Issues with Service During Free Dining


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Original Poster
I have been reading a lot of stuff about issues with waiting for your preferred seating and issues with service over the last few weeks. I personally have never been down during free dining, but I am sure that a lot of people go down during that time because of the special. I have done the dining package for the last 4 years and have paid for it and I think it is a great deal. I think it would be even a better deal if I got it for free, but I go right after xmas for new years and it is not available. One of the issues I have with the complaints about free dining is that many of you that have used the free dining and are having problems may not realize those of us who pay for the dining realize if we get good service we give a extra tip above and beyond what is included in the dining package. Being a former cast member I would assume that the people who are taking advantage of the free dining are very concerned about their budget and the servers know this as well and don't expect to get an extra tip and that is why you are not getting the best service. Another point I want to point out is that you obviously notice that they are over booking some of the restaurants which is not typical, so the servers are being asked to do more work than they would be normally asked to do.

I am not saying that this is an excuse and everyone should be getting good service I just wanted to point out some things that people who are using the free dining may not know.

I am sure this thread will be torn apart, but I just wanted to voice my opinion. :)


Well-Known Member
... Youre not suggesting that those of us who are opponents to free dining would criticize those who complain about it and consider them "freeloaders", would you?

I mean if you're getting something for free... then why complain about it? It would be one thing if you actually paid for your food and got bad service but to complain about something you got for free.... that'd be pretty hypocritical, wouldn't it?


Well-Known Member
We have used the dining plan twice. First time was Sept. '06 (free), second time was spring '07 (not free). I can honestly say I did not notice any difference in service between the trip where we paid for the DDP and the one where we did not. Ohana's service was terrible both times; as a result we will no longer dine there. All other restaunts gave consistently good, not great or exceptional, service. We did not tip in excess of the 18% included through the DDP. We are neither cheap nor poor tippers. I felt 18% was sufficient for the service rendered, and in the case of Ohana's , I would have decreased it to 10-15 % if given the opportunity. As for the wait times, the ony issue was with Chef Mickey's (both trips) where we waited more than 30 minutes past our ADR time. Otherwise, we were seated within 15 minutes of arriving.


First, I'm not sure why the OP posted this in the news thread because it is just an opinion so I think someone with the ability should move this thread.

Second, if the OP is so sure they are going to get torn up then why post such an obtuse statement as: "Being a former cast member I would assume that the people who are taking advantage of the free dining are very concerned about their budget and the servers know this as well and don't expect to get an extra tip and that is why you are not getting the best service.", and make it seem like only people who pay full price for the dining would ever leave an extra tip. Tip stands for "To Insure Performance" if the performance was lousy I don't know why anyone would leave anything extra.

Basically if you make such a far reaching statement about a group of people whom you know nothing about other than they took advatage of a deal yeah you should expect the thread to get torn up.

Third, I think most people are concerned about their budget going to WDW. Free dining is just another promotion. WDW offers all sorts of deals all the time to get people to go. Just because someone took advatage of a promotion doesn't make them incapable of paying otherwise. If a travel destination is offering food to be included a lot of people will take advantage. If someone goes because they get a room discount do you think they are going to not complain if they don't receive house keeping service every day?

Yes I am going when there is free dining and I am happy about it. Everyone who goes is still paying a lot of money for park tickets and hotel room. If you get bad service you have every right to complain. Personally I think it will take a lot for me to be upset with the service at WDW, I'll just be happy to be on vacation and not having to pay too much for food is a bonus.

By the way I do leave extra tip for good service and I did so last year when I paid for the dining in October. I think there is going to be more problem next year when tip is not included and a lot of CMs are going to get stiffed or at the very least less tip than they would have gotten when it was part of the package. I feel bad for them in this case because I almost always feel like they are working really hard.


Active Member
Heh, heh, heh. I sense a fun thread ahead.

