Duh! Being pregnant I can just bask in the gluttony and not feel so embarrassed! It's like going to the state Fair while pregnant. Giant Micky rice krispie? Check!
Sadly, a sugar bomb blood sugar surge might be something some pregnant women need to limit, especially if their blood pressure goes up.
Navigating the food of WDW can actually be a be a bit tricky while pregnant. WDW is full of high-glycemic foods like French fries, soda, and raw foods like sushi. Having a few snacks on hand can be helpful. If driving or bringing checked luggage, maybe consider packing something like shelf-stable milk boxes. Otherwise, it can be tricky to find permitted drinks in WDW. You know: no coffee, no soda, no alcohol, no high sugar drinks, no artificial sweeteners...that's pretty much every drink WDW sells. Except milk and water.
Another option is to stop off at a grocery store if you'll have a car/Uber. Luckily, WDW lets you bring in drinks/snacks, and there are a number of good grocery options near WDW. Publix is decent. There's also a Whole Foods over by Universal. There are big box places, too, but if you are only in WDW for a few days, you probably don't need value-sized giant boxes that the big box store sell unless the rest of your family will eat that much.
WDW now prohibits anyone from bringing loose ice in their cooler into the parks, but drinks are still okay. Every QS will give you free ice water, and it will be filtered water. Otherwise, the hotel gift shops and bigger food courts. Be aware, at most places, WDW lemonade is the "Light" kind with artificial sweeteners. Apple juice is available many places.
Luckily, over the years, WDW has also gotten a little better about offering more fresh produce.