OK. It's been said that the lyrics for IaSW have been translated into more languages than any other song. However, where can one find these lyrics (esp. online). I can't seem to find them online. I have found the chorus and second verse in German, though.
I like to study languages/liguistics as a bit of a hobby, so I could do a bit of word-by-word translation, but that's not necessarily the correct translation (like what is used on the ride). For instance, the chorus in German directly translates as "This world is ever so small."
If anyone knows of any site or where ever the various lyrics can be found, I'd very much appreciate it. (It's not for a project or anything, just for general knowledge and my own self satisfaction)
Thanks for any help in advance. :wave:
I like to study languages/liguistics as a bit of a hobby, so I could do a bit of word-by-word translation, but that's not necessarily the correct translation (like what is used on the ride). For instance, the chorus in German directly translates as "This world is ever so small."
If anyone knows of any site or where ever the various lyrics can be found, I'd very much appreciate it. (It's not for a project or anything, just for general knowledge and my own self satisfaction)
Thanks for any help in advance. :wave: