Jungle Cruise: What's The Point?


New Member
hcswingfield said:
  • We are crossing into the river Nile. If you don't believe that, you are in de Nile.
  • their trunks are packed and ready to go
  • watch out for the little squirt
  • How do we know they are Asian elephants? They're in Asia!
I think each cast member has his/her own private stash of jokes. It's that and the music in the line that keep this my favorite ride.

:lol: thats really cool.i forgot about some of those.
i would cool if each skipper uses their own jokes


Active Member
BeckyLSawyer said:
The fact that this thread is even up is like a slap in the face of every true Walt fan.

The Jungle Cruise..... [Insert a lot of text here]

....Besides, if Jungle closed where would Babs, Ron, Jeff and Rhonda hang out?

(Sorry this was so long, but it needed to be said.)

(Disclaimer: I highly respect Safaris CMs and will be one of the first skippers to admit that they probably have a much harder job than skippers)

Okay, I was reading this post, not realizing who wrote it, thinking 'That's very true and a perfect way to put it. Then I realized who wrote it, and it all made perfect sense. Very nice, Becky. (p.s.--I miss you guys. :( )

There are three types of people that come to Jungle.
1. The type that know what they're coming to see--either the skipper or the animals.
2. The first time crowd.
3. The ones that get dragged on.

I do have to say that IMO Safaris just doesn't have character. Jungle has a kind of Aura about it, something that makes it live. I mean, hell, there's so many variables in an attraction that's supposed to be completely scripted and planned that things CAN'T go scripted and planned. Having a bad skipper can make or break it, having a bad truck driver won't make a whole lot of difference... although it can add a lot to the experience.

I'll admit that it's gotta be tough be a Safaris CM, but on an attraction like that it's hard to imagine people coming for the driver. I'm sure it happens, though. I've never worked Safaris, so if a Safaris CM could share some insight, it'd be greatly appreciated (I'm not trying to start a feud). I'll just leave it at three words: Jungle is unique.

The jokes, yes are scripted (for the most part) and the boats, yes they practically drive themselves, but Jungle cannot be compared to Safaris because the only thing they have in common are trucks instead of boats and real animals instead of fake ones.

Okay, enough of my random babblings.

Hoping to get back to Jungle soon.


New Member
MagliteL13 said:
(Disclaimer: I highly respect Safaris CMs and will be one of the first skippers to admit that they probably have a much harder job than skippers)

<i>... A lot of typing...</i>

Okay, enough of my random babblings.

Hoping to get back to Jungle soon.

Jer... WE MISS YOU TOO!!! (Had to get that out before I jumped into a response...)

And yes, I agree. Safaris is it's own expierence, and all the Safaris CMs I know (all four of them, all turned Jungle... Well, sort of Jungle turned Safaris turned Jungle... two of which turned Entertainment, but whatever) have said that variations on the Safaris script are not only frowned upon, but strictly taboo.

Yes, Safaris has the real animals, and the trucks... But the real animals are really the only "entertainment" you get. Now, I'm in no way knocking Safaris. I think that the CMs there are amazing for the same reason I think that GMR CMs are amazing. To stick to that script no matter what goes on is a feat in itself. And Safaris is a great ride, and a great show. (Even with the cheesy "poachers" section, which I could live without sometimes. The people in those trucks aren't designed to go bouncing along that path.)

But lets face it, people go to Safaris for the animals. If you're going to come to Jungle... Well, it's not for the animals. It's for the knowledge that it is an opening day attraction, and it still holds every bit as much fun as it has every time you went on it before. (Depending on the skipper, of course.)

I guess I'm trying to say that, yes, Jungle isn't real... Unless you make it real in your heart. I sound like a sappy card or something, but Jungle has to exist in your imagination. Or its just a bunch of fake animals on a man made river.

And Jer... Miss you, and your "fun guys"...

"Raise your hand if you've been here before... Great, now keep your hand up if it's been more than 10 years... Okay, cool. Don't worry. The jokes haven't changed, and neither has the scenery!" - Load Spiel:p

And if you don't want to ride Jungle because you want real animals, or a coaster, go to Kilimanjaro and Everest... Leave Adventureland to the people who love it.

