension" income if not assured that I would at least be able to get some return so I could pay my bills.
But you can't have "starting wage" be a true "living wage" for that to happen. A basic wage should be that, something that covers the very basic things. And for those who want a living wage, well, they can learn a skill that would earn one. A plumber might not be glamorous, might not be a fun job, but it is a needed profession, and gets the wage it deserves.