Trip Report It Is What It Is... Our Journey To The Dark Side...Sept 2023

Hey there everyone!

We are back! I have to say, it was a Disney trip that was VERY different from those in the past. I am happy and excited to share it all with you all, as long as you are patient with me. Lol. You know – me -the one that takes 4 plus years to finish up a report!

That being said, I need to take care of some unfinished business before I start this epic tale. If you don’t know what I mean…. Here is the link to September 2019 trip which I am desperately trying to wrap up.…-texting-the-boy-and-can-we-just-blame-it-on-captain-hook-our-september-2019-disney-journey-including-another-ross’-return.960569/

Thanks to all of you who helped get me excited for this trip and gave me such good advice and tips for our journey!

Here we go…


Figment Forever

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The show is cute. I didn’t watch any of it on YouTube, so I really had no idea what the update would bring. For some reason I thought it was going to be a whole different show, but I see what they did, and it was still cute. I did miss the pelican at the end and I missed the finale were crushed came back out. But I still get teary-eyed at it, so whatever. Lol

We went over to Kali River Rapids. Ross seemed to think a lot of the water features weren’t working. This is the one ride I think our six flags does better. It seems so much longer than here. But it did the job. We got pretty splashed on and it felt good to cool off.


Then we went over to search out the yeti. As we were waiting on line, I couldn’t help but thinking about @fractal 's adventure on EE with Yia Yia and I started cracking up!

I don’t know what happened, but the CM assigning the rows messed up and miscounted and there was no seat for Ross. So we stopped the line and then they put us to the front of the train, which I like so much better, so it ended up working out.



Figment Forever

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It was time to see FOTLK, but not before Julia and I picked up some frozen Macha. She was looking for one that was a special kind of Matcha drink, but I saw that it was for the 50th anniversary and it probably was done away with. I had a feeling the Matcha itself was the same. It was really good, so we were both happy.


The show was fantastic.


It’s all about the tumble moneys!!


Figment Forever

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I forgot our pic on Dinosaur...


After the show, we wanted to see ITTBAB but it had started to rain so we decided to go back to Pandora one more time. Hope really wanted to ride the NRJ, but it was down so we instead picked FoP. I was glad we did because Julia and Nick really liked it.


We had a few great photo bombers!! lol

Take notice of the rather large bag Nick is carrying... Yes - Julia adopted a Banshee!!


Figment Forever

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When it was over, we headed it to the tree of life to see our bug friends. I love that Zootopia is coming to the park, but I will miss the show. It’s fun. At least three kids had to be let out screaming. Lol

By the time we came out of the show it was about 7 o’clock and the park was closing. We started to walk out just as it started to rain. It was only a slight drizzle, but as soon as we walked under the cover of the bus stop, the skies opened up and it started to pour.


It was a good day at Animal Kingdom.

We made it to the Poly, but it was still torrential downpours and poor Julia forgot her poncho at the hotel, so she booked it under the covers of her banshee. Hope and I donned our ponchos and booked it. Ross didn’t care - neither did Nicolas. They got soaked! We made it to the hotel and checked in to ‘Ohanna. We also grabbed some towels to help dry us off while we waited.

Figment Forever

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I’m sad to say that dinner was disappointing. Ross and I agreed we would not go back. It’s not like it was bad… it just wasn’t like it used to be in the past. We really missed the skewers!


We did get to see fireworks at dinner, so that was awesome! Hope commented that she never got to see fireworks while she was eating dinner. I had to remind her that she must’ve slept through them all the past years!

Figment Forever

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We took the monorail to Magic Kingdom, and a bus back to pop. There was the longest line, but it went pretty quickly. And at least the bus was not freezing on the way back.


Hope plopped into bed and was off to sleep. Ross and I went to the food court to fill our mugs. I got some coffee and he got some lemonade. I wish they would just have regular lemonade. The Minute Maid Zero is gross! Then we paid off our bill with some gift cards. And then it was off to dreamland.


Well-Known Member
Wow, that was quite a busy day! Glad you had fun at AK and were able to enjoy Avatar! A lot of the reviews I've read about O'hana in the last year have been negative so you're not the only one that felt disappointed with dinner there.

Figment Forever

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Wow, that was quite a busy day! Glad you had fun at AK and were able to enjoy Avatar! A lot of the reviews I've read about O'hana in the last year have been negative so you're not the only one that felt disappointed with dinner there.

Yes - it was a lot of fun! I had read several reviews, so I was expecting not to be thrilled with dinner.

We were just talking about my Mom's hi-jacking of the front seat on the Forbidden Mountain. Lol! Agree on Ohana - just not the same. Glad you came back to this report.

I could not stop giggling to myself while on line!!

Thanks - it's good to be back!

Figment Forever

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Friday September 15 - Hollywood Studios

We woke up around 630ish and relaxed a bit. I went for coffee with Hope while Ross got ready. We perused the gift shop for a bit.


Of course, these still haunted me…


My folks called and asked me to make them an Instacart order for them, so I took care of that while waiting for the rest of our gang to get ready to go.

This was my favorite for homemade signs!!


We all headed for the skyliner around 9am. It was a nice ride and I was really liking this mode of transport!


As we entered HS, we were all very excited… Hope for MMRR and me for RoR. This would be our first time for both!!

Since both were down when we entered the park, we all opted for ToT.


Figment Forever

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Then we headed for RnR It would be Hope’s first time riding! Would she? I wasn’t so sure… As we got closer, she started to say she was nervous, but she kept on walking.


As we got close to boarding, she announced she wanted to ride next to Julia! ❤️❤️. Julia was happy to sit next to her sister.

I had no idea it would be Ross’ first time riding too!! I’m not sure how I never realized that in our past trips it was only me who rode with Julia.

How did Hope do??


She loved it!!! Ross – not too much. He said it rattled him a little bit.

Figment Forever

Premium Member
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Finally it was Star Wars time!!!


Julia and Nick got Ronto roasts. I had a bite and liked it, but I wasn’t hungry enough to get one for myself and neither Hope nor Ross wanted to share one with me. I got the cold brew with the coco puffs – it was VERY yummy. The only thing I did not like was that it had WAY too much ice.


Sfter our snacks we headed to the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. I was the engineer, Hope and Ross were pilots, Julia and Nick were gunners.



Then it was time for RoR.

All I can say is WOW. It was amazing, although, being an 80”s kid, I wished it was themed to the original trilogy. My 10 year old self would have been mesmerized.

Figment Forever

Premium Member
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We decided on some ac so went to see the Muppets. Not my fave.


Then back to GE to Oga’s Canteen to have a drink. I had Besbin fizz. Julia had the Cliff Dweller, Nick had something with numbers. Then purchased another to get a mug. Hope HATES it here. I think it's just sensory overload for her.


A stormtrooper was on patrol as we were leaving and I asked if I could get a selfie and he said affirmative!!


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