I've been thinking


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i was just thinkin about disney being hit by terrorists. If anyone can help me out with this please do because im kindof scared :lookaroun :cry:

~Let's Roll~
Well anything can happen, and this is going to sound like a cliche, but when you let the fear get to you, its the day the terrorists win. Just go to Disney and have a care free time. Thats what is so great about WDW. I can go there and forget all my problems!:animwink:


Well-Known Member
I am not going to say it's not a possibiltiy but There are so many other more "important" sites(ie Whtie House, Capital Building,ect.) that they might not think of attacking WDW. I mean think about it it's one in like a million chance that they'll choose it and even if they did Disney's got close watch on the air over head that they won't go far unnoticed and they might not acually hit anything important they might land in the 7 seas lagoon of in World Showcase lagoon or on the many confusing roads(we alwasys get lost at least once driving somewhere so they would have to rework the road:lol: ). THere is a chance that they would land in your backyard and mean disney is a mjor place and corporation but they aren't the only place worth hitting. I hope this helps. I'm worried about it too, but what good will it do being a bunch of worry warts?:kiss: (big hug)

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Gee--after the big seal-your-house-in-duct-tape non-scare, it seems obvious that no one who is supposed to know anything really does.

Live your life and stop worrying.


New Member
Well, I could get killed in a terrorist attack at Disney....

of course, I could get killed driving to work tomorrow....

Worrying about such things seems pointless...if you live your life worrying and not doing things because something COULD happen, you're not really living your life.


New Member
Originally posted by orangefan15
Well, I could get killed in a terrorist attack at Disney....
of course, I could get killed driving to work tomorrow....

God forbid it ever happened, Walt Disney World is the greatest pleasant last memory to take with me! :)


Well-Known Member
Actually, WDW would not be a good choice for a terroist action. Something that most terroist actions plan on is publicity, thanks to the incredibly fast and competitive news market that exists. But, if something were to happen in WDW, Disney could close things down. Remember, it's private property, the roadways are private, they don't have to allow the media in, and they probably wouldn't.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by orangefan15
Well, I could get killed in a terrorist attack at Disney....

of course, I could get killed driving to work tomorrow....

Worrying about such things seems pointless...if you live your life worrying and not doing things because something COULD happen, you're not really living your life.
Or you could die by eating bad cheese......:D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by no2apprentice
Actually, WDW would not be a good choice for a terroist action. Something that most terroist actions plan on is publicity, thanks to the incredibly fast and competitive news market that exists. But, if something were to happen in WDW, Disney could close things down. Remember, it's private property, the roadways are private, they don't have to allow the media in, and they probably wouldn't.
Good point.

Don't worry... The terror level alert is about to be lowered again...

Hate to put a damper on all your rationalizations, but WDW is one of the prime examples that these terror orginizations would point to as being an example of American greed and excess that they seem to despise. If you look back, after the 9-11 attacks Disney was one of the first places to beef up security. We were in Chicago in November 2001, and they even searched our bags when we went to the Disney store on Michigan Avenue.

As for keeping out the press should something happen, that just would not be the case. It would become a crime scene, and WDW would be taken over under the jurisdiction of the federal government. They would be the one's deciding who would have access.

The government has said that they fear that terrorists would try to attack American sites that would cause the most mental distress. I would think WDW would be in that category.

That said, I don't think you can live your life in fear that something might happen. Otherwise, you might not ever leave your home. When we were at WDW in December, they seemed to do a fairly decent job of checking bags, and I'm sure they have beefed up security in areas not readily apparent to the average tourist.

It is a sad state of affairs in the world we now reside in. :(


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by bailey5697
God forbid it ever happened, Walt Disney World is the greatest pleasant last memory to take with me! :)

I have to admit, I thought the same thing!

Seriously, though, we're only feeding into terrorists' greatest wishes if we succumb to paranoia. All of us have to just use our heads and live our lives.


Well-Known Member

well if it may be that we are atttacked and i'm in disney......what better place to be.......with my family and my most favorite place in the world.....:lookaroun


New Member
it is a sad state that we live in to have to think about that but..... if we were to die there we wouldn`t have far to go to heaven

4 parks 1 world:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:



We went after September 11th in November. Why people canceled the trips and it was empty is beyone me. The worst thing to do is cancel your plans because you are afraid!!! That's exaclty what they want us to do!!! Yeah, Disney is a target and to say it isn't, would be a lie!! But there are a million targets and you can't worry about it all the time.!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by no2apprentice
Actually, WDW would not be a good choice for a terroist action. Something that most terroist actions plan on is publicity, thanks to the incredibly fast and competitive news market that exists. But, if something were to happen in WDW, Disney could close things down. Remember, it's private property, the roadways are private, they don't have to allow the media in, and they probably wouldn't.
I agree with the above IN THEORY - but WDW covers such a huge area of land it would be IMPOSSIBLE to prevent the media from getting in. Can you imagine the "scoop" if it were closed and only a few photographers got in AND don't forget aerial access, zoom lenses etc etc.
From a publicity point of view Disney is a target BUT there are more sites around the Western World that would be far more beneficial to hit (from a terrorists point of view).
Don't let it worry you - if you do then the terrorists have won.


Well-Known Member
As evil as these Muslim extremist terrorists seem to be..I doubt they would strike at Walt Disney World.

If you've done any reading on past terrorist activities at all, you'll see a pattern. They like to hit on Military Installations and government facilities most of the time.

I'm not an expert on the subject but I have noticed that while these terrorist are some of the most evil people on the face of the earth, I don't think that killing babies and women and children is part of their plan so I doubt they would target Disney World.

Besides...many muslims vacation there and they are aware of that.

Having said that, I will add that there are no 100% guarantees. Who knows what goes on inside of those evil minds.

Don't let this last terror alert scare you out of enjoying your Walt Disney World experiance. Odds are nothing will happen to you.
Relax...and enjoy your vacation! :)

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