Tracks N Slabs

New Member
BeckyLSawyer said:
And if you don't want to ride Jungle because you want real animals, or a coaster, go to Kilimanjaro and Everest... Leave Adventureland to the people who love it.

Somehow I think that should be translated into Swahili and placed in the queue somewhere. Now take the gorilla out of it shell..... :lol:


Well-Known Member
I've always felt The Jungle Cruise was a Magic Kingdom/ Disneyland staple. It may be slightly absolete now, but still cool. and who knows, it may be techniclly pointless now, but i'm sure it still gets the riders and if that's true, why remove it?


Well-Known Member
I love the jungle cruise, went on it twice last week. IMO it is classic Disney and to me classic Disney is great entertainment.

As far as the CM's go they really can make a difference on it. The first time we went on it last week the CM acted like he really didn't want tobe there. The second time was probably the funniest CM I have ever seen on it. I tried to make myself remember his name but forgot it anyway.


New Member
Tracks N Slabs said:
Somehow I think that should be translated into Swahili and placed in the queue somewhere. Now take the gorilla out of it shell..... :lol:

I'll drop it in the suggestion box. You never know... They still have to alter the queue spiel from "black walking shoes" and change some of the announcements.

And the quote in Swahili (at least at WDW) is "Now take the goat out of the house and put it in it's shed."


Active Member
Tracks N Slabs said:
Somehow I think that should be translated into Swahili and placed in the queue somewhere. Now take the gorilla out of it shell..... :lol:

"Na asaa ninyi nyote -amili katu -dhiki katika -panda magugu kwa kuwa -a halisi wanyama, ama hadi na chini -panda, -abiri katika Kilimanjaro ama Everest... -achilia mbali ardhi -a shani katika hao amba upendo yee."

"And if you do not want to ride Jungle because you want real animals, or a up and down ride, go to Kilimanjaro and Everest... Leave alone land of adventure for people who love it."

Am I a geek or what. It could easily pass provided the words Kimimanjaro and Everest don't stick out.

"Take Care, just give it back...that's called stealing..." I had to get my jungle fix.


New Member
I agree. Jungle Cruise has its own magic and is a spieling attraction and that is what makes over half the magic and feel of the ride come to life.

I want to be working there in the Jungle within a little less than one year now. I just hope all this talk about a Jungle Cruise movie is false...I really do not want to see that idea go through.

"Please exit carefully. Also, if you happen to feel soaked when you get out. You probably got out of the boat on the wrong side".:wave:



New Member
What's the point? Variety.
Everyone is different and therefore likes different things. Some people like the real deal with animals, some people like the "fake" version at MK. I personally like both.
I don't see that many similarities between KS and JC. Besides the real animals, I think it's the different atmosphere you get in a different park. Jungle Cruise is always my first ride at MK. Fits in perfectly with the Adventurland theme and puts you in a "certain frame of mind" before you hit the rest of the park. Jungle Cruise is also part of my memories at MK so I would hate to see it go if that were to happen one day. When I think of Jungle Cruise, I think of Walt.


New Member
BeckyLSawyer said:
The fact that this thread is even up is like a slap in the face of every true Walt fan.

The Jungle Cruise was an opening day attraction at WDW, and one that Walt worked on with both hands. It's not about the "fake" animals, or the "lame" jokes. It's about the overall feel of the attraction itself.

Since October 1st, 1971, the Jungle Cruise has been open every single day, with the exception of the odd and well deserved refurbishment. It's skippers have been good and bad, and the animation has worked, or it hasn't. But the simple fact remains that this attraction was one that Walt himself worked on, and dreamed up.

Kilimanjaro is an imitation of what the Jungle Cruise was always supposed to be. It's what Walt dreamed when he dreamed his largest. But the Jungle Cruise is something that Kilimanjaro can never be. It's the first realization of that dream.

And its not just about the animals, or the animation. It's about the skipper and thier love for that attraction. It's about the skipper and their desire to make the guests laugh, and enjoy ten minutes of thier lives. It's not just "fake" animals, and "lame" jokes.

