I love love love love love love love.... (you get the point) WDW!!!!
I love learning new things each day about WDW! Thats why i love WDW Magic because they know what there talking bout! WOOT!!:sohappy:
Any way..... I would love love love love love to go on a backstage tour. But i was looking a round on line and it said you have to be 16 and older to do one. It was not an official site. My stomach dropeped when i saw this! I keep telling my dad we need to do a tour when we go and now i get this. IS IT TRUE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?:shrug:
There are a few tours that are for younger people.
If you are interested in Steam Trains, and would like to see the backstage area where the trains are kept and prepared for the day, do the "Magic Behind Our Steam Trains Tour." You only have to be 10 years old.
There is another tour where you go around the park where you go around trying to solve a mystery, but this is really aimed for real young kids, so I don't know if you'd be up for it or not.
There is the Mickey's Milestones Tour, but you don't go backstage. I think you have to be 10.
I don't think the 16 age limit is for insurance purposes, since some of the tours that involve actual danger lets kids do it (The Steam Train Tours where you only have to be 10 and the SCUBA diving tour where you only have to be 8.)
I think the age limit was made because of the combination of how they don't want to show younger kids the secrets of the magic/younger kids have the potential of running off into restricted areas such as in the underground utiladors/younger kids don't have the attention span to last in a tour that runs about 4 1/2-5 hrs.
I know, I was bummed to when I found out that a lot of the tours required a 16 age limit (especially since I wanted to go underground in the Keys to the Kingdom tour).
I had to wait years before I could do it. When I finally turned 15, we gave it a try and lied about my age. They didn't give me a second glance. Everything went fine.
So I say if you're close to the age, and could fudge the date on your birth certificate, definately give it a shot.