Keep Space Mountain the way it is?


Gut it!

It is absolutely essential to the survival of Tomorrowland that Space Mountain be gutted! A complete overhaul!

The semi-darkness? The 70's era disco star field? That weird asteroid that looks like a giant Toll House cookie? Please... It's embarrassing.

Sure I have nostalgia for this ride. I'm especially fond of the queues (entrance and exit). As a kid, I was fascinated by the views of the "holographic" space stations and such.

Now is the time for a refurbishment at the very least. Mainstream technology as caught up with it and passed Space Mountain leaving it in the realm of "classics."


Well-Known Member
I am a big fan of this attraction and always have been. The concept and the setting are the real draw, the execution could easily be improved. A new track layout, a darker ride, and new effects would be welcome. The attraction is still fun, but could be even moreso.


Well-Known Member
A little TLC is all it should need. Maybe update some of the lighting effects and smooth out the ride to how it once was, but much of its charm lies in its being a classic original.

There's the problem right there; the word "charm" was never supposed to be attached to an E Ticket attraction concept like Space Mountain. It's not the horseless carriage or it's a small world or the Tiki Room (although the cynical and loud 1990's revamp of the Florida Tiki Room made it anything but charming).

Space Mountain is a cutting edge, high adrenaline, thrilling roller coaster ride with high-tech special effects and modern showmanship. It's a thrill ride that was designed to rely on modern technology to tell it's story to riders. Or at least it was that when it opened back in 1975. Since then it has sat there and remained in a deep freeze, with just some corporate sponsorship changes and routine maintenance on the 30+ year old facility. No new technology of any significance to the rider has been installed since it opened. Gerald Ford is no longer in the White House, Chrysler no longer makes Cordoba's with white vinyl roofs and opera windows, and spinning disco balls and panels of blinking lights are no longer impressive special effects to modern Americans. Times have changed, and a ride like Space Mountain should have changed with it.

WDW has disco balls and blinking lights and soundless vehicles and Kodachrome slides of cookies flying on the walls. Disneyland has high-def plasma screens and digital starfields and computer video projections and the latest on-board audio with four speakers and a subwoofer at every single seat. No wonder WDW's Space Mountain is now considered "charming", although that could be considered a euphemism for less flattering words like "outdated" and "tired".

The problem is that WDW management never attempted to go in and change anything over the last 30 years. Disneyland's Space Mountain was opened in 1977, but they went in and did a massive makeover on it back in 1996 and added on-board audio and redid a lot of the effects and queue plotline. Then in 2005 they redid Space Mountain again, and gave it all new on-board audio and redid the effects and technology all over again. So while Disneyland's version has been around for a shorter number of years, it's still received two full makeovers while the WDW version has remained essentially the same for a longer period of time. WDW's Space Mountain should at least be on its third major makeover at this point, rather than frozen in 1975.

That was a mistake, and an example of WDW management neglecting the aging E Tickets like Space, Haunted Mansion, Pirates, Jungle Cruise etc. in favor of new rides in other parks, or new theme parks entirely. But now it sounds like WDW management realizes the mistakes it has made in the last 10 years and wants to get on the updating bandwagon like Disneyland has had for the last several years.

The end result is that "cutting-edge" rides like Space Mountain have been left to rot for so long that they are now considered "charming", and people are going to resist change because they have a completely different relationship with these old rides than what the designers had originally intended. I can see an emotional attachment to the charm of the old Plaza Swan Boats. But to hear that people now consider something like Space Mountain to be "charming" tells me WDW management is about 10 years behind the curve on updating these aging E Ticket attractions that are supposed to depend on modern technology to tell their story.


Well-Known Member
I would hate if they changed it. Its great the way it is. Many people say that it should be more thrilling, and should be the top thrill like it was originally, but I see it like this. Why change a perfect family/kid starter off coaster into something big and drastic like the paris versain or RRnr and turn kids away from it.

Plus, I rather ride a long quality 2 minute plus roller coaster like SM than a tired 30 to 60 second coaster like RRnr.
(Sarcasm coming watch out)

Disney has just released a news statement that Space Mountain will be their next big budget flop film of the summer and to honor that movie they will close down floridas space mountain and spend 30M on refurbing it too bring it upto date with the new movie.

Thank you that is all.

Pete C

Active Member
TP2000 that was very well put!! People want to cling on to the past, and I can see their point, but the ride has this whole 1970s vibe to it, from the 3D starfields in the queue, to the ancient fly-by videos, to the glowing stickers on the rockets. It needs a major overhaul. I still remember my first ride on Space Mountain about 25 years was amazing to me then. Nostalgia is a wonderful thing, but that isn't going to impress the current generation. It's time to let go of the old Space Mountain. I don't want them to dial up the intensity, because it will alienate families and fans of the original. This is the Magic Kingdom, and I don't think it should be home to an intense rollercoaster. However, it does need new track and new trains to offer a smoother ride, a makeover to give it a modern look in the queue, and next generation effects to give it a true outer-space look. If we don't get new track, they better go ballistic on everything else.


New Member
(Sarcasm coming watch out)

Disney has just released a news statement that Space Mountain will be their next big budget flop film of the summer and to honor that movie they will close down floridas space mountain and spend 30M on refurbing it too bring it upto date with the new movie.

Thank you that is all.

Only if they add in audio-animatronics of the rogue, smooth-talking jokester main character - I'm hoping he'll be named something like Cap'n Rock Nebulizer - that completely change the plot of the current attraction. Oh, wait. There really isn't a plot...all right then, add an unnecessary plot.
And then, maybe at the end he could say something really catchphrasy, like, "Blast me! You rock, space friends!" Golly, that would be swell.