To the OP, you make a few assumptions. You assume that all people on Free Dining are on a tight budget. We're personally not though we were enticed to come this time of year because of the free food. You also assume that all on Free Dining won't tip above the provided tip. Not true for us. And if CM servers make that assumption, it is their loss because they will lose the extra tip from me. You assume that all servers deserve more than an 18% tip when they don't. Some deserve less while some deserve more. A tip is earned not automatic.

I've had good service this week and bad. (The worst was at Ohana. It's happened on both visits we've made there and we won't be going back.) The poor service had to do with neglect. We just sat there and sat there waiting for things. If the couple of waiters serviced all of their tables as slowly as ours, it would have personally cost them. Faster service means turning more tables in a shift which means more of that automatic 18%. Just my thoughts.

As a final thought, I think it is important to consider the extra income that the Free Dining provides for CMs during what would typically be one of the slowest times of the year. Fewer guests to WDW typically means fewer guests in the restaurants which means fewer tips for servers. It seems to me that Free Dining is a benefit to the servers. Just my 2¢.


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Original Poster

I did make a generalized statement about people taking advantage of the free dining and I am sure that does not go for everyone. The point I am trying to make is many of the people who are using free dining have never used the dining package before and may not understand that many of us who have used it several times tip above and beyond the "included" tip. What I would also like to point out is that I am sure that the tip that is included is taxed because it is not cash. Many people in the service industry do not claim all of their tips as taxable income and during the free dining period they can be guaranteed that a large portion of their tips will be taxed. If you compare this to a time when dining is not free and is not used as much a lot less of their income from tips are taxed. I am sure if anyone's income was significantly affected like this they may not give the best service as well.


Active Member
/\ /\ /\
So what you are saying is because the serves are unable to illegally avoid paying taxes on tips received during Free Dining I have to suffer poor service?


Active Member
What I find to be irritating about free dining is that for those of us who are not on a free dining plan, any ADR's are nearly impossible to come by. We are AP holders and visit the parks regularly, but find it difficult to get an APR at #1) and acceptable time and #2) at the restaurant we want to visit. In my opinion (which may be worthless on this forum, but I'll express it anyway) is that they should limit the number of ADR's for those on the DDP and save a few spots for us that are not on the DDP and those that have spent the money for DDE and would like to get what they paid for.

Just my opinion......


Active Member
FYI, those of us on the free dining had trouble getting ADRs. The problem lies with the ADR system and not the free dining. Allowing ADRs to be made 6 months out without a penalty for "no shows" is the problem, IMO.


Well-Known Member
What I find to be irritating about free dining is that for those of us who are not on a free dining plan, any ADR's are nearly impossible to come by. We are AP holders and visit the parks regularly, but find it difficult to get an APR at #1) and acceptable time and #2) at the restaurant we want to visit. In my opinion (which may be worthless on this forum, but I'll express it anyway) is that they should limit the number of ADR's for those on the DDP and save a few spots for us that are not on the DDP and those that have spent the money for DDE and would like to get what they paid for.

Just my opinion......

First of all you shouldn't assume that you're opinion will be worthless on this forum - if you truly think that then why would you post!?!:shrug: Second of all with the popularity of the dining plan (whether it be free or not) has forced us all to plan our trips and make ADRs well in advance if we want our first choice. Limiting the number of ADRs to DDP uses would be unfair. It doesn't matter if it's free or not we all have equal access to the restaurants. Those of us who can plan in advance are rewarded with the restaurants we want. It's the way the world and WDW works - first come first served!!!


Active Member
What I find to be irritating about free dining is that for those of us who are not on a free dining plan, any ADR's are nearly impossible to come by. We are AP holders and visit the parks regularly, but find it difficult to get an APR at #1) and acceptable time and #2) at the restaurant we want to visit. In my opinion (which may be worthless on this forum, but I'll express it anyway) is that they should limit the number of ADR's for those on the DDP and save a few spots for us that are not on the DDP and those that have spent the money for DDE and would like to get what they paid for.

Just my opinion......

