Just my thoughts on the may 5th announcement


New Member
Original Poster
I have read a lot of posts and I have a few thoughts. Disney is doing a lot right now! But the only way to get more people to come is expand!

A few ideas for what might come out of the announcement:

1. New water park. They have already cleared the land to the North west of wide world of sports. They are most likely going to so do something with it. The area seems too small for another park.

I would like to see an atlantis theme or 20k theme. Not Nemo because the just redid the living seas

2. The 20K site needs an attraction. The pooh playground Idea is pathetic. Why would disney put a charater meet and greet/ playground right across from the pooh ride!

I would put money on a Beauty and the Beast dark ride because the show in MGM can be replaced with the incredibles or something more current.

or I believe there is a lot of talk about the disney villians (several cast members mentioned this while i was down last time) They deserve there own ride (not a coaster, sorry) or possible an animatronic show.

3. The haunted mansion is my favorite ride of all time! I have read several rumors about an exit change that might add a shop. I think this would be great.

4. Indiana Jones ride in MGM looks pretty certain. However I would like to see a new version not a copycat version.

5. AK NEEDS MORE ATTACTIONS! There I've said it. One of the initail plans for the park was to have an area with mythical creatures. Great idea! What happened to stop it. Now that disney has worked down the debt a little it can continue to add to AK. I like AK but it needs some work! Maybe add australia too!

6. A NEW PARK! The area cleared might be perfect for a new park (it right off a highway intersection!) Some rumors I have heard say that disney will build a park dedicated to thrill rides. Do we need another Universal! Disney's strength is there themeing. If Disney were to build another park think what that would do to Universal, who has run out of room! They can't compete!

The only themeing I can think of would be the villians again. Maybe the rides in the park can tell their sides of the story. Please not a Universal copycat! This is Disney for crying out load!

7. New epcot countries! Russia, Brazil, Eygpt, Korea, Another African country, Spain, take your pick.

if not a new country add some rides. Not Movies! Canada has been said to get a new boat attraction. Its a good first step, but there can be more done.

8. How about an actual theater. Not a movie theater but a broadway style theater! Disney's broadway show are good! Or how about a new full length show that you have to buy tickets for. Not in a park but on WDW property.

9. Rehab of Space Ship Earth or complete remake! I love the ride and communication is a good theme but it needs help bad!

10. A new toon town area at MK. Mickey's toon town fair is nice but its been there too long. A new toon town is needed!

11. New 3D Movie in Epcot! Honey I shunk the audeince looks like crap! We need a remake or another new show

These are just a few thoughts that may come out of this announcement. Please keep in mind that these are just my ideas but most of them are based on rumors. Just a few of these ideas would help Disney be a better place.

As you can see from above I don't like universal! :fork: Their parks are boring and their themeing sucks! :p Disney is the only reason why Orlando has bloomed and universal even has any business

I could be commpletely wrong and this announcement could be about the new rides they just added :hammer: . I hope not!

OK enough of my ranting. Discuss!


New Member
Original Poster
Yes, besides that

i am not stupid I know that the beginning of the 100 year celebration will begin may 5th!

But a lot of people and threads say it will be more then that! I am just adding my thoughts on what disney can do in the future as well!


New Member
actor072002 said:
i am not stupid I know that the beginning of the 100 year celebration will begin may 5th!

But a lot of people and threads say it will be more then that! I am just adding my thoughts on what disney can do in the future as well!

Actually that comment makes you sound very stupid. It is only 50 years.:brick: :brick::brick::brick:


Account Suspended
actor072002 said:
i am not stupid I know that the beginning of the 100 year celebration will begin may 5th!

But a lot of people and threads say it will be more then that! I am just adding my thoughts on what disney can do in the future as well!

A lot of people are idiots, and will be disappointed by the own hype they created. I doubt they will announce anything new that day. Think about it:

"We are having this wonderful celebration, everyone should come to WDW and see it! But we are building new rides so in 3 years everything will be better than it is during the celebration!"

Most people (READ: NOT DISNEY FANATICS) will say, "wow, lets just wait and go in three years then."

They will mention Everest, and talk about the other things officially opening that day (Lights, Motors, Action and Soarin'). But nothing else. If they want more, they'll just have another event to announce it. Quote me on this.

Want some proof?
22 April 2003: Disney Announces Expedition EVEREST

Only other thing out of Disney that day?

22 April 2003: Disney have officially announced that the soft-opening date for Mission Space previews is August 15 2003!

So, the information on the next E-Ticket will come when EE is done.


Active Member
Thrawn said:
A lot of people are idiots, and will be disappointed by the own hype they created. I doubt they will announce anything new that day. Think about it:

"We are having this wonderful celebration, everyone should come to WDW and see it! But we are building new rides so in 3 years everything will be better than it is during the celebration!"

