Just what is it about Walt Disney World?


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Original Poster
Hey there

To cut a long story short, I am in my final year at University in England and writing my dissertation on how Disney get people to keep coming back to Walt Disney World. I was a CM for the past 2 Summers so its obviously a topic close to my heart.

Now basically I would like to know your views on this matter. Just what is it about WDW that keeps you guys returning year after year. I remember being told 70% of guests are returning guests, something I could only really believe after spending the past 2 summers there.

So if you have any time to spare, I would just like to know the following:

Where you live
How many times you have been to WDW
Who do you go with (family? friends? etc)
What you like the most
What you like the least
What makes Disney World different to the others (Universal, Sea World, etc.)

And anything else you think might be useful. Maybe magical experiences? Great moments with cast members?

Thanks for your time :)


P.S. Fantasyland Rules!


New Member
Name (not giving that online, sorry. You can use my handle)
Age 31
Where you live The Midwest of USA
Occupation Insurance
How many times you have been to WDW 6 times as a guest and once for the College Program as a CM
Who do you go with (family? friends? etc) my mother
What you like the most (about Disney or in general?) about Disney, the cleanliness and courtesy... and also the fantastic weather.
What you like the least ... about Disney, the crowds.
What makes Disney World different to the others (Universal, Sea World, etc.)

It's different than Universal because the cast is friendlier and the park seems cleaner. It's different than Sea World because there's more to do.
I like Disney for several reasons. The first reason we went there is because it's iconic. You know, after the Superbowl, they say they're going to DisneyWorld. Everybody knows Cinderella's Castle. Everybody knows Mickey Mouse. There's a level of comfort involved with Disney already, so that's what draws you in with your first visit. Everybody knows that Disneyworld is one place you should go.
What kept me coming back was the cleanliness and most of all the courtesy. The cast there really cares. Ok, you'll have one or two that don't seem to, but I've also seen that they don't last long. Disney is the only place I know of (granted, I haven't done a ton of research on this) where cast members learn the "two finger point" just so as not to offend people of other cultures. That and other things that the cast is trained on shows that they take "guest care" an extra step.
What will keep me coming back in the future is that you can do almost anything there. Want a relaxing vacation? Then there's Grand Floridian Spa, Victoria and Alberts, the beach at the Poly, Cirque du Soliel and other shows. Want a family vacation? That's the easy one... there's character meals and fantasyland, mini golf, and the confectionary. Want to play golf? Disney has world class golf courses and the Boardwalk where you can go drink after or see the dueling pianos. Want an adventure vacation? Swim with sharks at typhoon lagoon, ride Expedition Everest, parasail in the Seven Seas Lagoon. No matter what vacation you want, Disney can offer it.
One last snippet, and I know this is getting long, but this also, in some way I can't put into words directly, is what keeps me coming back. The first time we went to Disney World was also my mother's first time. She was 40 or so at the time. Disney was part of her childhood. She used to watch the Mickey Mouse Club and the Wonderful World of Disney as a kid.
We stepped onto Main Street that first time and she started bawling. All she could squeak out was she couldn't believe she was finally there... where she'd wanted to go ever since she was a kid.
We go back together because it's a celebration of being able to afford it, being able to share it, and being able to live our childhood fantasies even as adults.

I hope this helps your dissertation.


Active Member
Name - klineski96
Age - 29
Where you live - Orlando
Occupation - book publishing/customer service
How many times you have been to WDW - 100+
Who do you go with (family? friends? etc) - wife, then family and friends
What you like the most - everything, being there with people I care about, memories of being a little kid and going with 2 older brothers and my parents, now going with my wife.
What you like the least - the heat and the lines during the summer. and it's not the cheapest palce either.
What makes Disney World different to the others (Universal, Sea World, etc.) the cast members care, they try to be different than those people who work at Universal and Sea World. And I have so many wonderful memories of the disney parks, each time I go I get new ones.


Active Member
Name Jessie&Buzz
Age 34
Where you live: Pennyslvania
Occupation: infant room teacher in a childcare
How many times you have been to WDW: about 6
Who do you go with (family? friends? etc): family (husband, kids, sometimes parents and sister's family)
What you like the most: being there with my family and seeing how excited my kids are when they see things like the castle
What you like the least: the price and crowds
What makes Disney World different to the others (Universal, Sea World, etc.) I think the people make the parks different. The CM are more than helpful. Everyone is warm and kind. I also think that the little touches are wonderful. It just feels like you are in a different world when you are there.


