Just got back from WDW


Well-Known Member

-We had alot of problems with service at the Plaza Restraunt


-The queue for Toy Story Mania was full of garbage. Like literally everywhere in the queue.

Any specific details about problems at Plaza?

And alot of reviews of Toy Story Mania have mentioned dirty queues, trash all over the place, etc. I wonder if it's just because of the sheer number of people, or if Attractions needs to put an extra body or two to help keep it clean through the day.

1.Does anyone know what their refurbing in the holding area in American Adventure?

I believe the flooring.


Active Member
Original Poster
Any specific details about problems at Plaza?
It was just having problems actually getting in after making reservations

And alot of reviews of Toy Story Mania have mentioned dirty queues, trash all over the place, etc. I wonder if it's just because of the sheer number of people, or if Attractions needs to put an extra body or two to help keep it clean through the day.
That's what i was thinking. It's probably because so many people wait for so long to get on the ride


Well-Known Member
I, too, just came back. I wanted to mention the tour groups. They weren't as obnoxious or as out of control as they've been in the past. At least in my dealings with them. I will say the chanting, clapping and singing on line gets old quick :)

There was TONS of garbage in all the queues. People are slobs and should be ashamed of themselves.

It sounds like I should have followed you around. You seem to have avoided the groups that I have been running into all week. Some of the worst examples I have encountered this week:
- Tonight, after Illuminations, there were several groups all shouting either "Argentina" or "Brazil" (depending on the group) all of the way from World Showcase to the busses. It got to the point where my children were actually getting a bit scared. Anyone that makes my kids afraid to be in Disney quickly gets on my bad side. :mad::mad:
- Also tonight, the groups seemed larger than usual. There was one group of well over 100 walking through EPCOT, each holding onto the shoulders of the person in front. Made it almost impossible for others to get through.
- Garbage everywhere. I realize that this isn't limited to the tour groups, but they do seem to be some of the worst. While waiting for my family, I watched a group of young tour group "ladies" scatter trash across the path on which they were sitting to eat. The group leader watched the whole thing and never said a word. My wife, on the other had, suggested that they might want to clean up their mess.
- Yesterday, at MK, I took my son into a shop to find a key chain. One tour group apparently needed to cool off and chose the same shop we were in. Several decided that it would be acceptable to simply sit on the display racks and talk.

I could go on, but that's more than enough ranting. To be fair, the problem is not all tour groups. I did observe some fairly large, well behaved groups. Unfortunately, the majority constitute an unruly mob.


Well-Known Member
I ate at the Plaza on Sunday July 7/11 at 6pm and the service was awesome. I was in and out in about 35 minutes. I was astounded on how fast I got my food. Wendy was my waitress and she was great!

I rode Everest several times on my last day (7/16) and I really couldn't tell if he was moving. They had the strobe on and it kinda looked like he was moving but I can't swear that he was.


Well-Known Member
And alot of reviews of Toy Story Mania have mentioned dirty queues, trash all over the place, etc. I wonder if it's just because of the sheer number of people, or if Attractions needs to put an extra body or two to help keep it clean through the day.

Here's a thought: people should throw their trash out! There are plenty of garbage cans and people choose not to use them and that's irresponsible and just plain RUDE. The queue for Big Thunder had literal piles of garbage because people are too lazy to throw it out.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you about the unthemed SM queue bit, it seems like they could have easily avoided it or actually themed it. Everything was looking a bit worn at that bit of the queue. Paint chipped and in the final part of the stand-by queue before it joins FP, bits of the wall had been knocked in.