The Jungle is about loving Disney, for all that it used to be. Let's face it, Disney isn't the rollercoaster capital of the world. It's far from it. It's a place for family and children to live out a fantasy world.

It's about sharing with your children something that you loved when you were young, and the Jungle Cruise is that. Every day I'm faced with parents who laugh and clap and cheer just as hard as they have all the other times that they came on it. I've seen the look on parents faces when they see thier children having fun on a ride that they loved when they were young.

Those are the people that the Jungle Cruise stays open for. Not just now, but hopefully for years and years to come. And it's people like the one who started this post that we send to The Tiki Room.

Besides, if Jungle closed where would Babs, Ron, Jeff and Rhonda hang out?

(Sorry this was so long, but it needed to be said.)
Thank you for that post. It's great to remind people what the Disney Magic was, is , and what will be. My 2 1/2 year old son watches the Happiest Celebration on Earth video of MK and he gets so excited when he sees Jungle Cruise. I can't wait to share the experience with him in November. Again, thank you for reminding me how much I loved it as a child


New Member
Skipper here!

Hey, stop on by the Jungle and ask for me, sometime. My name's Michael, and I like my job. It IS 1938, and those animals ARE real!


"Well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Five guys, a horn, and a giant pole. ...write your own pun, kids."

"And here, we have the back side of... the plane from Casablanca. That movie doesn't come out for another 4 years, but I've... I've seen the previews."

(While loading and no one's paying attention.) "This boat was actually used the year I was born and once held the original survivors of the Titanic. Perhaps they can hear now! You brave souls! BLASTED by man's hubris and WASHED UP on cruel shores! I, however, am merely... blasted and...washed up."


Active Member
Michael06Fall said:
Hey, stop on by the Jungle and ask for me, sometime. My name's Michael, and I like my job. It IS 1938, and those animals ARE real!


Hey Michael, it's Jeremy. Not sure if you remember me a whole lot. I'm the one with the red hair who's been known to talk about nothing from time to time. Welcome to a board filled (okay, not filled...) with skippers. Yay! I think the count for skippers on this thread is now 4? I could be wrong. BTW, welcome to the boards.


New Member
Okay, my turn to chime in.

We go on Jungle every week, sometimes multiple times in a week. We all love it, even my autistic daughter who doesn't understand the jokes. She does all of the motions of the ride (duck, lean in, etc) The skippers are what make it for us, not only the jokes, but the way they treat MJ. She loves to have *ho,ho ho, ho* (Yo ho, Yo ho a pirates life for me) sung in the temple, she *doesn't* like when the guns are shot and they try very hard to make it a great experience for her every time. We are so grateful to each and every Skipper. Thank you, you mean the world to us!
MagliteL13 said:
Yay! I think the count for skippers on this thread is now 4? I could be wrong. BTW, welcome to the boards.

I was hoping to make it 5...but noooo, I get assigned Custodial for my program

:hurl: <--I clean THAT up...Protein Spill in aisle 3?


But honestly, to all of you who doubt, the Jungle Cruise is THE epitome of Disney magic...because it doesn't rely on machinery, on flashy tricks, or thrills. It relies on real people, like you and me

(well, I suppose the more comedic end of real people...but still)


Active Member
Taryn said:
But honestly, to all of you who doubt, the Jungle Cruise is THE epitome of Disney magic...because it doesn't rely on machinery, on flashy tricks, or thrills. It relies on real people, like you and me

Okay, I honestly got chills reading that. I absolutely LOVE the way you put that.
MagliteL13 said:
Okay, I honestly got chills reading that. I absolutely LOVE the way you put that.

Oh wow, thanks :eek:

But honestly, it's true. I rode the JC maybe 10 times my last trip, and each time just got better and better :)

Kind of off topic...but do you know of an older skipper named Bill? He totally made my day by letting me wear his hat, 'drive' the boat, and do a bit of the spiel. It was probably the hilight of my trip!


New Member
Richie248 said:
Although it's not my favorite ride, it's a classic...so I guess it's there because it has sentimental meaning. I couldn't imagine Adventureland without it. However I would like to see a complete rehab of it!!!

I agree, it's a classic!

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