Just some random thoughts


New Member
Hi and welcome Kevin!

First off, everyone here pretty much loves provoked discussions, so you are definitely in the right place.
Second, from my understanding Disney is pretty gay friendly (they have a week in February (I think) that is Gay Week or something like that), so again probably moving to the right place.

Or...moving to the wrong place depending on your point of view :wave:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
*My name's Kevin, I'm about 16 years old and when I'm 18 I'm planning (with a roomate) to move near Disney, near Orlando. The parks are just THAT cool to me - I wanna be near them, and since I like hairstyling and cooking as possible careers (going to trade school not college), Orlando seems like a good area for that. I'm gay, and I hope they're gay friendly. Any comments?

Hey, Kevin, are you asking if WDW is gay-friendly, or Orlando itself? As others have said, Disney tends to be pretty tolerant of anybody (also afraid of getting sued up the ying-yang for being discriminatory). I have no idea how gay-friendly the city in general is, but it IS a city, and it's in hot clothing-almost-optional Florida. You'll find pockets of tolerant neighborhoods, and pockets of intolerant neighborhoods much as you'll find creative artisitic communities as well as dead-eyed suburban tract housing.

*In the parks I'm noticing the steady stream of movie-related character attractions and whatnot. That's fine but doesn't anyone think they're overdoing it a bit, particularly in the MK's Tomorrowland? The place has about 5 non-cartoony attractions: The TTA, Carousel of Progress, Astro Orbitor, Space Mountain and the Speedway. I REALLY don't want them to mess with the TTA and make it the "Incredibles TTA" or some crap. Leave Tomorrowland alone!

The use of characters doesn't bother me so much as the choice of characters, some of them I worry won't stand the test of time and instantly date the attraction.

*As for lost attractions, in no way do I understand why they took out the 20K Lagoon. They claimed it was a waste of space but isn't a huge, ugly dirt pile and trees a waste of space too? Pooh takes up only about 5% of the area and sorry, doesn't cut it for me. Even when abandoned, the lagoon was pretty and Fantasyland looks very cramped now. They could've just cleared the lagoon of track and scenery and put in a fountain or something.

From what I've read/been told, 20K was victim of two different problems, a cost-prohibitive rehab, and a lack of access for wheelchair-bound guests. Whatever they wind up building there will at least be wheelchair-accessible. My thought is that they never thought the land would have been unused for so long, but as they keep developing ideas for the land, whittling and finessing the final vision, it hasn't affected attendance all that much (the post 9/11 slump is long gone). So whatever they're planning on building there, they're probably going to wait until it becomes more of a necessity.

*Once again, about lost stuff, I miss the darn Skyway. It added a lot of motion, and Fantasyland and Tomorrowland are really still now. Due to the TTA being covered, the cars moving doesn't create too much kineticity (not a word) because they blend in too well. I really want the Skyway back, but what's even MORE ridiculous, is that I don't want a ride in the Tomorrowland station. I want them to leave it empty. You know why? It's peaceful. You can walk behind there and relax as long as it's not too creepy. There's virtually nobody around and it's just still, almost eerily so. I just like it. The Fantasyland station is just basically a shell so that should definetly be torn down, and a new building suitable for a ride should be made. Not a "big" ride, just something to fill up the space. Or bring back the Skyway w/ new tech. Don't give me the usual "people spit" and those kinds of arguments. I really don't think it was a huge issue and people just say it was now because the ride is gone and they want to stick up for Disney's reasons. Fine, but they should bring it back or do something with the (Fantasyland)_ station. Leave the Tomorrowland one alone, lol. Does either of them still light up at night or anything, or do they look dark and still?

Again, only going by what I've read and been told, it wasn't a "spitting" issue so much as concerns of people causing injury by dropping other items out of the cars. Some people seemed to think, since there isn't a CM on the car with 'em, anything goes. Personally, with what they're able to do with wireless technologies, I'd like to see Skyway come back but with a tiny, almost imperceptible camera in each car that can be monitored, so it can be immediately determined if someone is throwing stuff out of the cab. Worries about Big Brother watching you is a moot point. WDW, like Vegas, is crawling with cameras to both insure safety & an acceptable standard of customer service (they're there to watch the CMs just as much as the guests).

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