Name: Liz Titus
Age: 20
Where you live: Buffalo, NY
Occupation: Animation student
How many times you have been to WDW: Over 20 times, approximately
Who do you go with (family? friends? etc): Family (Mother, father, sisters, brothers-in-law, nephews)
What you like the most: The atmosphere of the entire WDW property
What you like the least: Crowds, heat, high prices, and worrying about having schedules to deal with (IE - Fastpass tickets, park hours, & dinner reservations)
What makes Disney World different to the others (Universal, Sea World, etc.): The amount of detail put into everything. It really feels like it's a seperate world. Plus, Disney movies are very near & dear to everyone's hearts.
Name: CaptJacksFamily
52 & 55
Where you live:
Southern California
Engineer/Software Mgr
How many times you have been to WDW:
Who do you go with (family? friends? etc):
Family (1 daughter)
What you like the most:
Escape from reality and day-to-day life. We go for usually 1 week, and are able to completely forget about our jobs and work responsibilities. The CM are excellent and cater so well to the guests.
What you like the least:
Having to return to reality at the end of the vacation.
What makes Disney World different to the others (Universal, Sea World, etc.)
: It is a full experience. From the minute that you arrive at the airport until the Magical Express drops you back off, you are within the Disney Experience. You know that you are being marketed, and you don't mind - in fact you enjoy it! There are separate parks and restaurants and hotels, but they are all part of the experience. The cast members definitely make it a show, and it never gives the appearance of a job to them. We have every moment of a trip planned in advance and are rushing from one activity to another, but we come home refreshed and ready to resume the rat race.


New Member
Name - Jensdisney
Age - 35
Where you live - Nebraska
Occupation - Technical Support Agent
How many times you have been to WDW - 4
Who do you go with (family? friends? etc) - Always with family!
What you like the most - Love the atmosphere and the large amount of things to do!
What you like the least - the lines can be long
What makes Disney World different to the others (Universal, Sea World, etc.) - Disney World feels to me like a whole other country or place when we are there and the atmosphere is outstanding. It isn't your typical amusement park with only rides!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Name: Animaniac93-98
Age: 18
Where you live: Canada
Occupation: Disney Store Employee
How many times you have been to WDW: 12
Who do you go with (family? friends? etc): Family
What you like the most: The kind of experiences you can't find at any ordinary amusement or theme park, the weather, the hotels, the secluded resort atmosphere the freedom to do what you want (that's legal obviously) and a sense of safety
What you like the least: The severe decline in quality in just about everything and a lack of enthusiasm to do anything about it on the part of management
What makes Disney World different to the others (Universal, Sea World, etc.): Genuine nostalgia, a sense of history, more aesthetically pleasing, recognizable charactres, more things to do, much more hotel, food and activity selection etc. a place where you can actually spend an entire vacation at.
Name: Disneychic71
Age: 43
Where you live: New Jersey, USA
Occupation: dance teacher
How many times you have been to WDW: 20
Who do you go with (family? friends? etc): husband/kids and sometimes parents and sister
What you like the most: the total immersion into the Disney experience, from the intensely themed resort hotels to the parks and cast members
What you like the least: leaving! Also, the cost and difficulty of getting ADRs
What makes Disney World different to the others (Universal, Sea World, etc.): Disney World is the only one that truly surrounds you with the experience. It is really like entering a different world from start to finish, and (almost) everything is perfect when you're there. That's why we can't wait to get back!


Well-Known Member
Where you live
About an hour from Savannah, Georgia
Grad Student/Education
How many times you have been to WDW
Who do you go with (family? friends? etc)
It depends, I have gone solo, with family and with friends.
What you like the most
The escapism. When I'm at Disney, everything about the "Real World" goes away.
What you like the least
What makes Disney World different to the others (Universal, Sea World, etc.)
Once again, it is the escapism. The only bad thing I can say about Universal or Sea World is that they are right in Orlando. When you look around you can see the city. With Disney, it truly is like going into a whole World of Disney where the daily problems do not matter. Universal and Sea World haven't been able to replicate that to me.