Well-Known Member
Magic Kingdom
-Hate the Tiki Room

Being a BIG Tikiphile would like to know what you dislike about the Tiki Room, could they do anything to improve it, that would change your opinion :confused: Thanks! Duckberg :D
May I interject?, I know the question wasn't directed toward me. I love the ORIGINAL Tiki room- so I would say to bring back the Original and that would improve it.
I know this has been hashed over a million and one times:hammer:


New Member
Here's a thought: people should throw their trash out! There are plenty of garbage cans and people choose not to use them and that's irresponsible and just plain RUDE. The queue for Big Thunder had literal piles of garbage because people are too lazy to throw it out.

and the sad thing is there are garbage cans along the entry path to thunder mountain!!!!! So rude doesn't even cover it unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
And alot of reviews of Toy Story Mania have mentioned dirty queues, trash all over the place, etc. I wonder if it's just because of the sheer number of people, or if Attractions needs to put an extra body or two to help keep it clean through the day.

They need some security there as well, kids were running wild on the queue props (egged on by their parents) when I was there a couple of weeks ago, and one women complained to a cast member and all that resulted was an announcement.


Well-Known Member
There really wasnt any real story in it. Absolutely no ending and it just sucked. Not much else to say. How to make it better? Just bring back the original.

Welcome in the club. I HATE the new management beyond belief and really hope that the real Tiki Room will return someday. Everyone who hates the present wanna-be-tiki-room should complain about it officially at town hall. We did.


Well-Known Member
They need some security there as well, kids were running wild on the queue props (egged on by their parents) when I was there a couple of weeks ago, and one women complained to a cast member and all that resulted was an announcement.

This drives me nuts! You know the kids aren't supposed to try and climb the ride props... even for a picture! Then my kids see other kids doing it and they want to do it as well. I end up looking like a big meanie because I tell them absolutely not.


Well-Known Member
My husband and I were in WDW from July 11th-18th and were prepared for all of the tour groups. Every where we went there were hoards of south american teenage tour groups. I even took a picture of about 300 of them watching illuminations to post in the next "bazillions of brazilians" thread that I see on this forum.

They were fantastically behaved. Every single tour group we found was relatively quiet, very responsible and well behaved. We were just floored - there is no way you could put that many american teenagers together and get the same results. So I agree with the OP, the tour groups won't scare us away in the future.


It's not all tour groups. Just the ones that seem to run amok in the parks. Frequently the foreign groups (and even some American ones) have etiquette that differs than the norms in America. Things like cutting in line, walking around chanting stuff, being generally obnoxious. Now admittedly a family could do the same thing, and not be as noticeable. Two kids in a family cut a line, rude yes, but not annoying. Twenty kinds in a group cut in line, rude and annoying, especially when you ask them to wait like everyone else. The same thing with FP lines. A family of four struggling to get their FP's from the machine, frustrating, but at least they are done in a minute. A group of 40 struggling, takes eons.

If the group is acting in a responsible manner, all the power to them. But the ones that ignore local social norms are annoying and irresponsible.
wow.....could not have said it any better!!!!!

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
And alot of reviews of Toy Story Mania have mentioned dirty queues, trash all over the place, etc. I wonder if it's just because of the sheer number of people, or if Attractions needs to put an extra body or two to help keep it clean through the day.
It can be hard for CMs to get in and clean out the queues on busy days when the queue is full all day.

Every queue has plenty of trash bins - attribute this one to people getting lazier and not willing to throw away their trash.
Here's a thought: people should throw their trash out! There are plenty of garbage cans and people choose not to use them and that's irresponsible and just plain RUDE. The queue for Big Thunder had literal piles of garbage because people are too lazy to throw it out.

Absolutely.....it's pathetic to actually see people throw their garbage on the ground with a complete lack of respect for other guests. I still believe that the queue area for Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin is the filthiest place on WDW property. By 10:00 am the floors are sticky and empty cups/napkins/water bottles litter the walkways. It reflects a lack of responsibility by many who believe their party are the only folks in the park.


New Member
Absolutely.....it's pathetic to actually see people throw their garbage on the ground with a complete lack of respect for other guests. I still believe that the queue area for Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin is the filthiest place on WDW property. By 10:00 am the floors are sticky and empty cups/napkins/water bottles litter the walkways. It reflects a lack of responsibility by many who believe their party are the only folks in the park.

Considering the fact that there are garbage cans about every 50 feet at WDW.

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