Just got back from WDW and set a new personal record for Everest!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Let me get ma head round this.You spent ten hours in total in one day on this attraction?.Whit?Question one,are you obsessed with EE. Question two,you say you needed four eh potty stops,like are we talking nappies,sorry,diaper changes here,and question three,What age are you?or in other words,do you still watch Spongebob?:ROFLOL:

Why, yes I do! :lol: What does that have to do with age? :shrug:

So...natron20...are you saying the strobe effect was back on?


Well-Known Member
impressive! not sure if i would have passed out or vomited from that many trips on EE, but one thing for sure, the legs would have wobbled. always makes me feel that way. im glad you had fun. thats awesome!!


Well-Known Member
Well, I was in pretty rough shape the last 20 or so rides. The backwards portion was killing me in particular.

One CM leaned over to check on me several times, she wanted to make sure I wasn't pushing it too far, which I wasn't. I know my limits.

It was fun though because over the course of the day some of the CM were getting into it with me. Asking me for a count, figuring up how many rides I might be able to get in. And that one particular CM wasn't too far off, said if everything went right with the lines I could get in 68 rides, so ended up being only one off.

It took all I had though. I never once stopped to eat or drink, and took 4 potty breaks. 10 straight hours basically.

Having said all of that, EE will get one or two rides from me on subsequent trips and that will be all.

Thats just wacked out crazy!!:hammer::hammer:


Well-Known Member
67 times is boarder line insane lol. My g/f and I did it 4 straight times with no line at the close of the day on our last trip and I was getting sick, wasn't feeling good at all after that. No possible way I could manage half of what you did much less the same.

Tea cups??? H*^L NO lol!! I could do the carosel of progress 67 times though lol.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Whoa!Hold back the horses.

Love the ride, think it is a brilliant design.

I'm 33, besides what do you have against Sponge Bob?

Hey I've nothing against good old Sponge Bob,I mean if Arnie can be mayor in California,who knows who is going to run for president election,tho my money's on Patrick Starfish.:ROFLOL:Anyway,no hard feelings,glad you enjoyed the experience.:wave:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
the only noteworthy record we've ever accomplished was 13 rides in a row on Tower of Terror on Friday the 13th at a Passholder event. I really don't think 67 straight rides on ToT would be possible...we were feeling pretty weird after ride 10. :dazzle:
Many moons ago I rode Kumba at Busch Gardens Tampa 11 times in a row without getting off. I felt like I had been in a car wreck when I got off.


New Member
Original Poster
Here I was thinking 4 times on Pirates was pushing it...

There's got to be some sort of official record that you're competing for.

I wish there was some kind of official record, however I'm sure someone could / or has already topped my 67.

One CM told me at some point during the day a couple rode 39 times to celebrate their 39th anniversary. Another CM told me he had only been there for a year but he had never heard of anyone riding as many times as I did.

They gave me an "I'm Celebrating" button with 67 written on it as I passed through the que for the last time. Gonna display it with a fast pass I didn't use.


Well-Known Member
thats pretty epic man! I could definitely think of a few rides that I could pull out into an all day event... but EE is an excellent choice.


Well-Known Member
Did 6 in a row on TT one night and 10 for the day. Once got lucky and rode Soarin' 4 in a row @ 12:30AM for the last 4 rides of the day.

EE would make me :hurl: after 2 to maybe 3 rides in a day! I could never go back to back on EE. That reverse helix gets me everytime.

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