Most people (READ: NOT DISNEY FANATICS) will say, "wow, lets just wait and go in three years then."


Agreed, Disney's announcements are usually anti-climatic and mostly already known by Disney fans who have WDI friends or read rumors on the Internet.

A 5th gate is not likely to happen for a while. Frankly, I loved the rumor of a PotC-themed water park replacing Discovery Island. Sounds awesome!

To me, with the mothballing of Disney Animation and Tram Tour at Disney-MGM, that Park now needs the most help. AK will benefit from Expedition Everest and so probably is OK for a while.

I think we all have a wish list of things *we'd* do if *we* were in charge. But we're not unfortunately (or maybe fortunately since a know a lot of people who, in their enthusiasm, would probably make Disney go broke! :->)


New Member
actor072002 said:
I have read a lot of posts and I have a few thoughts. Disney is doing a lot right now! But the only way to get more people to come is expand!

A few ideas for what might come out of the announcement:

1. New water park. They have already cleared the land to the North west of wide world of sports. They are most likely going to so do something with it. The area seems too small for another park.

I would like to see an atlantis theme or 20k theme. Not Nemo because the just redid the living seas

2. The 20K site needs an attraction. The pooh playground Idea is pathetic. Why would disney put a charater meet and greet/ playground right across from the pooh ride!

I would put money on a Beauty and the Beast dark ride because the show in MGM can be replaced with the incredibles or something more current.

or I believe there is a lot of talk about the disney villians (several cast members mentioned this while i was down last time) They deserve there own ride (not a coaster, sorry) or possible an animatronic show.

3. The haunted mansion is my favorite ride of all time! I have read several rumors about an exit change that might add a shop. I think this would be great.

4. Indiana Jones ride in MGM looks pretty certain. However I would like to see a new version not a copycat version.

5. AK NEEDS MORE ATTACTIONS! There I've said it. One of the initail plans for the park was to have an area with mythical creatures. Great idea! What happened to stop it. Now that disney has worked down the debt a little it can continue to add to AK. I like AK but it needs some work! Maybe add australia too!

6. A NEW PARK! The area cleared might be perfect for a new park (it right off a highway intersection!) Some rumors I have heard say that disney will build a park dedicated to thrill rides. Do we need another Universal! Disney's strength is there themeing. If Disney were to build another park think what that would do to Universal, who has run out of room! They can't compete!

The only themeing I can think of would be the villians again. Maybe the rides in the park can tell their sides of the story. Please not a Universal copycat! This is Disney for crying out load!

7. New epcot countries! Russia, Brazil, Eygpt, Korea, Another African country, Spain, take your pick.

if not a new country add some rides. Not Movies! Canada has been said to get a new boat attraction. Its a good first step, but there can be more done.

8. How about an actual theater. Not a movie theater but a broadway style theater! Disney's broadway show are good! Or how about a new full length show that you have to buy tickets for. Not in a park but on WDW property.

9. Rehab of Space Ship Earth or complete remake! I love the ride and communication is a good theme but it needs help bad!

10. A new toon town area at MK. Mickey's toon town fair is nice but its been there too long. A new toon town is needed!

11. New 3D Movie in Epcot! Honey I shunk the audeince looks like crap! We need a remake or another new show

These are just a few thoughts that may come out of this announcement. Please keep in mind that these are just my ideas but most of them are based on rumors. Just a few of these ideas would help Disney be a better place.

As you can see from above I don't like universal! :fork: Their parks are boring and their themeing sucks! :p Disney is the only reason why Orlando has bloomed and universal even has any business

I could be commpletely wrong and this announcement could be about the new rides they just added :hammer: . I hope not!

OK enough of my ranting. Discuss!

1. There has been talks around here about a POTC water park being made.

2. There have been threads about 'Bald Mountain' attraction being put into the current 20K space.

3. There have been threads about this as well, but it is something which i'd really like to see happen. One good thing about the DL HM is that you enter and exit out of completely different areas, making it seem like no one comes back from entering in.

4. There was a thread not too long associated with this topic, said it was about 75% greenlighted.

5. Yea, there was a Beastly Kingdom planned for AK, but it was scrapped, sounded cool too though.

6. I doubt there is going to be a 5th park any time soon. At least i'd like to see them spend more time working on the current 4 then build a 5th one.

7. I don't think we are going to see any more unless one of the current countries is replaced. I'd rather see other attractions go in for the current countries first anyways.

8. Haven't heard anything about that but that sounds like a great idea.

9. There has been talk around here about a SSE rehab in the next two years to clear out the AT&T logos completely. Personally i'd like to see a rehab more then a complete rebuild, i love this ride.

10. There have been some threads about using the 20K area to extend toontown, but i don't think it really was being considered for the extension of toon town.