In all seriousness, the Magic Kingdom's Space Mountain MUST be redone. To the poster who was afraid of the Disneyland Paris version, don't worry. I seriously doubt this would be their direction. The Disneyland layout and music are more likely, I would guess. And this is a GOOD thing. Trust me, I was angry when I found out they were going to add music to Disneyland's. I didn't see a point and thought it was fine the way it was. Let me tell you, I was so impressed the first time I rode it, I turned right around, rode it again, then grabbed the soundtrack on the way out and played it to death in my car. While I'm not as big a fan of the current soundtrack, it still works. And the ride, amazingly, feels even smoother than before.
Now, Sherman set the Wayback for first trip to Walt Disney World and my first experience with the Magic Kingdom's Space Mountain. While I loved the queue, the ride itself was immensely disappointing, and a bit painful. It was/is jerky and the fake ending seemed completely out of place. I think the threat of change is always frightening (Journey Into Imagination, Tiki Room, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Timekeeper), but sometimes they do actually improve things when they change them. I think the Disneyland version has proved that the improvement will be a good one. I know it will take the attraction out of service for possibly a year or so (as evidenced here in Southern California with our Space Mountain), but in the end, it will all be worth it.


Well-Known Member
I'm amazed at the people on this list who say "don't change a thing, it's a classic." I can accept (even embrace) that logic for a ride like Carousel of Progress or Small World. But this is a THRILL ride. In fact, for many years Space Mountain was THE thrill ride in WDW - the best, the scariest, the most exciting. Now the ride is a nostalgic yawn using 30-year-old technology that doesn't even begin to compare to modern coasters like Hulk or RnRC.

It drives me crazy that DL and Paris have updated versions of this ride. WDW should be the best!


After riding the on at DL I say go for it, maybe they can keep the layout the same and not change track directions but the audio and smoothness is awesome!


New Member
I'm amazed at the people on this list who say "don't change a thing, it's a classic." I can accept (even embrace) that logic for a ride like Carousel of Progress or Small World. But this is a THRILL ride. In fact, for many years Space Mountain was THE thrill ride in WDW - the best, the scariest, the most exciting. Now the ride is a nostalgic yawn using 30-year-old technology that doesn't even begin to compare to modern coasters like Hulk or RnRC.
If there were no other coasters in the parks then a gutting of Space Mountain may be in order, but as there are other thrill rides it provides something different to try.

I'm not going to loose any sleep over it should they make a major revamp of the ride but for variety I'd like to see it stay. It can be part of the route coaster-phobics take. Start on Goofy, go to Big Thunder Mountain, then Space Mountain, Everest and finally Rock and Roller. :)


Well-Known Member
Keep Space Mountain the way it is? No way.

Gut it and bring on an attraction worthy of the name "Space Mountain"... not some rickity and worn out 30 year old ride. It was wonderful technology in 1975 when it was built, so let's see some great 2006 technology used to bring it new life.


New Member
OK ive read this entire thread and thought id put my 2c in.

I agree that SM is a classic WDW ride but is in dire need of a refurb.

BUT IMHO i wouldnt like to see a drastic change in the track layout to make it 'more thrilling'

I know there are a huge amount of people that like having the S**T scared out of them on huge rollercoasters with high speeds and big drops.

There are also the same amount of people that do not relish this kind of experience, but some are happy to ride SM because it is not too intense but offers just enough of a thrill with what WAS a little bit of Disney magic thrown in. ( I fall into the second catagory BTW)

I must admit everytime i read a rumour that a new huge, fast coaster is coming to WDW i think, hmmmmm thats another ride im wont be going on or thinking that WDW is now ALL about this kind of attraction and id hate for SM to go the same way.

YES give it a smoother track, YES upgrade the sound, YES YES YES upgrade the special effects, but dont change it so much that it gets put it in the catagory that a lot of people would view as 'too intense'

There, and this is the longest post ive ever typed :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I'm one of the 'leave it as is with minor tweaks' people. It is still immensely enjoyable to me - one of the classics. To have a 'thrill ride' last so long in it's initial state is amazing to me - just shows you how much thought and detail was originally put into this attraction.


Well-Known Member
I would hate to see the ride itself changed. I dont mind if they add music to eat but leave the ride the way it is. I did not car for Space Mountain in Paris.


I really hope they keep the single file seating arrangements if they do decide to go ahead with the rehab!

Wouldnt they have to? I am not 100% on this but I think Disneyland was always that way? It would seem that they would have to make the track wider to fit a double car.

But I also agree, single seating arrangment just seems faster, more rocket like.


New Member
Wouldnt they have to? I am not 100% on this but I think Disneyland was always that way? It would seem that they would have to make the track wider to fit a double car.

But I also agree, single seating arrangment just seems faster, more rocket like.

Disneyland's is a double-seater. Disney World's is more like the Matterhorn.


New Member
I just rode DL SM and it is wonderful! I love the soundtrack and lights. I also like some of the old elliments that they removed. I think they sound redo WDW and go Half between the new and old. Leave a little something for everyone!

Pete C

Active Member
I could talk about this SM refurb all day, I swear. My order of upgrade importance is:

1. Effects. Make it pitch black!! Seal off that queue, please! No more light. I want total and complete darkness with the exception of thousands of points of light everywhere. Fiber-optic stars all over the support structures so that you are flying through the stars rather than just having them as a backdrop. I think that change alone would up the thrill factor a lot! I really hope they don't make it look like you are flying through a space carnival when they are done with it.

2. Replace all the track for a smoother ride. The current layout is really fine to me, but if it changes I would not mind at all...just no loops for SM!

3. Get rid of the old video and 3D starfields. Upgrade the queue with new screens, and bring the look of everything to a new vision of the future.

I don't know how I feel about on-board audio. I have never been on SM at DL...I really need to get over there.

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