Is this really a thing or is it April 1ST? Cabanas in the parks.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why any regulars on this board are surprised by WDW's continuous addition of expensive add-ons at the parks. After the $150 nighttime charge at the MK, I just assumed all bets for stupid ideas is off.

If WDW can find a way to separate the extremely well off from their money without taking something away from the common folk, that's fine, but infringing on the rest of us by limiting our ability to watch a parade, watch the fireworks or just be able to enjoy the "bubble" by not being forced to look at ugly tents next to Space Mountain is over the line.

Maybe the 1% complained that going back to the CR, Polynesian or GF was too time consuming because of the length of the security lines to get back into the park and this was the best idea they could come up with.

As someone here stated, complaining on the boards does no good, so I've already sent an email to Guest Services voicing my displeasure over these tents. I'm sure it won't make one bit of difference.


Well-Known Member
I can see making spaces available off-stage, like their corp VIP lounges, for a daily fee and have no problem with that. If you want to splurge or your pockets are deep enough, have at it and enjoy. But, putting up tents within view in TL is totally wrong and is tacky beyond belief. Even if they put up a theme-appropriate structure, it has no place being on view and just does not fit.

A new low for Disney.


Well-Known Member
Aww, c'mon. They don't look that bad.



Well-Known Member
It sounds like these are temporary until they build permanent ones whichmaybe will have all the features mentioned above. I just hope they are off stage.

I just think from a Brand management POV this looks like another cash grab.

Well, if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...!

HiYa Pal

Active Member
Concept, I like it, on a hot crowded day at MK, I'd LOVE 20 minutes to sit in a cool space with no one around me to recharge throughout the day. Current Set Up: awful!!

Ismael Flores

Well-Known Member
if they were really going to do this, i'd hope they'd find ways to incorporate them into buildings/etc so they would be more hidden and less temporary

and seems like alot to pay for something that doesn't have ac, having a cool refuge on a hot summers day would be like the main primary reason to do this

and ideally they would be in a location with a door that locks and is accessed via the magic band so you'd be able to use it has a place to secure belongings

though i would think there would be security flaws in having private non public spaces that are not actively being monitored by live staff, that just seems like asking for trouble for people to mis behave

Just started reading this thread but i agree with you if this is true then they should find a way of using some of the vacant buildings. If not then maybe they can find a large path of unused land and a pathway leading to it so that the cabanas are not visible from the walkways. Whats next inflatable pools so that guests can also take a dip without leaving the park

Knowing TDO management i wouldnt be surprised if they turn the innovention buildings in Epcot into Cabana central.

Ismael Flores

Well-Known Member
We were at the MK tonight and noticed these Cabanas over in the empty area to the right of Space Mountain. At first we thought they had something to do with D23, but our curiosity got the best of us, so we had to ask. What we have found out is that these Cabanas are being offered to guests for a place to rest while visiting MK for the day. There are lounge chairs in the space so you can kick back and rest your tired feet. They also will be offering food and drinks for purchase so you can enjoy your rest. You can use it throughout the day but not for the entire day. All this can be yours for $650.00 (which does not include the food, drinks or your Park pass). If all goes well, it will be offered at the other Parks as well.
View attachment 175858 View attachment 175859 View attachment 175860

SO food and drinks are not included and its not for the whole day? WOW

Ismael Flores

Well-Known Member
I saw them at Space Mountain on Saturday night. They are off to the left, kind of between space mountain and the bathroom at the old skyway building. Here an aerial. Couldn't get a pic night.

View attachment 175876

Maybe they should have added them to the grassy area behind the train tracks near Frontierland and made them green. Theme them to a campground. Better yet add them as background theming to the speedway and theme it to look like the tent cities that pop up under the freeways. Guests can get a view of the water basins and water channel and be able to hunt gators for lunch

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