Just need to vent


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My company decided to close the office in my town and give us a choice to relocate to another office over an hour away (move or commute) or take the severance package. Moving is not an option for me so I'm taking the severance package and actually going back to school in Esthetics. Unfortunately a trip next year will not be possible because I will still be in school or just getting out. So I have to wait until 2011....I guess it could be worse and I could not be going at all. Going in 2011 just gives me more of an opportunity to save up and stay at the Poly which otherwise would not been possible.

Hmmmm, this is starting to look up a little bit....but just a little...lol



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear of your job loss, we are dealing with that here in the US as well. However, it sounds as if you have a great new door opening for you! Any chance we get to "re invent" ourselves in todays world economy is a good thing, imho. Best of luck to you!


Well-Known Member
I am so sorry to hear that. I know what you mean with the commute. I am currently living 25 miles away from DC but the commute in there can take up to 2 HRs, more like an hour and a half one way....so its no fun. Plus I am going to school at night so its a pain. But it will be worth it.


Well-Known Member
Well, if your having to wait means you can save up to stay in one of the more pricey hotels, then it won't be too bad to wait for two years or so, I wouldn't think.


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Original Poster
Thanks everyone and it's true, if I have to wait, it just means better things when we do finally go. I am grateful for the chance to "re invent" myself which not that many people get to do. I do believe everything happens for a reason. And this just gives me the kick in the pants I needed to do what I want to do for once.

So, yes, in a way this sucks but from another point of view, it's not so bad.


Active Member
Fifteen years ago the company I worked for (and was very happy with at the time) decided to do away with my department and move everybody else to Atlanta. I ended up with a much better paying job that I like even better - and I didn't have to relocate! Plus, I've heard a few horror stories from the people who moved to Atlanta.

Everything works out in the end. Good luck!!



Well-Known Member
I'm in the same boat and trying to keep positive. The company I worked for was sold and we were told that we would all have positions in the new company. My new position is 25 less hours per week, with no benefits at a pay cut or I could be laid off.

I would make more being laid off and getting EI so I'm doing that while I look for work but I think this is the kick in the butt I need to get out and find a job I really love. I know the right job will come along and I have been getting some interviews so hopefully I won't be on EI for long. Then, once I get my new job I can start saving for my next WDW trip.

Good luck with Esthetics. I am also a professional makeup artist so I get some makeup gigs on the side and love it.


Well-Known Member
I feel for you. I business has taken a nose dive and is almost impossible to make ends meet every month. Question is???? How in the world when you get laid off do you pay your bills. This is a general question not to one person. I wonder that every day. Do you call you CC companys mortgage companys elec, water,,, so on and so on. I know some have unemployment benefits for a while but I would think most peoples expenses far exceed there pay no matter how they get the income. It is so scarey for us as we are self employed so no one can give us unemployment if this happens in January. Our slowest time of the year is the first 3 months of the year. We have children's furnishings etc and they have just bought for Christmas and need nothing.


Well-Known Member
I feel for you. I business has taken a nose dive and is almost impossible to make ends meet every month. Question is???? How in the world when you get laid off do you pay your bills. This is a general question not to one person. I wonder that every day. Do you call you CC companys mortgage companys elec, water,,, so on and so on. I know some have unemployment benefits for a while but I would think most peoples expenses far exceed there pay no matter how they get the income. It is so scarey for us as we are self employed so no one can give us unemployment if this happens in January. Our slowest time of the year is the first 3 months of the year. We have children's furnishings etc and they have just bought for Christmas and need nothing.

I can only answer for myself. I called my bank and was pleased with how they handled everything once I explained my situation. They immediately offered to wiave my bank fee for one month and to add two months at the end of my student loan payments so I could skip paying for the next two months.

I have an insurance on my credit card that covers if I'm out of work so I have to pay the interest but I don't have to make a payment for up to 6 months. That was used for my last Disney trip :)

My power company left with the option of pay it in 6 weeks or we'll shut off the power so that bill will be getting paid.

I don't purchase things on credit, just bought a new TV & Blu-Ray this year but saved up until I could pay for it in cash. All my furniture is bought this way so I have no payments like that to make.

As for WDW trips...I just go on here and live vicariously through you guys until I can afford to go again.


Active Member
Wow Rach, so sorry to hear about your work situation. As they say, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. As you mentioned, just look forward to 2011 and staying at Poly which would not have otherwise been possible! I just started a thread the other day about how to pass the long times in between trips.. meaning 2 or more years. Start thinking about it now, come on these boards, watch the movies... start saving. It will be here before you know it! I too have a 3-4 year wait until my next trip, so just know there are others out there going through it with you! Best wishes on your continuing education and endeveours

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