Friday 18th July
Today we planned to go to DHS. We had fast passes for the little mermaid, Toy Story and then the muppets 3D. DHS is not really one of our favourite parks, in fact we didn't go there last time we went to WDW, but we do like the Toy Story ride.
We got to the park soon after opening, and the girls were given cardboard Olafs to keep.
It took a bit longer to get to the park than we thought, so we missed our first fp which was for the little mermaid. We walked to the area behind the hat, and used the fp kiosks to change our missed fp to a later one. One thing we noticed was that very often the cast members in the fp kiosks were quite miserable. Some were friendly but many lacked the Disney charm.
We went on the Great Movie ride as the line was short. We hadn't been on the ride for quite a few years so we enjoyed it.
Then it was time to go on the toy story ride. We all love this, but we don't like waiting in line for it. Luckily we walked straight through with our fast passes. Here are the girls..
The ride was great, and I beat DH! Here is the photo to prove it, mine is on the right.
As we went outside, we met one of the toy soldiers, and DD wanted a photo with him.
We went into the Pirates of the Caribbean show, but we weren't very impressed with it. We stopped on a bench for a cool drink and snack, mmm uncrustables!
We decided to make our way to the muppet area, and passed the frozen ice skating area. Although we didn't want to skate, we went in to have a look. We were lucky because we walked right in, and later on there was a long line just to get in the building. We watched some of the Frozen characters ice skating, but I don't know who they were because I think I am the only person who hasn't seen the film yet! There was an app you could download and take pictures, and the Frozen characters appeared with you - the girls loved this. There was also an area with real snow where kids could make snowmen etc.

We went back outside and walked around to the muppets. We really didn't need a fp, as it was a walk on. We enjoyed the show and then went to watch the little mermaid show. We then watched the animation show, and felt hot and tired so decided to leave the park.
At one point we stopped to take this photo
which reminded me of the one we took fifteen years ago,
On the way out, we passed the cast member who had given the girls their Olafs. She said, 'Hey, I remember you!" and gave them a big smile. She was a great cm, and she could have shown the fp kiosk staff how to treat the guests!
We went back to the hotel and spent some time by the pool. Later on, we headed back to the Polynesian for a meal at the Kona Café.

This used to be one of our favourite restaurants, but the meal we had was ok. Nothing wrong with it, but not a fantastic meal like the ones we used to have there. We used to love the teriaki steak, but that is no longer on the menu, so we tried the plain steak. As I said, mine was just ok, and I wouldn't have it again.