Is the Space Mountain refurb official or speculation?


Well-Known Member
For those who have ridden all the SMs - DL, Tokyo, Paris, WDW - which one is the best?

If they're going to rehab WDW SM I'd like to see it be at least as good (if not better) than any other SM on the planet.

I sense that there's a tendency to go conservative on these refurb projects at WDW because there's so much else to draw crowds there. Heck, at WDW it's not even the only high-speed roller coaster in the dark. But I hope that doesn't happen here - I hope it's a MAJOR refurb. The ride needs it, and frankly Tomorrowland could use it too.

SM at the MK should be the signature attraction for the park. I believe the rumor of an 18 month refurb are accurate. Hopefully some of the people involved with the HM refurb are also involved with the SM refurb. I am optimistic but can't wait for more details.


Well-Known Member
Disney only announces things when there is a need (and when the timing for publicity is best--especially for stockholders, since it is really only us and stockholders that read press releases or listen to press events). Is there any pressing need to announce a DVC expansion that won't open until sometime in 2009? No. AKL's expansion will be completed sooner. Is there any need to announce a Space Mountain closure 9 months in advance? No. Knowing Disney, that announcement will probably come in the fall. By the time Disney even considers announcing something, it has already been in the works for years, green-lit for some time, and many times, the site has been cleared and construction may have even begun.

Imagine the excitement among those who care if they announce just before the AKL Villas open (and after the units have mostly sold) that a new tower is opening near the MK with views of the park. You build excitement on excitement. That is why Disney leaves the ride construction to the Imagineers and the folks they contract and the publicity and marketing to the marking folks and the official Disney World website to the kindergarteners. It frustrates those of us who only consider something official once it's been announced (and I'm sure I need not remind you of attractions and full resorts that have been officially announced and never built), but if you read between the lines from posts from the knowledgeable here, you already know what is going on. Just because Disney announces things last minute (again, to spur excitement--few people will care about something if it is announced years before completion and months before any visible construction takes place) doesn't mean they make all of their decisions last minute.


Well-Known Member
My favorite is DL out of the 4 I've been on (DL, TDL, MK, DLP).

Space Mountain: De la Terre a la Lune would have been number one, but DLP decided to dumb it down by removing the awesome soundtrack, removing effects, adding an almost disco soundtrack, disco balls and poof... the horrible Mission 2 was born. Also, the ride can be very rough, due to the transitions after the loops that didn't age very well at all.


Well-Known Member
I was mostly against remodeling WDW's Space Mtn. That was, until, I rode Disneyland's. It really does put WDW's to shame. The effects are awesome, the music adds layers to the experience and it was a very smooth ride. My only complaint was that it was a little too "back and forth", but don't get me wrong, it is still an awesome ride. WDW's has gotten old and rickety. Without anything to compare it to, however, I was perfectly happy with it. I'm not for changing things just for the sake of change, but I think that if they put a Disneyland-like version of Space in over at Magic Kingdom, it would be an improvement that everyone will love. If they improve on it a little bit (longer, more dips), it could even eclipse DL's.


Well-Known Member
WDW's is the worst, by 10 miles, of the three I have been on (although HKDL is a carbon copy of DL and TDL shares the same track layout too).

I think DLP's is the best by far, but Mission 2 is defintely a dumbed down version (to be fair, I didn't ride the original but I am familiar with it). The only issue is that it is a major head-banger to the point where its almost not enjoyable. They need to work on that. But the launch, inversions, music, effects and pitch darkness are terrific.


New Member
The one big difference between DL and WDW's SM is the level of darkness. I think WDW's SM could simple be so much better if they enclosed the stations so the light doesn't "leak" out into the ride. Yes its cool to see the glow in the dark stripes on the cars while loading but you can also see the track and such where at Disneyland all you really see are the "stars."

Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I dont see the point in WDW trying to make SM look like any other SM at the other resorts, regardless of how "great" they are compared to WDW's, because great is a matter of opinion. IMO, all they need to do is update some effects, change the post show, and if they have time/more money smooth the track. SM appears to be fine and loved now, if it wasnt, there would be no lines. People that go often or have been to other disney parks may not love WDW's as much, but its still loved. When they refurbished WDW's pirates, they didnt gut it and make it long like the one at DL, and yet people still enjoy it and ride it, and it still has lines.

