Just got back....some notes on WDW


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well I got back last night, and am already going through withdrawl. Here are some observations and things I noticed/had questions about. This is not a trip report...I will post one of those later.

Everything looked fantastic in MK, including the walls up for construction and whatnot.

Carousel of Progress: They really need to turn the sound down on the background music; unless you're sitting in the front row, it's nearly impossible to hear the scenes on the left and right. Does anyone agree?
Pirates: Why did they get rid of the flashing lightning by the Skeleton driving the ship at the beginning? It was just a standard storm cloud.
People Mover: new narration was AWESOME. Much better than the "NOW APPROACHING" junk. But I could have sworn they moved the "paging Mr. Tom Morrow" quote from Friday's ride vs my ride on it yesterday...maybe I'm crazy.
Mick's Philharmagic: this is in SEVERE need of digital upgrade. the beginning was so blurry and grainy i could barely make it out.
Fireworks: Didn't like them nearly as much as Wishes
Hall of Presidents: AWESOME!!! MUCH better than the previous guilt-trip over slavery show. This one was fantastic, and it was very funny to hear the crowd on this show. It was split between conservatives and liberals, each trying to cheer louder than the other starting with JFK all the way up to Barack.
Splash Mountain: WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS RIDE?!? I counted many AA's not working properly, or shut off, including the two rabbits sweeping the porch, Brer Rabbit hopping away after Brer Bear springs the trap, and the turtles. The new lighting looks good, but I felt like the song was not as featured as usual. Audio problems maybe? This needs a serious overhaul.
MSEP: Unreal. Watched it three times over my entire trip. Except Elliot and Pete weren't in the parade on Monday the 28th (not at the 9pm or 11pm parades). Has anyone heard why? This parade kicks SpectroMagic's butt.

Future world is in such a state of disaster. It's really useless these days to me. Soarin' is pretty fun, as is Spaceship Earth, but I wouldn't be broken-hearted if EVERYTHING in Future World was demolished.
Imagination is stupid as hell, the entire Land pavilion is less interesting than Baroque music theory, Mission: Space is a joke, and while I kind of like Universe of Energy, the whole educational aspect of Future World wore off me when I turned 15. While I was in Imagination, explaining to my younger brother about where everything used to be (in ImageWorks and the gift shop) this jerk of a cast member followed me around the entire time and was very rude to me; I think he was nervous i was going to try and run upstairs to the Rainbow Corridor :lol:

Hollywood Studios.
Twilight Zone: I went on this a record 10 times. New drop sequence would have been better if they didn't let light into the drop shaft, but it was one of the best yet. During the drops, you can clearly see the screen that plays at the end. Also, I could hear Rod's ending spiel just before the drops. Not big deal, but let me tell you, the star curtains are a joke. They look SO tacky. The projected image of everything in the elevator is useless, but I really like the creepy music just before the drop. I really hope they restore the 5th Dimension scene after SummerNightastic is over. On one of my rides, the window in the hallway scene didn't work. It was very strange.
Aerosmith: They actually had a Cast Member named Chris go and get Joe Perry's black Les Paul! It was great!!! When did they start doing this again?
Fantasmic: Best show on property. Did they upgrade the water sprinklers? It looked a lot better than it did last May.
Toy Story: Hardly any of the effects worked when I rode. The screens were blurry and out of focus, and I rarely got air blown on me or water or anything. It was much better when I rode it last May.

Animal Kingdom
Everest: I asked a young girl who was seating people if the Yeti was in B-mode and she looked like she might have a heart attack. She got real close to me and said "How do you know about that? Guests aren't supposed to know." And, of course, the Yeti was in b-mode and he sucked.

That's all really. I'll post a full trip report in the near future, including all of the new things I did this trip that I've never done before, along with more suggestions.


Active Member
MSEP: Unreal. Watched it three times over my entire trip. Except Elliot and Pete weren't in the parade on Monday the 28th (not at the 9pm or 11pm parades). Has anyone heard why? This parade kicks SpectroMagic's butt.

This thread explains the reason behind that: http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=601070

Great notes! It is sad reading that Splash is in need of yet another refurb even after so many constant updates during the past couple of years. :(


Park History nut
Premium Member
Why did they get rid of the flashing lightning by the Skeleton driving the ship at the beginning? It was just a standard storm cloud.
It`s still there. Must have gone tech.

Master Gracey 5

Active Member
Everest: I asked a young girl who was seating people if the Yeti was in B-mode and she looked like she might have a heart attack. She got real close to me and said "How do you know about that? Guests aren't supposed to know." And, of course, the Yeti was in b-mode and he sucked.