Name- CBug88
Age- 24
Where you live- Cincinnati, OH
Occupation- Paralegal
How many times you have been to WDW- 16
Who do you go with (family? friends? etc)- both- family and friends
What you like the most- the atmosphere, the hotels, food, details
What you like the least- crazy, rude tour groups (not all are crazy and rude though!)
What makes Disney World different to the others (Universal, Sea World, etc.)- Well, for starters, I have never been to Universal or Sea World. I am strictly a Disney World person. I have no desire to go to other parks in Orlando. I think, since I started going to WDW with my family when I was young, I just became emersed in the themeing, details and the dream of Walt himself. I see a park based on love for family and the enjoyment of family activities and togetherness. I don't really know what other park caters to families as a whole. I think Disney really goes out of there way to detail EVERYTHING and that is something you don't see a lot in other parks as well. A ride or two may be themed, but Disney creates a story line and tells the background of a ride while you are waiting in the que line so you become part of the story- not just standing in line to ride another attraction.


New Member
Where you live
Seymour Johnson AFB, North Carolina
Social Worker
How many times you have been to WDW
Once, but we are going in July and October of this year
Who do you go with (family? friends? etc)
My husband and daughter
What you like the most
Just being there. The excitement of Disney. It takes me back to my childhood. It reminds me of all the things that remind me of my childhood. I am able to share it with my daughter. It is a great way to spend time and memories with your family.
What you like the least
What makes Disney World different to the others (Universal, Sea World, etc.)
I think it is that darn Mouse. :ROFLOL: Disney just had this certain atmosphere that is so inviting. The cast members make you feel welcome and the staff at the resorts are just the best. However, I have never been to the others. I have only been to Busch Gardens and it pales in comparison.


Well-Known Member
Age 31
Where you live Ohio
Occupation IT Engineer
How many times you have been to WDW 9
Who do you go with (family? friends? etc) Family
What you like the most "The World. Meaning spending time in a place that is not real but where I can disconnect from the real world"
What you like the least "Crowds"
What makes Disney World different to the others (Universal, Sea World, etc.)
Disney pays such close attention to detail that others do not come close.


Name Boray
Age 38
Where you live Madison, WI
Occupation Stay at home mom
How many times you have been to WDW more than 10 times
Who do you go with (family? friends? etc) Me, Husband, son and daughter and sometimes my mom and dad as well
What you like the most The feeling I get of being disconnected from reality and the wonderful family time I get while I'm there
What you like the least The obvious answer is: Coming back home. I also dislike having to make ADRs for dinner. I would rather just be able to decide where I want to eat that evening, much like I do at most restaurants near my home. I understand the need for ADRs, but I wish there was a bit more freedom in the sit-down dinner arrangements.
What makes Disney World different to the others (Universal, Sea World, etc.) There is a greater attention to detail, in the appearance, in the employees and in the attractions. Even my children mention that they recognize a difference between Disney and Universal/IOA.


New Member
Name Gembob
Age 24
Where you live Nottingham, UK
Occupation Laboratory Technician
How many times you have been to WDW Approx 14
Who do you go with (family? friends? etc) Have been solo, with family and ex fiance and this year I am going with my best friend
What you like the most The atmosphere is like nothing else in this world
What you like the least The heat and love bugs!
What makes Disney World different to the others (Universal, Sea World, etc.) The way that everything is themed including the lands and queues

Good luck in your dissertation. I finished Lincoln Uni three years ago. Can't say I envy you!


Well-Known Member
Name- Dana
Age- 36
Where you live Metairie, Louisiana
Occupation-Mommy and Wife..:)
How many times you have been to WDW-More then I can count..Over 100
Who do you go with (family? friends? etc)-My Husband and Daughter
What you like the most-The atmosphere..the feeling I get from just being there..
What you like the least-Honestly..the only thing I do not like is Mission Space..I enjoy everything else about the place..:)
What makes Disney World different to the others (Universal, Sea World, etc.)
In my opinion everything..atmosphere, people, details, the fact that I feel like I am in a completely differenbt world that makes me happier then I have ever been anywhere else.

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