I guess I just have nostalgic sentiment toward SM, because if they drastically changed it, Id be really upset. IMO, they dont need to make it bigger or faster, if wdi or people want a bigger faster coaster, build another one somewhere else on property or at the mk, dont mess up one that attendance wise has no problem.


Well-Known Member
WDW isn't a museum. I loved Space Mountain in the 70s and 80s when it was cutting edge and, yeah, thrilling.

But now it's just a rough, dirty, cheap-looking coaster in semi-darkness with a few incredibly cheesy effects.

That's not what T-Land is supposed to be about.

Space Mountain 2.0 should be cutting edge. No, not a mega coaster, but not simply a new version of what exists now with a soundtrack.

That building is large enough that when they gut it they could create one much longer experience OR have two experiences ... one closer to what exists now and one a more thrilling experience with inversions and the like.

Sadly, I don't see either scenario playing out.


Well-Known Member
It sure isnt a museum. So when and if they gut SM, they oughtta go ahead and redo Pirates. Just change it and make it just like the 3 movies. All the old AAs are dated compared to the Sparrow AAs. Think about how cool all the characters of the movie would look in AA form. Thatd be a great experience. Since WDW isnt a museum, once they gut SM, they ought to get to work on redoing all of Pirates, BTMRR, HM, and maybe smooth out Rockin Coaster because its way to bumpy.

Yea, I agree WDW isnt a museum, but some rides are classic. Pirates is virtually the same thing it was when it opened, minus the movie additions. And when did it open, the 70s or 80s right(Im not sure, I know it was before my time though) It was cool then and to many, its cool now.


Account Suspended
Disney only announces things when there is a need (and when the timing for publicity is best--especially for stockholders, since it is really only us and stockholders that read press releases or listen to press events). Is there any pressing need to announce a DVC expansion that won't open until sometime in 2009? No. AKL's expansion will be completed sooner. Is there any need to announce a Space Mountain closure 9 months in advance? No. Knowing Disney, that announcement will probably come in the fall. By the time Disney even considers announcing something, it has already been in the works for years, green-lit for some time, and many times, the site has been cleared and construction may have even begun.

Imagine the excitement among those who care if they announce just before the AKL Villas open (and after the units have mostly sold) that a new tower is opening near the MK with views of the park. You build excitement on excitement. That is why Disney leaves the ride construction to the Imagineers and the folks they contract and the publicity and marketing to the marking folks and the official Disney World website to the kindergarteners. It frustrates those of us who only consider something official once it's been announced (and I'm sure I need not remind you of attractions and full resorts that have been officially announced and never built), but if you read between the lines from posts from the knowledgeable here, you already know what is going on. Just because Disney announces things last minute (again, to spur excitement--few people will care about something if it is announced years before completion and months before any visible construction takes place) doesn't mean they make all of their decisions last minute.

*falls over laughing* :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
It sure isnt a museum. So when and if they gut SM, they oughtta go ahead and redo Pirates.

I think you need to stay true to Walt's vision, which was to have a place where the entire family could have fun together. That means a blend of rides, something to appeal to Grandma, something for mom & dad, Dumbo for the kids, and a few thrill rides for the teenagers/young adults.

Pirates is an experience that can be enjoyed by the entire family. It's an immersive ride. The rider is meant to feel like he is actually riding through a coastal town being overrun by pirates. As such, it doesn't matter so much if the technology gets old as long as the effect still works. That said, new technology that can enhance the experience is (and should be) welcomed and added to the attraction. Over the years it has become a Disney classic, a Walt original, and it is understandably beloved, and people don't want to see it change. And all of that is ok because the original immersive goal of the ride is still accomplished. It still works, it still accomplishes its original goal.

Space Mountain is a completely different story. It is a THRILL ride. Perhaps the ultimate thrill ride. When SM opened it was considered one of the scariest attractions on the planet. I can remember people talking about it with great FEAR, rumors circulating about people who freaked out or passed out in line and had to be evacuated. If you were brave enough to go on Space Mountain, you had real courage.