Awesome! I"m asking the same question next time I go to see what kind of reaction I can get.

Pity there are so many down effects but sounds like you had a great trip overall.


Well-Known Member
Animal Kingdom
Everest: I asked a young girl who was seating people if the Yeti was in B-mode and she looked like she might have a heart attack. She got real close to me and said "How do you know about that? Guests aren't supposed to know." And, of course, the Yeti was in b-mode and he sucked.

That's all really. I'll post a full trip report in the near future, including all of the new things I did this trip that I've never done before, along with more suggestions.

I have a feeling that the CM was probably tired of answering the question and is starting to have some fun with it...

I'm just guessing, but that's what it sounds like.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Just a few responses, based on my trip from June 12th:

- The Pirate lightning effect...sounds like the bulb needs to be replaced because it was working on the 12th.

- Had no problems with CoP unless they've fiddled with the sound recently.

- I actually thought PhilharMagic was pretty clean when I saw it. The carpet in the waiting area needs to be replaced, but I thought the video itself was in good shape (though I wouldn't say no to brighter lamps or a digital upgrade).

- Couldn't disagree more with Splash Mountain, unless its really gone downhill in the last 2 weeks. New paint, clear audio, great lighting... it was in great shape when I saw it. As far as the AAs go, only one that I saw wasn't working was the gator eating Brer Fox's tail at the end. Everything else from the sweeping rabbits to the running Brer Rabbit/Fox/Bear projection to the turtles and the hopping fountains- it was all working. Even the infamously AWOL hopping Brer Rabbit AA was operating! Shame if its fallen apart so quickly...


Well-Known Member
Just a few responses, based on my trip from June 12th:

- The Pirate lightning effect...sounds like the bulb needs to be replaced because it was working on the 12th.

- Had no problems with CoP unless they've fiddled with the sound recently.

- I actually thought PhilharMagic was pretty clean when I saw it. The carpet in the waiting area needs to be replaced, but I thought the video itself was in good shape (though I wouldn't say no to brighter lamps or a digital upgrade).

- Couldn't disagree more with Splash Mountain, unless its really gone downhill in the last 2 weeks. New paint, clear audio, great lighting... it was in great shape when I saw it. As far as the AAs go, only one that I saw wasn't working was the gator eating Brer Fox's tail at the end. Everything else from the sweeping rabbits to the running Brer Rabbit/Fox/Bear projection to the turtles and the hopping fountains- it was all working. Even the infamously AWOL hopping Brer Rabbit AA was operating! Shame if its fallen apart so quickly...

actually on CoP the vocal audio on the side scenes does/has always drown out and the music volume picks up before they are actually finished talking. Been that way for a long time...even on the audio tracks I have of the current version of CoP.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your report! Nice to see positive reviews, as well as other issues that have been addressed before. Do you have any pics to share?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thank you for your report! Nice to see positive reviews, as well as other issues that have been addressed before. Do you have any pics to share?

Sure, I've got a few I can show right now. I'll post more when I get around to making a full trip report. Most are from the Magic Kingdom


Started off by meeting Pluto on Main Street.


I had never seen the Magic Kingdom Philharmonic before! They were fantastic.


Here's a shot of the Haunted Mansion from Frontierland.


Very spooky shot of the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror.


Tink, whom I am in love with, leads the Main Street Electrical Parade.




I had never gotten a haircut in the Magic Kingdom, so I was pretty thrilled to do it this trip. She did a great job too!!


We (my sister and I) did Space Mountain several times, but this was the funniest photo (sorry I can't get that white line off things when I scan them...anyone know how? I cleaned it TWICE!)

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls....
And here's a short clip of the fabulous announcement at the start of the Electrical Parade. It took everything in me to not sing along to the entire announcement, and you can hear me (and my sister) go nuts when the lights dim down :)


New Member
Nice! I didn't even know that you could get your hair cut there!

Yep!! A great little secret! My DH and two DSs get their hair cut each trip. In fact, my younger boy had his first haircut there. They make it incredibly special.

Thanks for the updates on WDW. I am having serious withdrawls and it's nice to read mostly good things.

Now, back to watching yet another video about the WDW Resort...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the notes. I will see MSEP for the 1st time in August. I am really excited about it and hope it does not dissapoint. The fireworks, ive seen the youtube - they do not look impressive but will reserve judgement until i see for myself

Yankee Mouse

Well-Known Member
Hall of Presidents: It was split between conservatives and liberals, each trying to cheer louder than the other starting with JFK all the way up to Barack.

