Hello everyone!
I am offically back from Disney.
I had an absolutely wonderful time. It was so great getting to meet some of the fans of the podcast and I had a blast hanging out with Pam and Mike (and their families) from the show!
I also had a great time hanging out with my mom. We had a blast together and I'm so glad we went together.
Unfortunately, I think I ate something bad. I'm pretty sure it was the chocolate mousse cake from Norway...so, nothing says good time like throwing up in a baggie while waiting for the ME bus to pick us up and then doing it again once I got off the bus in a trash can. :hurl:
I'm still not feeling too great...as I still have a little bit of an upset stomach. But at least I'm not feeling like complete death anymore.
Anyway...hopefully, once I get settled I'll have a TR started soon. I have tons to share!
(BTW...that sale on property was AMAZING!!! I could have really done more damage if I'd wanted to.)