ISTCrew's August 2nd WDW Update


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hey all WDWMagic'ers. I got another update for today. Today, some tropical storm "Alex" (lol Alex) was out in the Atlantic, so that made my day at Disney a little wet and humid. I also went with my sister today, and we went to every place but Epcot. (Sorry Jonnie, I was going to come by, but I didn't have enough time with my sister being there). Anyway, not to much new news today, but let me get started anyway...

We started out at MK...

--20K Has not really changed much. Tractors where being used during park hours, just moving some of the dirt I guess.

--Work has finally started on the Skyway station. Wood and other materials are all around that little hut thing, and the fountain that was previously drained had some water in it again. It may of just been rain water though.

--The new Splash Mountain Standby/Fastpass merge point is still being used. I really dislike this new way of doing it. Before, standby and fastpass would go outside, and then both lines would go inside the mountain and then be sorted out at the load area. Now, EVERYONE waits outside. A CM is at the entrance to the mountain, and she sorts everyone out there. Then, both fp'ers and standby go in the same line together to the load area. At this point, you basically walk through the AC'ed mountain with little or no stopping. So, for standby, that means almost 55 minutes of a 60 minute wait will be entirely outside. If it was the old way, maybe 35/40 minutes would be outside, with the rest inside the ac'ed mountain. It seems all of the changes made to Splash Mountain lately have been for the worst.
-Also, those tv's throughout the queue and ride that show on ride photos of people that have gone before have been completely shut off.

--The Tomorrowland Speedway roof and sign are still gone.

--The Space Mountain exit ramp narration that has not been working for almost a month now...surprisingly is still not working lol.

Ok ok...enough MK...Lets go on over to AK-

--The giant geyser water jet thing at the top of the lifthill on Kali was not working/turned on today.

--In a bit of disappointing news, they took my bell away. If you were walking from Asia to Dinoland (by Everest), there used to be a bike with a bell. If you went and pushed the bell, it would loudly ring. Now they put a piece of metal there and you can't even push it anymore.

--Everest keeps getting bigger and bigger. Wire mesh (for the mountain molding) has been added to the front, right side, and the left side of the mountain.
-Also, the "Something is Afoot" sign on the Everest construction wall has been torn up, and now reads "S Afoo"

--One of the Dinosaurs on TriceraTop spin was out of service today.

And at MGM...

--Nothing new except the Planet Hollywood shop on Sunset Blvd had a construction wall around it. It is the best looking construction wall, and it even looks like part of the store.

--I said last week that the San Francisco backdrop was finished. I looked at it more today, and while I think all the additions are finished, it still needs to be spiffed up a bit. Far away, it looks great, but up close, you can see writing and numbers all over the wall.

--Everytime I go down NY Street, I feel I'm losing my mind. I can never tell if the things are new, or have always been there. Case in point is the squirting fire hydrant by the NY Subway entrance. The changing traffic lights at the end of the street. The mail boxes everywhere. I just never noticed all of that stuff. If you know whether or not is has always been there, lemme know.

O..k. That does it. This will probably be the last update for a little bit, as school starts THIS THURSDAY! Summer went by so fast, but I had alot of fun. The upcoming updates will most likely be done on weekends, so look for them in the coming weeks. Some pictures will be up soon, goodnight.


New Member
School starts this Thursday! When I was in school a few years back it didn't start until September. Is this how its always been in that area or is it a special school.


Well-Known Member
It starts in August in Slidell, LA as well. I know I didn't see a picture in your photoalbum, but did you get a photo of Everest, I'm dying to see it.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to believe that school is already starting! Here in Ky it starts the 17th I think. Now that I don't go anymore it's hard to keep track (I'd honestly have no idea except I make schedules at work and a lot of my employees are in school). My college even seems to start early this year since it starts the 23rd. That's a whole week earlier than last year!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
STR8FAN2005 said:
It starts in August in Slidell, LA as well. I know I didn't see a picture in your photoalbum, but did you get a photo of Everest, I'm dying to see it.
I posted the Everest picture. I'll post the rest tomorrow.

But yea, some schools in my area started today. We got out in May though.


Active Member
Schools in Kentucky start Aug 17th just before the state fair in lou.Here in New Albany -Indiana near lou,the schools start about the same time.Summer has gone by so fast.


Well-Known Member
I have to go back to school on the 14th for CA (a.k.a. RA, Residential Assistant) training, but classes don't start till the 26th :D It seems so nonsensical that up north, public schools wait till the "hot" weather leaves (although that has yet to really materialize this summer) and start in September (colleges still start in August, for the most part) while in the south, you guys start school in August, the hottest time of year. I hope you have A/C at your schools...unlike my dorm...

The movement of the Fastpass sort at Splash is meant to...what else? Make money. They have been doing this on an increasing number of attractions, keeping stand-byers in the heat longer so they are A. more likely to get Fastpasses and/or B. more likely to buy a drink or ice cream. It's a bit low to me, and if they need to do this to promote Fastpass use, then it's time to cut Fastpass back a bit.

Looks like just about all of the indoor track is complete on Everest and we should really start seeing a lot of that shell going up to make a much more obvious mountain.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree, I don't like the merge point at Spash Mtn either. Again, it brings up animosity from the standbye folks when they are held up to let fp's in. The old way was definately better!

Oh and school starts here on Monday, the 9th. Too early!!! School is not supposed to go back in until after Labor Day. Oh well, it's a losing battle - educators want school to be year long anyway and they will eventually get their way.


Premium Member
Thanks for the update Patrick! :)

School has already started in some places up there? Man, we don't go back here in S. Florida until next Wednesday. At least that gives me time to go to WDW for the weekend. :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update, Patrick, and good luck in school this year. :wave:

I agree with everyone else about the SM merge situation. I'd be mad if I had to stand outside in the heat and rain then rush through the AC to board the ride. NOT a magical moment. :brick:


New Member
Tropical Storm in the Atlantic? wow, I really should watch the news, a hurricane will sweep through here one day and I'd have no idea. Great update as usual. I'm sure they'll make sure the SanFransisco backdrop is looking good before they forget about it.

You are lucky having school on Thursday, here in Ft. Myers we start on Monday :(. Oh well to quote STR8FAN2005, "Oh well, school ends early for me this year. I AM A SENIOR!!!! Plus, I get to go to Gradnite!!! What a fun year I have ahead of me!" :)


New Member
Thanks for the update! As long as I can get through today and tomorrow, I'll be all set to go to WDW! My computer at work is driving me crazy! I want to through it out the window! Thanks again!



Well-Known Member
Awsome update, Everest is finally starting to look like a mountain. (well, sorta)

School Starts for me on Monday :hurl: :cry:


Well-Known Member
Nice update, as usual. I noticed Everest coming along when we were there. Not sure how I feel about it yet though. Back to school already?
School starts here September 2nd and thats a week early for us.

Mimosa parties at the bus stops! :sohappy:


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Thanks for the update! I hope the apparently stupid Splash Mountain queue issue will be resolved soon. That just seems dumb. On the positive side, I am THRILLED that those abhorrent TV's have been turned off! Words cannot properly convey my disdain for those things - especially the one at the end of the ride, before you exit the logs. :sohappy:

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