Just got back and it was a DISASTER!!!

GRRRRR!!!!! I never thought those words would come out of my mouth, but our 4 day trip earlier this week was a complete disaster...not because of anything Disney did, but because of our guests...

We had a friend of mine, her husband, her 2.5 yr old son and her 6 mos old son come to visit us. I have a 2.5 yr old daughter so I was excited for her little buddy to come play with her. Plus that, my friend has been one of my closest friends for some time now. We took them with us to WDW last Oct and that was a mess, but we thought this might be better (we were delusional)...this trip was 100 times worse...

They came to town Sat night and stayed at our place that night. We left for Disney Sunday morning and stayed til Wed evening, driving back to our place that night. They left town Thurs morn and it COULD NOT HAVE COME SOON ENOUGH...here's a brief list of the "highlights" of the trip...

* Her 2.5 yr old son BIT me on the first night on my forearm. I was reaching across from him to get something from his mom (he was sitting between us on a bench) and I felt a pain on my arm. I looked down and he was clamped onto me. I had a red teeth marks in a full mouth shape on my arm for 24 hours. She didn't even do anything about it, I actually heard her laughing with the mom who was next to her about how both thier sons bite. If my daughter bit my friend or anyone, I would be MORTIFIED...

* Her 2.5 yr old is a terror. He pushes and pulls on my daughter and makes her cry and be scared of him constantly. They roll their eyes and no doubt think my DD is a big baby cause she can't handle the "rough housing", or so they call it.

* We went to the MNSSHP Monday night...what a disaster. 3 hours into it, my friend and her husband got into a HUGE fight, were screaming in each others faces, calling names and she was bawling that she wanted to leave. How awkward for me and my DH to stand there while this was going on! I didn't want to leave, I paid $50+ for our tickets to be there! Eventually, they made up and we stayed, but we lost about 45 minutes.

* We went to HS Tuesday. My friend didn't want to go on any big rides even though she had been saying for months leading up to the trip that she was so excited to ride all the rides she couldn't go on last year due to being pregnant then. Add that to not being able to go to shows because her kids are ridiculous and can't sit through anything that long, and we ended up not having much to do. We ended up having to just sit around for about an hour waiting for our dinner ressie at 50's cafe. They couldn't sit, they had to keep walking because the kids would have flipped out, even though her husband complained the whole time about walking too much.

* Dinner at the 50's was absolutely ridiculous. I'm surprised we weren't asked to leave. Her 2.5 yr old would not sit in a high chair, but thats no surprise cause he didn't last yr either and never does, so they have to sit on a bench seat and trap him betweem them. She was holding the baby, the 2.5 yr old was between them. Standing up, the whole time. My DD was sitting peacefully in her high chair coloring. Occasionally she'd look up at their son and kinda ________ her head a little and look at him like she couldn't figure out what the heck he was! He had to rattle silverware around in empty glasses, pour liquids from one glass to another and back again, and they let him play with knives....yes, I said KNIVES...he had 3 butter knives (sharp enough that I used one to cut my steak) and he was standing there on the seat jumping up and down with them. I was so afraid he was going to throw them and me and my DD were right across the table. He was trying to stand them up and them he'd yell when they fell over. The waitress actually came over and in a panic said "Oh my goodness, he's got a knife!"...they relplied with, "Yeah, we know" and continued letting him play with them. When dinner came, he threw a fit and didn't want to eat his mac and cheese. His father grabbed him, put him on his lap, grabbed his forehead, pulling his head backwards and as the kid screamed and cried, the father shoved a forkfull of mac n cheese into his mouth. I'm surprised he didn't choke on it. He screamed and let the noodles fall out of his mouth. The father got mad and threw the fallen noodles across the table, to which they landed in front of me, almost into my lap.

* My friend was actually visably irritated because my DD was getting more attention from the photopass photographers at meet n greets then her son and was taking better pics. I can't help it if my DD likes the characters and interacts with them and her son is afraid of them. Sorry.

* We went to Tusker House for breakfast Wed at AK and as we waited outside for our table, they let their son run wild around and climb on walls and because I chose to let my DD sit in her stroller til our table was ready, the husband told the son that she couldn't come out and play cause she was "trapped like a rat"...

* Once inside the restaurant, their son grabbed empty glasses off the table and the silverware and started clanging them around again. My DD saw this and, monkey see-monkey do, tried doing it as well. My DH put a stop to that immediately and took it away from her. My friend rolled her eyes and shook her head, though did not see that I noticed her doing this. Sorry if I'm raising my DD to not be disruptive and destructive in public places.

* The whole day at AK was a disaster. We didn't get any photopass pics taken and my friend complained cause we split the disk pre-pay so we wanted as many pics as we could get and she felt that her family didn't get thier moneys worth. Whah.

* They went on EE. She came off of it CRYING and trying to catch her breath. She said she thought she was going to die. Her husband said it gave him a bigger headache then he already had. It was time to go.