I feel for you on this one. I only get to Disney World once a year or so, so we are calling for our ADRs 180 days in advance. I can imagine that for an AP holder who decideds on a Friday to go to Epoct on Saturday that isn't really fesable. They have a system in place in DLR where they only set aside as certain percentage of their tables for ADRs, the rest are avalible for people who walk up that morning and make a reservation for that same day. I know that it is because a big chunk of their business is local, but I don't see why WDW can't do something similar. Seems to me that it would help out more than just the locals.


Well-Known Member
I leave in 2 days for my trip and I have to say, I didn't choose to go to Disney in Sept b/c of free dining. I choose to come b/c it's Sept, there are low crowds, and I wanted to see the Halloween party. The free dining was a perk that I did want, but if it had not been offered, I still would have gone in Sept. no matter what. I am in no way cheap, I just wanted a good deal and felt that this was an excellent deal to take advantage of. If you can go in Sept, you'd be crazy not to take advantage of it.

As for tipping, I believe that what I tip is my personal business and I shouldn't feel bad for how much or how little I may tip. I will be bringing extra money with me on this trip for instances of extremely great service, but should I not recieve amazing service, I think the 18% gratuity is sufficient. I will however, understand that these servers are being tested to their limits during the Free Dining and will adjust accordingly (meaning, I won't go into the restaurant with exceedingly high expectations...something that I think a lot of people are doing, not just at the restaurants, but all over Disney property). I expect a few things though, but it will be the same things I expect among any restaurant, not just a Disney one.

As for those who believe that 180 days is too far out. I 100% agree. I'm not even sure if what I want to eat now is what I've got my ADRs for (I'm still second guessing my list) let alone asking me what do you want to eat in 180 days! To me, that is WAY too far in advance to ask somebody to plan...however, if you don't plan, especially in busy restaurant times like this, you get screwed b/c everyone else has already taken every thing up (as we're seeing now) and if you want to change a ressie to a later time (like I wanted to b/c my flight arrives a little later than I thought it would and I'm not 100% sure I'll make the ressie) I'm out of luck. I think this problem comes about b/c of the uber planners who then turn the rest of us into uber planners if we want to get anything good. The majority of people are not uber planners.

Last, I am very excited about my trip coming up...and the good news, I'm not going to let a few less then happy (should I get any) waiters and waitresses ruin that. I'm going to Disney to get away and I couldn't imagine being any happier about my decisions and the amazing time I hope to have with my hubby.


Well-Known Member
Free Dining or Not Free should not matter when it comes to service & I'm not talking about just @ WDW. If someone is going to give poor service, then they should expect to be tipped poorly. I understand they are getting a small tip as a portion of those guests Free Dining Package. However, if they are going to approach that with a bad attitude, then certainly they can expect not to receive any additional tip. I know some people will not tip no matter what, but I believe if a server provides good service, most people will leave something extra. I personally will tip accordingly when it comes to service no matter where I'm dining at.

Oh Yeah! I have NEVER used the Dining Plan. FREE or Not Free. I have always paid for my meals & have had instances was the service was not up to par. Therefore neither was the tip. :)


New Member
... Youre not suggesting that those of us who are opponents to free dining would criticize those who complain about it and consider them "freeloaders", would you?

I mean if you're getting something for free... then why complain about it? It would be one thing if you actually paid for your food and got bad service but to complain about something you got for free.... that'd be pretty hypocritical, wouldn't it?

I really don't think so,Service is service and should be done correctly and to the best of the ability of the person providing the service.This being said,The vacation regardless of free dining costs quite alot,no matter what your budget.I don't expect a server to do anything out of the ordinary,but i don't expect to be treated poorly either,regardless of how my bill is being paid.In addition,while i tip above the gratuity included( former waitress,so i get working for tips),I must say i really had exceptional service in every place i ate in wdw while i was there,except for one table service in mgm.As well,if a restaurant is slow and you have empty tables,I would think that having full tables and a tip that is provided no matter what type of service or how well the customer enjoyed the meal is not such a bad downside.Perhaps the problem is a little bit of snobbiness on the part of servers and people who think that somehow by taking the free dining offer,you otherwise would never be in the hallowed halls of their restaurant and certainly are not as classy as those actually paying for their food.
WDW vacations are expensive ,no matter what offers you booked under,the free dining provided me the extra cash that i freely spent around the world.It was an expensive vacation well worth the money we spent,but expensive.:)

