I vividly remember my first time. It was in the only park there was, the MK. It was love at first sight, I was completely overwhelmed. An eternal infatuation formed in a single instant. I didn't even make to the end of Town Square before I knew that this was it, this would be a lifelong obsession.
EPCOT I've known since before it was open. When I first visited it, the paint was barely dry. Love at first sight too. In fact, it became my favourite park immediately.
DHS I thought was awesome the very first time I saw it. But the real click came the second day in the park. Love at second sight then I suppose. But one that remained, I have an enduring love affaire with this little park.
DAK I enjoy, I am sympathetic towards it, but that last final bit of real chemistry is not there for me. Not the first time, not subsequent times. I tried to fall in love, but the excitement of the first few hours never really grew into real love.
What is odd, is that I remember every step I took, every glance and every sound of my first visit to each park.