Just got back from WDW... our news on things...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Javier&Christie

seriously though... people think we're nuts.. but we never get tired of the place.... The first time I (Javier) was there.. was when I was 6.... 13 years later, and 10 years of annual passes later I still enjoy it like the first day :)

I get that as well. Mostly it's from people who have never been there or haven't been since they started expanding when there was only the MK. I keep telling them that there is much more to do for adults then there is for kids.

I've been there 15 times since I was 8 and I never tire of the place. :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by markymark
WOW!!! what an honor. The "mighty" Jay-Rod is letting you off. Remember this wonderful day for the rest of your lives!!


lol i'm really not that bad. To marky I treat him like crap lol


New Member
Original Poster
I figured the peeps here wouldn't think I was nuts :D

Yeah, living in Florida makes it a little easier.. that's safe to say..

But like you said, I get it mostly from people who haven't been there in a while, or are just plain boring!! :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyFreak

I get that as well. Mostly it's from people who have never been there or haven't been since they started expanding when there was only the MK. I keep telling them that there is much more to do for adults then there is for kids.

I've been there 15 times since I was 8 and I never tire of the place. :)

oh gosh I could never get tired of that place. :-)


New Member
hey, you two crazy kids. thanks for mentioning the part about ak being hotter than the other parks. i thought it was just me.

the worst part for me of being at ak last week was not getting any relief from the heat on the rapids ride. what a letdown! i have more fun in my bathtub (but we won't go there).

and you're right about all-star resorts upgrading the menu. it's nearly edible now! the only thing i found that wasn't better was the new coffee and you can read how i feel about that in the chit chat section, if you're interested.

in general, i've always found wdw food to be extremely bland. but i like food that's really really hot and spicy, so maybe i'm in the minority here.


New Member
Hey All... Just got my login the other day... Anyway I'm convinced that AK is Hotter than all due to the Extreme humidity ( and blocking of breezes) from all the vegitation! Was just at the Parks in July (over the 4th)... and on day around noon, thought me and my family was going to pass out from the heat (he says while over exagerating)... anyway, talk about the Shop tour of the park... Think I saw more merchandise that day than the last 3 trips combined....

Going Back on 9/1 ... Meeting some relatives from Europe for 5 days...

Anyone know about the Waters @ Epcot? I'd love to have THEM see them back on.

Anyone know about E-Ticket Nights for the first week in September?



New Member
Has any of you been to AK in the winter? Try it... it is also the coldest! Epcot is very cold at nights too because of the lagoon that makes it very very humid, but during the day, AK beats it, it is freezing!
During summer 99 cast members were giving away glasses of water and had hoses to refresh people with water. I got soaked with them and dryed in minutes! It was a lot more bearable that way and I am sure it avoided guests from fainting.


New Member
Originally posted by VacationMan
Anyway I'm convinced that AK is Hotter than all due to the Extreme humidity ( and blocking of breezes) from all the vegitation! Was just at the Parks in July (over the 4th)... and on day around noon, thought me and my family was going to pass out from the heat

AK is humid & hot but the WORLD SHOWCASE IS 'HELL.' You can feel the heat radiating off the red pavement as u begin to cook to a tasty medium-well.

I was told the Epcot fountain isn't working cuz the motors are broken and the CMs I talked to had no clue as to its repair.


New Member
Original Poster
dopey-> nope, definitely not just you :)... actually about the all-star thing.. what I really meant was their menu boards.. the upgraded them too the tv screen type, like the movie's resort... in any case.. I have a heck of alot of chicken fingers when I'm up at Disney b/c it's one of the few things that actually taste REALLY good ehhehehehe....

as far as the fountain goes.. that's a LONG time for it to be "broken" :(


New Member
y'know, talking about the differences among the parks, there is something else i recently noticed about epcot: it has more mice than the other parks.

i mean real mice, not characters. the last two times i went to epcot, i saw fairly large mice running around outside the entrance at night. (some other guests thought they were rats; but being in chicago, i know the difference between rats and mice.) i haven't seen vermin at any of the other parks.

is there something about epcot's location that makes it more mouseworthy? and another question: is that where all-star resorts' chefs go to get meat for the chicken fingers?


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by dopey

is there something about epcot's location that makes it more mouseworthy? and another question: is that where all-star resorts' chefs go to get meat for the chicken fingers?

argh.. there went the lunch i haven't even had yet :(


New Member
sorry, javier and/or christie. i ate the chicken fingers down there, too, and i'm almost certain it was some kind of breaded poultry. the meat in the taco salad is another story.

the only resort where i would be more reluctant to eat meat is the animal kingdom lodge. it seemed like there were more zebras at ak last time i went.


New Member
Originally posted by VacationMan
Hey All... Just got my login the other day... Anyway I'm convinced that AK is Hotter than all due to the Extreme humidity ( and blocking of breezes) from all the vegitation! Was just at the Parks in July (over the 4th)... and on day around noon, thought me and my family was going to pass out from the heat (he says while over exagerating)... anyway, talk about the Shop tour of the park... Think I saw more merchandise that day than the last 3 trips combined....

Going Back on 9/1 ... Meeting some relatives from Europe for 5 days...

Anyone know about the Waters @ Epcot? I'd love to have THEM see them back on.

Anyone know about E-Ticket Nights for the first week in September?


First of all...Welcome VacationMan!

To answer one of your questions, I believe e-ride nights in September are the 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th. You may want to check with WDW to be sure. Enjoy your trip! :D


New Member
Thanks for the Toughts on E-Ticket nights... I'm gonna call right now and see if they will confirm.

If anyone would like any pictures of any attractions while I'm @ WDW, Just drop me a line... I'll be sure to snap them while I'm there.


New Member
Have a Tape.

Hey Timekeeper... I dropped you a private message, but did not get a reply... I have a tape of TK from WDW, that is not too bad (for handheld comsumer stuff). Please contact me if you would like the master to bump up to a different format you use.... It's in Hi8.

Take Care.


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