11. I agree, but what could go here? I think HISTA is good enough for the moment, until some other movie can be used for the same purposes.


New Member
actor072002 said:
2. The 20K site needs an attraction. The pooh playground Idea is pathetic. Why would disney put a charater meet and greet/ playground right across from the pooh ride!

Why would they put a Buzz Lightyear meet-and-greeet outside of Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin? Because it makes sense. After the kids ride the ride, they want to meet the character. Also, if they get a FastPass for it, then they can spend the spare time playing on the "playground," if that's even what it is.

I'm not saying that I support the "playground." At this point, I just trust Disney with what they plan on dishing, because there's no way most of us will be able to predict what will come out of them next.


I'm very happy their just putting in a Pooh Meet and Greet without a lot of themeing. This shows that is most likely a temporary thing until they can get plans for a new attraction.



askmike1 said:
I'm very happy their just putting in a Pooh Meet and Greet without a lot of themeing. This shows that is most likely a temporary thing until they can get plans for a new attraction.


Um...Toon Town was supposed to be temporary too. Remember Birthdayland?


BigNorm said:
Um...Toon Town was supposed to be temporary too. Remember Birthdayland?
Of course, in fact, there are many temp attractions that stood the test of time. However, most stay because they become immensly popular. Hunchback show, Festival of The Lion King, Toontown, etc. all very popular.


Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
askmike1 said:
Of course, in fact, there are many temp attractions that stood the test of time. However, most stay because they become immensly popular. Hunchback show, Festival of The Lion King, Toontown, etc. all very popular.


yes some stay because they become popular.. But they too disappear.. Hunchback now gone.. 20K popular, but gone... CoP, popular but seasonal, WoL popular yet season and soon to be replaced... Birthdayland was temp.. It became Toontown with new additions... Toontown isn't going anywhere I am afraid to say....

Pixie Duster

New Member
I know there is a lot of talk about a new big announcement. I am a CM but I am not in the know to those things. My gut tells me there will not be some big announcement that you guys are hoping for. Each park just got a new addition. You can't over stimulate the market. The HCOE is going to be big enough for the next 18 months. As far as my logic can tell me, announcing another slew of attractions is going to be overkill. You have to let the market peak and valley instead of throwing more and more at the public hoping it will peak continuously.


New Member
dxer07002 said:
Toontown isn't going anywhere I am afraid to say...

I happen to love Toontown. It is probably one of the most elaborately themed areas of MK. The houses, mailboxes, fences, ears of corn. It also has the nice fruit stand. I love cold, fresh fruit on a hot summer day.

Besides, where else are they gonna have meet-and-greets?;)


5. AK NEEDS MORE ATTACTIONS! There I've said it. One of the initail plans for the park was to have an area with mythical creatures. Great idea! What happened to stop it. Now that disney has worked down the debt a little it can continue to add to AK. I like AK but it needs some work! Maybe add australia too!

I totally agree with you because I don't really like AK because there isn't all that much there to do. I know they are working on everst, but even then thats still not enough. there does need to be something extra!


New Member
i agree with the last statement. they are just going to say about the new rides being added. nothing new will be told at this time.


Well-Known Member
actor072002 said:
10. A new toon town area at MK. Mickey's toon town fair is nice but its been there too long. A new toon town is needed!

Too long? Are you serious? It hasn't been there THAT long. The "new" Tomorrowland's been around longer than Toontown Fair. What's wrong with the one we have, anyway? I, for one, still like it. I remember when it was Mickey's Starland...Toontown Fair is still an immense improvement over Starland.


Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
A lot of people are idiots, and will be disappointed by the own hype they created. I doubt they will announce anything new that day. Think about it:

"We are having this wonderful celebration, everyone should come to WDW and see it! But we are building new rides so in 3 years everything will be better than it is during the celebration!"

Most people (READ: NOT DISNEY FANATICS) will say, "wow, lets just wait and go in three years then."

They will mention Everest, and talk about the other things officially opening that day (Lights, Motors, Action and Soarin'). But nothing else. If they want more, they'll just have another event to announce it. Quote me on this.

Want some proof?
22 April 2003: Disney Announces Expedition EVEREST

Only other thing out of Disney that day?

22 April 2003: Disney have officially announced that the soft-opening date for Mission Space previews is August 15 2003!

So, the information on the next E-Ticket will come when EE is done.

I agree

It would be bad if WDW was to announce something that would not be open during the HCOE during the kick-off of the HCOE....what a way to diminish the importance of HCOE.

They could discuss new projects that will be opening DURING HCOE, like the Pooh play area.....but I would not expect anything major to be announced.

A better example is the new rides/shows that opened in 1998/99.....when were Fantasmic, Buzz, & RnRC announced.....it was not at the start of the 25th anniversary.

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