* Come to find out, her hubby did not want to be there. He's happier at home and doesn't like vacations. He hated following me around, both driving there from our home and walking around the parks cause he had no clue where we were going. He felt like if he "spoke up" that he would appear to be a jerk. They are both EXTREMELY OCD with so many issues that they need therapy. Them going away together for 5 days was too much "together time" for them, she said. We talked about how my family loves vacations and we can't wait to go on a 2 week cruise someday and that a 7 day isn't long enough. She actually said if she went on a 7 day vacation, she would hang herself. If I went on a 7 day vacation with her and her fam ever again, I'd hang myself too.

* The next morning, while they were packing to head to the airport, all my friend kept saying was that she couldn't wait to get home. Now, if I were a houseguest in someones home, I would think it would be rude of me to constantly remind my host of how badly I want to go home. In addition to that, they actually made fun of my DD...She was scared of their son cause he kept pushing her around so she would come running to me, crying "pick me up! pick me up!". I actually heard her husband across the room, in a mocking voice say "pick me up! pick me up!"...then, my friend said to my DD this, and I quote, "Brooklyn, is your mommy going to home school you? Cause when you go to school, you're going to come everyday in panic attacks cause kids are not nice."! I couldn't believe she said that. She then asked me if my DD does the "pick me up!" thing all day long cause that would drive her nuts. I told her no, only around her son because she's scared of him ever since we visited them in Aug and he sat on her back, hurting her. She then said that my DD would never last in her family because her family is like WWE...nice, huh? I saw her husband pinching and smacking their son in the side of the head many times, so I guess we know where he gets it from. The 2.5 yr old even hurts the 6 mos old baby. I saw him pinch the babies nose 3 times at the hotel so hard the baby screamed and his little nose turned red. Did the kid get punished? No.

I could go on and on and write an entire book, and I apologize for the length of this already. To anyone who takes the time to read my pain, thank you :cry: :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your friends. What a pain....There are some things people just don't get. I can't believe she let him bite you. Man I don't think I would tolerate that myself.


New Member
What a horrid bunch of bullies! I am so glad that you didn't let any of them abuse your daughter, and that you and your husband are dropping them out of your lives after this atrocious display on their part.

That boy's going to end up in jail, if he lives to his twenties at all, and it will be his parents' fault.

I'm looking forward to your next (happier!) Trip Report with the mother-in-law!


New Member

That was one heck of a story!! Im so sorry about it all.
At least it wasn't for 5 days!!!

Hopefully your next vacation will be 100% better!

You mentioned about them fighting for almost 45 minutes... I've had to sit through a couple fighting during our FIRST day at the parks in 2007. It was at MK and they were arguing about going back to the house, and one didn't, the other did, one didn't want to drive, the other didn't want to leave... it was NUTS!!! Totally put us in a bad mood for a while. Come to think of it, they were always bickering or complaining about something... or everything! We were a group of 8 adults and 3 kids.... It'll take alot for me to go with them again... and they are family!!!


New Member
Wow! I'm so sorry for you!

I compliment you as a grandmother, on a very well behaved child.
I really get p.o'd when I go anywhere, and kids behave this way. My husband always says 'honey, consider the parents!'
We aren't planning on taking our GD to Disney til shes 4 or 5. We feel (this is just us, personally) that we want to make sure she is old enough to deal with the stimulation of so exciting a place.
That said, your daughter sounds WONDERFUL!!!!

I'm so sorry about your experience! That was RUDE! RUDE! RUDE! on your now what I hope is an ex friends part. They sounded like they really weren't alot of fun to be around, and it sounds like they have some serious problems in their marriage. It sounds as if your 'friend' is having some serious issues with her marriage, and it's apparent to me that this is bleeding over to her children. Children act out what they know.

Please, please, please pat yourself on the back for being patient, a great mom and a responsible and caring person.

I wouldn't give that 'friendship' another chance though. Vacations are too precious to not enjoy the way you paid to.


New Member
on a serious note...

I work in a field where I see alot of 'bad/destructive' behavior with very young kids. We had a kid here who had to have an Evaluation done, because his behavior led him to constantly bite...hard...other people, including other young children. He was evaluated and found to need services. As an aside, his mother had used cocaine during the pregnancy, though.


Well-Known Member
Um, I'm sure if you brought this up to your friend they'd go ballistic but is there any chance that their 2.5 year old has ADD?
I'm sorry, but this is clearly a case of completely unacceptable parenting, not ADD. One of the few things that angers me is how easily people will call the ADD card on any child that isn't controllable these days. Yes, it IS a real problem for many people, but from the rest of the story it clearly sounds like the parents need many, many parenting lessons, not medication for their kid.

I am sorry you have to endure their behavior for one minute, let alone at WDW. You owe yourself a big vacation just with your own family!


