Killing the MAGIC slowly..


Well-Known Member
THANK YOU GOD! SOMEONE ACTUALLY LOVES DISNEY AND THEY LIKE PROGRESS!!! New technology is great. If Walt had AA vs. Spider-Man style effects, he would go with Spidy, not that he used AA's before, but people never saw the new effects ever before!


Active Member
Never said I was against progress -

I just feel that rehabs on the classics would have been a faster, less expensive, and perhaps even more popular route for the company to take.

As for the "if all the rides stayed the same, there would be no reason to go back" reasoning....What about people who want to go back and experience the attractions that they had enjoyed in the first place? I personally pay the big bucks to go to Disney for the nostalgia of it all :)

I mean, if I wanted to deal with just another thrill park, I could go to 6 Flags - Lord knows it's closer! :lol:


New Member
I think the real bottom line is simple. If the attraction draws visitors it stays. If the attraction does not draw visitors then it goes. Of course Disney will attempt to upgrade attractions to increase visitation (UoE for example) but if the attraction does not draw an audience (CoP, Timekeeper, Mike Finn Keel Boats, WoM as examples) then the attraction is doomed. It really has nothing to do with being nostalgic or progressive. Disney keeps a very accurate and close watch on all their visitation figures. If an attraction is not pulling its share of the load then it must go. I don't think it is any big mystery as to the next several attractions that will get the axe.


New Member
SE Not Dissappearing

My quick rantings:

I swear if anyone else rants about the SE Building dissapearing....

Please re-read the press statement (which may or may nto be true). There is NOTHING about the building dissappearing, but rather seems to very clearly state the interior will be redone, henceforth implying that 'Ball' will stay. As for the interior ride, it's clearly NOT going to be a thrill ride, but rather a family ride whatever comes of it...

As for more space in the park, there really isn't much. You can't fit anything else on the East side (UoE, WoL, MS, TT); i've been in the back, and there is no room there. As for West (LS, Land, JII) there really isnt' a whole awful lot of space; you don't realize it, but the Land takes up an enourmous amount of space. and construction would totally throw off the pleasant landscaping and symettry that area has, which I'm sure would make some of you gripe! There is plenty of space in WS: START BUILDING COUNTRIES.

As for the SE RIDE, face it, it's ancient history. I would personally like to see actual science work done in Epoct, as it was meant to be done. That's why i like the Land and LS: actuall work gets done there.

I do hope they trash that God forsaken wand though...


New Member
I read (in more then 1 book) that walt was never fully happy with the way disneyland turned out, he was always striving for improvements, new rides and innovative ideas. Thats when he decided to do it all over again in florida. wasn't it walts word that said "disneyland will never be complete as long as there is imagination left in the world" or something like that. I think if walt were alive today that he would be upset that attractions were left stagnate for more then 20 years. I always say "the only constant in the world is change". and some of the rides in WDW is starting to show it's age. and alas space ship earth (especially at the end of the ride) is definitly showing it's age. change is good as long as they do it right(not another JIYI fiasco please). we will all mis the attractions that were there when we were kids, and we will always get that feeling like missing an old friend that past away, we will remember them fondly. but times they change, and the inevitable happens, new rides should bring new fans. and children who have never been to disney before will look at these new rides and make their own memories. I will constantly mis Mr. toad my favorite ride of all time, however, I will ride pooh with the knowledge that I will one day take my own son or daughter to the park and we will make our own memories, and have our own special rides, and when my son or daughter is a mother or a father themselves they will bring there childreen and have even a diffrent experience and be able to make more memories with his/her son/daughter. and we will tell of the stories and of the rides we rode as kids while enjoying the new rides. for that my friends is what disney is all about family, and shareing. over the weekend we saw the santa clause 2 and it had the most perfect line that I hever heard in any movie. I don't remember the exact wording but it went something like this "this place is all about dreams, wonder, and love..." for to me that is what disney is all about.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sherm00
change is good as long as they do it right(not another JIYI fiasco please).
But there's the rub. Disney has let some of us down with the some of the changes. Some blame WDI for poor ideas, some blame management who decides how much money is spent, some blame both.

And then there's the problem with guest demographics. Who do you keep happy? The family with small children, the older family with teen children, more "mature" adults whose kids are on their own, or older teens/twenty something who have more spending capability now then ever before? How long do you let lower attendance go on before you scrap an attraction that cost tens of millions of dollars 15 to 20 years ago? Everyone can have an opinion about this stuff, but let's face it: our careers are not riding on these decisions (although some of us would like to give it a shot - lol).

