Just some random thoughts

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I believe that says something about our educational system, that children haven't read it because it is over 20 pages long!

So is Harry Potter. I'd guess that visibility is a much bigger problem for Toad than length. I don't imagine kids are routinely steered to the book.
No they changed it because too many parents were too stupid to read the warning signs.

Ooooor that could also be the real reason... I never went on it myself, so..I only go by what my folks say...

I believe that says something about our educational system, that children haven't read it because it is over 20 pages long!

lol, yup, ya got that right! Heck, I never even read it..XD

Wrong, and I won't.... do a search!

I am? I could've sworn that was the reason why they closed it..my older sis told me this and I looked it up on Wikipedia a while ago (and everyone knows how 'reliable' Wikipedia can be...XDDD) and it said it was true..oh well..I'll just do some reasearch on it a bit later.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Harry Potter is a fluke. It gained from the "Bandwagon" effect.

I don't doubt the bandwagon effect, but kids still have to actually sit down and read it. If none of their friends know anything about Mr. Toad, it's a rare child who's going to take the initiative to seek out the book for himself.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I don't doubt the bandwagon effect, but kids still have to actually sit down and read it. If none of their friends know anything about Mr. Toad, it's a rare child who's going to take the initiative to seek out the book for himself.

True, but parents can still put the book on the bookshelf and a truly inquisitive child will pick it up.


Well-Known Member
It's off topic, but HP isn't a bandwagon effect. Most kids will not read 3300 pages worth of anything if it's not good. There would be a similar "bandwagon" to read the Lord of the Rings books now, but few kids read them because are very difficult to get into for kids--they start much slower than HP. Mr. Toad is an wreckless driver who gets in a car accident and goes to hell at the end of the ride...nothing says "have a magical day" more than a ride ending with a trip to hell. The only thing that was cool was that it had two completely separate tracks.


Well-Known Member
First of all, welcome!!!
About the 20K spot, the Pooh thing is just a filler. Disney does have plans for that spot...it just might be a little while before they come to light. But Pooh is not the only thing that will be done with that spot.

I didn't know this- any ideas of what may go into that spot?


New Member
I'm not sure it's any "dumber" or "unnecessary' than special nights for groups of Christians or high school graduates.
nice one mum! (as we say in uk)
it would be even better if the gaydays were recongnised by disney.
as a gay man myself i would love to go on such an occasion if only to feel comfortable with myself and to be able to enjoy myself with my partner ie just the simple things like hold hands hugging, getting romantic over dinner etc,( all those thing NORMAL (?) people do) and not have to worry about some small minded people that might get obusive towards us.
that would truly be MY dream vacation
sorry to go off track from the thread!


Account Suspended
Gay Days aren't put on by Disney. It's just a get together that the gays put together. It would be like if WDWMagic had a WDWMagic Day at the parks. It's not official. Disney will never do anything like that because the fact is that most American families don't want their young children exposed to that type of lifestyle. Not trying to be rude, but it's just the way it is.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
... It would be like if WDWMagic had a WDWMagic Day at the parks. It's not official. Disney will never do anything like that because the fact is that most American families don't want their young children exposed to that type of lifestyle. Not trying to be rude, but it's just the way it is.

What....they don't want their family exposed to WDWMagic ? ! :eek:


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Haha. You know what I meant. Only quoting half of what I wrote. You must work in media, huh? :lol:

No, my computer just blocks any content that might be anywhere near anything that might be construed, considered, or regarded as censurable. :lol:

You should see what it displays on some subjects:


Well-Known Member
I didn't know this- any ideas of what may go into that spot?
I don't know exactly what is on tap for the space, but I do know that it is prime development for a new attraction at some point.

But it has definitely been talked about around here that filling the lagoon in was one of the first steps for eventually building a new ride.


Active Member
Second, from my understanding Disney is pretty gay friendly (they have a week in February (I think) that is Gay Week or something like that), so again probably moving to the right place.

First weekend in June is Gay days, but close:animwink: Though it is not sponsored by WDW, they are HAPPY to accept the money from the tourist LOL


Well-Known Member
As I recall, WDW was the first, or one of the first company's to extend benefits to "partners" of their employees. Thus the reason for the boycot of WDW by some religious organizations. Again, this goes way back to the late 80's, maybe early 90's. I really can't recall dates well, but I do recall the fallout.

I have been to WDW a couple of times during the (unofficial) gay days week and it was crowded with many people who were all enjoying themselves at WDW. Nothing more than that. I would not hesitate to go back in early June, in fact my girls and I have a trip in the planning stages now for the first week on June.


Welcome to the boards! :wave:

Just an FYI since you're new here - posts regarding the topic of monorail expansion tend to make most of the otherwise delightful patrons of this message board to turn green and rip out of their clothes a la the incredible hulk, leading to random acts of rage, tolstoy-length posts and/or angry sentence fragments. So stick to something safer, like how much you miss ancient Epcot attractions.


New Member
It's off topic, but HP isn't a bandwagon effect. Most kids will not read 3300 pages worth of anything if it's not good. There would be a similar "bandwagon" to read the Lord of the Rings books now, but few kids read them because are very difficult to get into for kids--they start much slower than HP. Mr. Toad is an wreckless driver who gets in a car accident and goes to hell at the end of the ride...nothing says "have a magical day" more than a ride ending with a trip to hell. The only thing that was cool was that it had two completely separate tracks.

He wound up in hell at the end?? :eek: I never rode the ride (I was a pansy as a child...still am, I guess! XD), and I never read the book, either. The only reason I remember those characters was because the Disney Channel (before they started repeats of the same 5 shows) used to have a show about The Wind In The Willows.

...To be honest, the show never really caught my interest. :lol: But I still knew who Mr. Toad was, at least! I guess that's...something... :p

edit: I went looking round Wikipedia, and now I'm thinking I might stop by the library and see if they have this book. Better late than never! LOL


New Member
I definitly agree that Disney might be overdoing some things a bit. I feel a little bit like they are trying to be too modern and that is taking away from what Disney is about. Why did they have to change Alien Encounter to Lilo and Stitch? That one, I'll never understand. There are just so many classics there and I'm afraid they're going to mess with them! Carousel of Progress has been my favorite since the first time I went to Disney World over ten years ago and I always get worried that it won't be there each time we go back.

I just feel like some of the things were Walt originals and getting rid of them or changing them is not a good idea.

But that's just my opinion!


Well-Known Member
I don't know exactly what is on tap for the space, but I do know that it is prime development for a new attraction at some point.

But it has definitely been talked about around here that filling the lagoon in was one of the first steps for eventually building a new ride.

I sure hope so...



Well-Known Member
As I recall, WDW was the first, or one of the first company's to extend benefits to "partners" of their employees. Thus the reason for the boycot of WDW by some religious organizations. Again, this goes way back to the late 80's, maybe early 90's. I really can't recall dates well, but I do recall the fallout.

My aunt and uncle are born again christians and this was a very difficult boycot for them, as they LOVE WDW. They honeymooned there. My aunt used to give me all kinds of Disney trinkets because I loved it as much as she did.
But then the whole boycot came along and their kids were no longer allowed to watch ANYTHING even remotely Disney related.
It was tough.

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