Jungle Cruise/snakes


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Everytime we go to Disney, we seem to pass the classic Jungle Cruise ride. My wife is terrified by snakes (also the reason we never went on the 'Honey I Shrunk the audience' show). I've watched the ride on YouTube and only see that Python at the first part of the ride. Is that the only one that is on it? Just checking so I can try to put her at ease for our trip this December. I'm aware the snakes don't look super real, but it would still the living crud out of her. Thanks for the info guys.


Well-Known Member
Those snakes would really scare her? I don't think you could possibly find less realistic snakes anywhere. I'd just have her look away or something if it was a really big deal.


Well-Known Member
There are snakes in the temple... they are a lot creepier than the big python guy... but not any scarier than say just a rubber snake... they don't jump out at you at all...

Has she ever been on the Great Movie Ride?


Well-Known Member
I bet there are real snakes in that water. I'm sure Disney does its best to keep critters out, but for a place built on swampland in Central Florida, they can only do so much. But I wouldn't advise telling your wife that. :lookaroun


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There are snakes in the temple... they are a lot creepier than the big python guy... but not any scarier than say just a rubber snake... they don't jump out at you at all...

Has she ever been on the Great Movie Ride?

Yep, we've rode the Great Movie Ride. I think the only thing that got to her for a second was the Alien that came from the ceiling, but it didn't spook her all that bad. Since we are on the subject of snakes though, what all happens on the "Honey I Shrunk the Audience" with the snake and/or how long? I know every time she sees it on the planning DVD, its a big spook since it flashes to a quick scene of it coming at ya. haha.


New Member
Yep, we've rode the Great Movie Ride. I think the only thing that got to her for a second was the Alien that came from the ceiling, but it didn't spook her all that bad. Since we are on the subject of snakes though, what all happens on the "Honey I Shrunk the Audience" with the snake and/or how long? I know every time she sees it on the planning DVD, its a big spook since it flashes to a quick scene of it coming at ya. haha.

The oldest son has a python called Gigabyte (Gigabite?) that hasn't been fed yet for the day that escapes. It slithers by after the audience has been "shrunk." It looks at the audience for a moment, acts like it's going to go away, then "attacks" the screen. Really, you're just looking inside the mouth of a computer-generated snake, so it's not all that menacing. The dog Quark then barks and the snake slithers off the other side of the screen. It's over within about 20 seconds. The escaping mice might scare her more...


New Member
The oldest son has a python called Gigabyte (Gigabite?) that hasn't been fed yet for the day that escapes. It slithers by after the audience has been "shrunk." It looks at the audience for a moment, acts like it's going to go away, then "attacks" the screen. Really, you're just looking inside the mouth of a computer-generated snake, so it's not all that menacing. The dog Quark then barks and the snake slithers off the other side of the screen. It's over within about 20 seconds. The escaping mice might scare her more...

Sorry but I disagree and think this is bad advice. I personally love the show, but I've seen it with someone who is afraid of snakes and it freaked her out in a MAJOR way. Fear of snakes is not something to be taken lightly. To many people, snakes can be very terrifying.

If your wife is seriously terrified of snakes, as you've described, I would NOT recommend seeing Honey I Shrunk the Audience.


Well-Known Member
Yep, we've rode the Great Movie Ride. I think the only thing that got to her for a second was the Alien that came from the ceiling, but it didn't spook her all that bad. Since we are on the subject of snakes though, what all happens on the "Honey I Shrunk the Audience" with the snake and/or how long? I know every time she sees it on the planning DVD, its a big spook since it flashes to a quick scene of it coming at ya. haha.

Well if she can handle the snake scene in GMR, she can definitely handle the Jungle Cruise.


Active Member
We recently took a big family vacation (my family, my bro & SIL, my parents) to WDW. My mom is terrified of snakes. We knew when the snake was caoming in HISTA & she closed her eyes. She jumped and looked away on Jungle Cruise (the CM said something about the snakes coming up). Neither time was she too scared.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Me, I wet my pants over spiders, so I understand people have their phobia's. But I would still ride the Jungle Cruise if it had spiders - assuming they were as unthreatening as the JC's snakes. :animwink:

Really, the Jungle Cruise is a lighthearted cruise. Fun, not scary at all, with rather harmless looking animals. I love it, and I think it is a pity that your wife misses out on it!

Here's a clear view of the big snake, so maybe your wife can judge for herself:



Well-Known Member
Yep, we've rode the Great Movie Ride. I think the only thing that got to her for a second was the Alien that came from the ceiling, but it didn't spook her all that bad.

You're kidding right? She can handle the snake temple from Indiana Jones but won't do Jungle Cruise? No, that is like saying you have no problem with Rock N Rollercoaster, but won't do Space Mountain. One is tame compared to the other.


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Well if she can handle the snake scene in GMR, she can definitely handle the Jungle Cruise.

Dumb question, but when the cars break apart and go seperate ways, are there different scenes you see?

Its been a few years sicne we rode it but I don't remember a snake scene in it. :( And yeah, I know the alien not being scary, but all snakes are being weird, but I love her. :p
Just an odd phobia I guess.


New Member
I have a huge phobia of snakes. I usually can't even look at one without freaking out. I think that if I can handle seeing those snakes every ten minutes your wife should be fine.


Well-Known Member
All of you with snake phobias need to stay away from the Water Parks. There we have real ones running around loose.

As for different scenes in the Great Movie Ride, yes and no. Everyone travels the same path. You see the same scenes. Everyone goes through the snake temple. The difference in the two cars is where your car gets hijacked by the bad guy. In one car it will be in the gangster scene. In another car it will be in the western scene.


Well-Known Member
You can add me to the list of people who can't stand snakes, even looking at pictures of them in books. I HATE the snakes in GMR. It's been a while since we've been on JC, but I just look the other way. In HISTA I could tell the first time I saw it that at some point that snake was going to come out at the audience. It's so predictable I could see when it was about to happen and just closed my eyes, then my DH was nice enough to tell me when it was all over.


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In HISTA, is it just 3D, or is it like Bugs Life with the seats and floors shaking or rumbling or whatever and stuff like water and air coming at ya?

Thanks for the info everyone. Hopefully we'll be able to "power through" them this time. haha

As for the snake temple scene, we actually both never realized snakes were there. If its always had the snakes, you could have fooled me. If its the one with the trap that the actor triggers, we were focused on him.


Well-Known Member
In HISTA, is it just 3D, or is it like Bugs Life with the seats and floors shaking or rumbling or whatever and stuff like water and air coming at ya?

Thanks for the info everyone. Hopefully we'll be able to "power through" them this time. haha

As for the snake temple scene, we actually both never realized snakes were there. If its always had the snakes, you could have fooled me. If its the one with the trap that the actor triggers, we were focused on him.

The snakes are impossible to not notice... it even says how the treasure is guarded by 1000 deadly snakes... and the guide always does the "snakes... why did it have to be snakes" line... trust me... they are VERY OBVIOUS... but if she didn't even realize... then the Jungle Cruise should be no problem for her at all.

As for HISTA... she should be okay just closing her eyes durring the snake part... unless she also has a fear of mice. There are certain theatre effects but nothing to do with the snake specifically.

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