Active Member
OMG! Been there, done that NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN!!!!
Sorry I know EXACTLY what you went through!
in 2002, my nephews cousin (fathers' side) "invited" herself along with her 10-11 year old daughter. We had always gotten along with her and really didnt think that much of it, since she was paying for her way to go.
There were 5 of us in my group, Me, my 3 year old niece my dad, my sister and her son. then My 70+ year old aunt and uncle, then the 2 cousins (not related to any of us but the nephew).....
Well, 2 weeks before we are to leave, my dad (retired firefighter) calls me to tell me that the house was on fire! I just laughed and said ok, whatever, his reply, 'here's the fireman if you want to talk to him"....I don't know HOW I ever got to the house, but what a mess. ANYWAY...stayed with said aunt/uncle until the trip, (after all, it was already paid for and NO WAY WAS I GONNA LET A FIRE STOP ME)!!!!
The morning we are going to leave, we had told the "cousins" to be at our house at a certain time......well, they get there 2 hours early and have put window chalk all over my BRAND NEWVAN WINDOWS!!! I was TICKED! first, that mess ADVERTISES, "HEY, WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY AND WE PROBABLY HAVE MONEY, CAMERAS, AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE!!!!"...2nd, it was not her place to write anything on someone else's new vehicle! 3rd, NONE of us were up or ready. Everything was packed and loaded ready to go, just not us! and finally, younger cousin brings her best friend......(not expected!!!) We stopped in Pensacola for the night (driving from Louisiana, we split the drive over a 2 day period)..get up the next morning to leave around 1:00am, cousin can't find her car keys!!!!!!!!!!! sat in parking lot for over 2 hours before she finally says, "ya'll just go on ahead and I'll call the dealer to bring me a key"...to which I reply, ok...see ya there! I hit the interstate so fast, but I did not care~!!~ she calls on cell phone a couple of hours later asking where we are at...we're about an hour from Orlando and be danged if she didnt catch up to us!! then passed us!!!!!!!!! Had to call her and tell her she just passed us!!!! Now, to catch up to us that fast, she had to be FLYING down the interstate!!!!!!!!! She tells us she needs to stop at a store before we get to the hotel to get a camera battery or something for her camera...we tell her ok, we'll pull in and she can run in...well she did just that....but then left both the girls and the KEY in the car..then girls decide they want to get out and what do they do?????? YOU GOT IT,,....LOCKED THE DOORS WITH THE KEY IN THE IGNITION!!!!!! By this time, I am FURIOUS!!!after about an hour of trying to get it unlocked, this very nice gentelman pulls up to go into the store and sees what is going on and informs her that he has the tool to unlock it....and within 5 mins, the door is unlocked...we offer to pay the man when SHE DOESN'T but he would not take it...we thanked him and headed off to Coronado Springs....as soon as we pulled up in the parking lot, I walked up to her and demanded her to give me her car keys!!!!!!

All of this happened BEFORE we even got to the resort!!!!! Once there, the girls kept bothering my niece and would aggravate her so much, that she would cringe when she saw them..

The first full day there, we had told them we would be leaving our room at 7am for breakfast and bus by 8am......well, we would all be ready and waiting on them, finally walked over to their room, they are all still asleep in the bed!!!!! Told them where we were going, they could meet us there...did not see them til later that afternoon.....they were getting off Kali river rapids and the mom had gotten a "little" wet....all we saw were a few "drops" on her, but she was "soaked" she said...went and bought a complete outfit!!!! put it on her dad's PLATINUM card...(side story, she had complained about how much money she had already spent and how much she had left, etc even though we had told her before hand how much things run at WDW), then come to find out, she had daddy's PLATINUM card!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The rest of the trip pretty much went the same way and needless to say, it will NOT happen again with anyone!!!! we even made sure to tell them we were going to one park, then go to another!!! it was that BAD!!!!!:drevil:


Well-Known Member
one.. your idea of a vacation is not someone else's idea of a vacation..

and two.. you did this once before.. and it didn't work out.. and yet, you did it again...

and three.. your best vacation is the one that is right for YOU.. and your family alone..

for years I felt bad that I didn't take my neice and nephew to WDW.. however, and I learned this at exact right time before I took them, My cheapskate brother in law( God rest his soul) convinced his kids that "they wouldn't like it..".. they wouldn't like Disney..because he was too cheap to spend the money to go..

so the last time we had the chance to "take them".. we did not.. and am I happy that we didn't..

my sister wants us to go to WDW in March with her family and my mother.. Uh.. no way.. I go to see every thing.. and for us its open the park and close the park.. none of this 9 am getting up stuff.. and we go on the cheap.. my sister thinks she is one of the Rockerfellers. ( she is not..)..

its not my idea of a trip.. and I am not going to do it.. no matter how much crap I take..

You make your own perfect vacation.. let some one else make theirs..

and for them the perfect vacation is done fighting in their own backyard..

I wish you well and I hope that you NEVER DO THIS AGAIN..
nor would I ever suggest that anyone else try and bring a "friend" to WDW.. one person , maybe.. a family.. NO WAY..

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