When I read all of these posts about what should and shouldn't be done (and where), I can't help but think about Tokyo DisneySeas. From what I've seen on TV, WDI can do the job, when someone is willing to sign the checks. I think that the best that any of us can hope for, is that when Disney makes changes (and they will - it's inevitable), three things will happen: the best of the best in WDI's files will get used, the checks will be written without hesitation, and the theme/quality will live up to the standards that Walt started. Anything less will fall short of what most of us expect from Disney.


New Member
Originally posted by no2apprentice
But there's the rub. Disney has let some of us down with the some of the changes. Some blame WDI for poor ideas, some blame management who decides how much money is spent, some blame both.

And then there's the problem with guest demographics. Who do you keep happy? The family with small children, the older family with teen children, more "mature" adults whose kids are on their own, or older teens/twenty something who have more spending capability now then ever before? How long do you let lower attendance go on before you scrap an attraction that cost tens of millions of dollars 15 to 20 years ago? Everyone can have an opinion about this stuff, but let's face it: our careers are not riding on these decisions (although some of us would like to give it a shot - lol).

When I read all of these posts about what should and shouldn't be done (and where), I can't help but think about Tokyo DisneySeas. From what I've seen on TV, WDI can do the job, when someone is willing to sign the checks. I think that the best that any of us can hope for, is that when Disney makes changes (and they will - it's inevitable), three things will happen: the best of the best in WDI's files will get used, the checks will be written without hesitation, and the theme/quality will live up to the standards that Walt started. Anything less will fall short of what most of us expect from Disney.

I'll second that motion. Disney is still the only park I know of that has the best mix for all ages to enjoy themselves.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Testtrack321
Your ranting and raving and calling this whole post about killing the magic is really pathetic. I'm getting tired of the type A Disfreaks who can't have any attraction altered unless Walt did it (even if it turns out good.) If you think that keeping 20 year old rides and mearly 'updating' them to fit your needs and demands is good for FURTURE WORLD (hence the name, FUTURE, not NOSTALGIA World), then move over. I find it incredibly rude and disgusting when people CONSTANTLY complain about a new ride just by what it sounds like but not what it is. Sure, people can complain about TT and such, but due to contract negiotiations, it had to be removed. No if ands or buts.

If Disney's main goal is to appease 10 people who think this ride has to stay or that the world will come down, then you have some priorities mixed up.

NOTE: Disney's main quest is to appease the customer and returing ones. Most people returning and new think SE is long and borring (I love it, but face it, it's old, loud, and in need of replacement.)

Ya' know, I totaly agree. For one, most ppl in the world would prolly rather see these new attractions put up. Besides, eventually these rides get old and boring annd I don't want to ride 'em anymore cuz I've ridden them so much. And Disney doesn't want to constantly add new stuff cuz they are starting to run out of room after they decided to conserve most of it.


Well-Known Member
I love change. But I am STILL waiting to ride the flying saucers from Disneyland. Wasn't big enough when it was there, then gone before I could ride it.

General Grizz

New Member
Right. There is change, and there is progress. Some people say "Change is good! Do it!" But others prefer the more beneficial change. I am a fan of old attractions, but by far I am not against progress. However, I am against change for change's sake - with a cheap result. And I agree - a lot of the magic has been killed for $omeone'$ sake.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Originally posted by Testtrack321
But should we be dragged down by not updateing anything?

No but progress should be exactly that. Not just a means of cutting overheads, or a quick fix for attendance demographics.

I beleive what I was trying to say is that a variety of attractions is what is needed not just the quick thrill. But how many parks are creating this type of ride?

After all dosent the man say himself that he got into the park buisness to create something a family could enjoy together?


Premium Member
You know , i agree with most posts that i read here ! Updating is fine, i LOVE test track ! As a 38 year old who can't ride rollercoaster rides i still understand that Disney needs new more " Future world" type rides or attractions, but i feel as well that for a lot of us the "CLASSICS" should stay ! I would of loved to have the new Mission Space and Horizons next to each other, i understand however that in the real $ world that can't happen ! I still do not want Disney to become just another amusement park filled with rides with no meaning though ! I agree with both sides and i still miss Horizons terribly, i have an old brick from the building at home isn't that pathetic ?:cry:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Horizons38
i have an old brick from the building at home isn't that pathetic ?:cry:
Not really...somewhere, buried in my basement, are some old ticket books for Disneyland. I will never, ever, part with them. :animwink:

General Grizz

New Member
I have some Horizons stuff, too! I won't sell that!

But I do have a Test Track jacket dated 1997 (HAHAHAHA!) that I'll give away if anyone really wants it - maybe ebay.

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