Also,what is it with the free dining bashing?I don't get it.I was going to wdw in aug/sept before i found out about free dining,I wanted it when i heard about it and it made my trip way more fun,but i was going anyway.But,geez louise,it seems like a small portion of people on these boards want those of us who took wdw up on the offer to be ashamed of ourselves.Everybody who goes to wdw and knows even a little about it,knows they offer all kinds of incentives for various times of the year and almost all of us on these boards take them up on it.For me ,it was free dining,for someone else maybe it was a aaa discount.I just don't get the reason for all the free dining haters other than it fills up the restaurants and so I draw the conclusion that those of you who hate free dining hate the fact that you can't sail into the restaurants and be served immediately or at all.In which case,just dont go during free dining,its just a short time of the year.C'mon already,go for the free dining offer or don"t,just get over it already.

And yes,this is definitely a fun thread


Well-Known Member
I WDW vacations are expensive ,no matter what offers you booked under,the free dining provided me the extra cash that i freely spent around the world.It was an expensive vacation well worth the money we spent,but expensive.:)
exactly, at least a portion of the money I would have been spending on food, I'm now spending on other things, like water park tickets and a Segway tour. And I"m sure a good portion will then go on more souvineers too. Disney is still getting my money. Just in a different way. I'm not keeping it and hording it. :lol:


New Member
exactly, at least a portion of the money I would have been spending on food, I'm now spending on other things, like water park tickets and a Segway tour. Disney is still getting my money. I'm not keeping it and hording it. :lol:
Really.Did I ever plan on riding a segway and actually paying for it?NO>but i did and it was fun.Then I had a great dinner at le cellier and guess what-IT WAS AWESOME AND FREE!!!And i did leave a nice tip above the 18% already provided.


Well-Known Member
Basically if you make such a far reaching statement about a group of people whom you know nothing about other than they took advatage of a deal yeah you should expect the thread to get torn up.

Third, I think most people are concerned about their budget going to WDW. Free dining is just another promotion. WDW offers all sorts of deals all the time to get people to go. Just because someone took advatage of a promotion doesn't make them incapable of paying otherwise. If a travel destination is offering food to be included a lot of people will take advantage. If someone goes because they get a room discount do you think they are going to not complain if they don't receive house keeping service every day?

Yes I am going when there is free dining and I am happy about it. Everyone who goes is still paying a lot of money for park tickets and hotel room. If you get bad service you have every right to complain.
Thank you - you are exactly right on this point. If you get the "free" dining promotion you have to pass up other promotions, such as discounted rooms. Suppose I had a discounted room instead of "free" dining, so that in a sense the room was "free" for a couple nights of my week-long stay. Does that mean I would have no right to complain if mousekeeping refuses to clean the room or provide fresh towels?


Well-Known Member
On tipping:

Despite all of the people on this site who say they tip more than 18%, I have never talked to a server who averaged this much in tips. When I waited tables many years ago, I averaged more like 12% than the 15% recommended at that time. Maybe I wasn't the best server in the restaurant, but I don't think my colleagues averaged 15% either. If WDW servers dislike the DDP, it's not because they think they're going to earn 20% or 25% otherwise.

And if service is inferior during the free dining period, I don't think it's because servers choose to provide inferior service. They either want to do a good job (most) or they don't (a few, who probably don't last long). And they're not going to take the time and energy to discriminate between free diners (bad service) and others (good service). If quality of service is a problem during free dining, it may be because of overbooking which overloads the kitchen and the servers. The easiest solution? Don't overbook.


New Member
I agree with mary129...service is service and should be done regardless. I work in retail as one of my jobs and regardless of the attitudes or lack of respect I get, i am pleasent and do my job to the best of my ability

Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in :)

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