I am friends with some of the performers, but that's only part of the reason, and really kind of beside the point.
There is a history for a LOT of stalkerish behavior concerning performers at the AdvClub. I'll just leave it at that. For that reason, some performers are very protective of their privacy. If that's how they want to handle it, then I think we should respect that. Especially if it's something they mention to one of us locals after they get comfortable talking to us as "regulars". Not everything they mention to us in casual conversation is something they'd want posted on a public forum with thousands of readers, if you know what I mean.
As for being a buzzkill, sorry about that. Go ahead and do it. I just wanted to let you know why the cast wasn't as tickled by it as you might expect. And depending on who's performing what role, they might play along. But I have seen them roll their eyes when people do it. I just didn't want you to be disappointed if you didn't get the reaction you wanted out of it.