I am not trying to turn this great thread into a political debate but this really bothers me. I don't understand why people can't just leave their political views outside the hall of presidents and enjoy it as Americans (for those of us that are). I majored in Political Science and minored in History so I was really excited to see the upgrade and the first chance I got to see it there were some Obama haters sitting next to us, and they talked throughout the entire thing. It was like talking through a movie and it ruined the entire thing for us, luckily we had the chance to see it again.

Master Gracey 5

Active Member
I am not trying to turn this great thread into a political debate but this really bothers me. I don't understand why people can't just leave their political views outside the hall of presidents and enjoy it as Americans (for those of us that are). I majored in Political Science and minored in History so I was really excited to see the upgrade and the first chance I got to see it there were some Obama haters sitting next to us, and they talked throughout the entire thing. It was like talking through a movie and it ruined the entire thing for us, luckily we had the chance to see it again.

100% agree - whether or not you support the current president, the show is about our country and the people who have led it through our history. Sit back, enjoy a well done show about our nation and leave your political views at the gate. Besides, the current president only ever speaks for a minute of the entire show anyhow, its not like they're delivering the state of the union address.

Mstr Gra-c

Active Member
The freedom we enjoy by being citizens of the US, lends itself to an ever present reflection and expression of our political views. We are a political/warrior race and therefore at the most simple of times will espouse our opinions for all to hear. The freedom to do so was created/nurtured by our founders and is at the heart of our existence as a people.
Yeah, it sucks when people do it in the Hall of Presidents...but the alternative is even suckier.

Optimus Mouse

New Member
The freedom we enjoy by being citizens of the US, lends itself to an ever present reflection and expression of our political views. We are a political/warrior race and therefore at the most simple of times will espouse our opinions for all to hear. The freedom to do so was created/nurtured by our founders and is at the heart of our existence as a people.
Yeah, it sucks when people do it in the Hall of Presidents...but the alternative is even suckier.

You're right. I don't need to be polite or courteous, I'm an AMERICAN!


Mstr Gra-c

Active Member
You're right. I don't need to be polite or courteous, I'm an AMERICAN!


Aaahhh sarcasm...the last vestige of the simpering defeated dolt.
I will try to simplify my statement for better understanding.


Its like really sucky when people like, say things in the Hall of presidents and stuff. But like, you kinda hafta expect it and stuff cuz there were these dudes like a long time ago, I think it was like 1940 or something and like they said 'hey, wouldnt it be cool if we could like say when we didnt agree with stuff that other peeps were saying' and like thier friends were all 'that would rock'. So they did...and they made there own country called America and sometimes today people get too worked up about it and it ruins Splash mountain.

Point being...yes I know and agree it is rude...but we have lived with the freedom for so long that sometimes people abuse it, or take advantage of it at the wrong time.

P.S. If your going to go the sarcasm route...really commit, like me just now. I know you have it in you...I believe in you.


Active Member
Aaahhh sarcasm...the last vestige of the simpering defeated dolt.
I will try to simplify my statement for better understanding.


Its like really sucky when people like, say things in the Hall of presidents and stuff. But like, you kinda hafta expect it and stuff cuz there were these dudes like a long time ago, I think it was like 1940 or something and like they said 'hey, wouldnt it be cool if we could like say when we didnt agree with stuff that other peeps were saying' and like thier friends were all 'that would rock'. So they did...and they made there own country called America and sometimes today people get too worked up about it and it ruins Splash mountain.

Point being...yes I know and agree it is rude...but we have lived with the freedom for so long that sometimes people abuse it, or take advantage of it at the wrong time.

P.S. If your going to go the sarcasm route...really commit, like me just now. I know you have it in you...I believe in you.



Active Member
I am not trying to turn this great thread into a political debate but this really bothers me. I don't understand why people can't just leave their political views outside the hall of presidents and enjoy it as Americans (for those of us that are). I majored in Political Science and minored in History so I was really excited to see the upgrade and the first chance I got to see it there were some Obama haters sitting next to us, and they talked throughout the entire thing. It was like talking through a movie and it ruined the entire thing for us, luckily we had the chance to see it again.

I am right there with you. However I am not a big follower of politics anyway. I have never seen the Hall of Presidents, frankly because I don't want a history lecture while on vacation. But if what the OP said is how this show always is, I will never see the show.

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