Space Mountain no longer serves up the same level of thrills. Now it's a "cute" coaster. People ride it with nostalgia and remember the first time they rode it. There is no fear and very little excitement. Unlike Pirates, it no longer accomplishes its original goal of providing a true thrill ride inside the Magic Kingdom.

This is an important point when you consider what Disney's competition is doing - bigger, faster, more extreme thrill rides. The best way for Disney to respond to this is with Walt's original vision - a blend of attractions to appeal to everyone in the family. Disney's thrill rides should be of higher quality, better themed, technologically advanced, and lots of fun. (Everest fits the bill nicely.) Space Mountain is really none of these things anymore (the theming is still ok but really starting to look dated, like how you can barely see through the "control room" glass because it's so dusty and faded.)

The bottom line is, we need a new Space Mountain. One that can serve up all the excitement and thrills that the original did in the 70s.


Well-Known Member
I agree with pax 65. There's a difference between "classic" and "outdated". DL's Space Mountain is a high-tech classic. WDW's is cheesy and outdated.


Well-Known Member
Look at the classics at Disneyland. They have been updated over time to keep them cutting edge but still in line with the original idea of the ride--including technological updates to existing animatronics and the addition of new animatronics and even show scenes. No one really suggests that the Haunted Mansion is ruined, just that it's much more impressive now. Calling something a classic is fine--I agree that Space Mountain is a classic that should not be removed and not be changed into Stitch Mountain or some garbage, but to give Disney an out to let it continue to stagnate is absurd. That's how you end up with the Haunted Mansion being how it was up until its refurbishment--largely, a mess.


Well-Known Member
I see. But after all that, I still think if they were to gut SM, the next gutting should be of POTC and probably HM, to make it more like the movies. Regardless if they are rides the whole family could ride or not, the whole family could ride a new version of POTC that features all the pirates from the movie, so just get rid of all thats in there now after the redo of SM. Maybe even Thunder Mountain as far as the MK is concerned.


Well-Known Member
Look at the classics at Disneyland. They have been updated over time to keep them cutting edge but still in line with the original idea of the ride--including technological updates to existing animatronics and the addition of new animatronics and even show scenes. No one really suggests that the Haunted Mansion is ruined, just that it's much more impressive now. Calling something a classic is fine--I agree that Space Mountain is a classic that should not be removed and not be changed into Stitch Mountain or some garbage, but to give Disney an out to let it continue to stagnate is absurd. That's how you end up with the Haunted Mansion being how it was up until its refurbishment--largely, a mess.

And that is why alot of us complain about the MK. Up until recently many of the classic rides have not been updated over the years. And don't get my started about the Peter Pan and Snow White which are a joke compared to their DL counterparts. Yes, HM got an amazing update, IASW got a major rehab(but is starting to look worn out again) and POTC got an update(but didn't get the new sound system and lighting DL got so the new scenes sound great but the old scenes still sound like the 1970's. Space is stuck in the 80's. It is a joke compared to its counterparts in the other parks. I know not everyone gets to the other parks but you would think the most heavily attended park in the world would be the crown jewel of a company not a worn out, run down cash cow that pales in comparison to some of the other MK parks.


Well-Known Member
For those of you saying that Disneyland has been updated while our Magic Kingdom hasn't been, look at the shape Disneyland was in before the 50th anniversary. They refurbed quite a bit for the 50th. We're starting to see that at the Magic Kingdom/WDW, it's just that these things take time.

WDW has had the following major refurbishments recently:
Pirates of the Caribbean
it's a small world
Haunted Mansion
el Rio Del Tiempo
Spaceship Earth

Minor refurbishments
Splash Mountain
Thunder Mountain
Rock 'n Roller Coaster

Upcoming refurbishments
Jungle Cruise
Space Mountain
Star Tours
Possible the Great Movie Ride

That's a pretty substantial list, the biggest difference for me is that Disneyland has already had their Space Mountain update, where as WDW is waiting until 09 for their refurbishment.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Space Mountain definately needs a BIG rehab. Like everyone else on this thread has said, its a joke compared to the SMs at the other parks. DLs had an amazing upgrade, DLPs is one of the most incredible rides Disney's ever built and also had an amazing rehab, Tokyo's got a cool new loading area, and HKDL's version is better which is pretty sad.:lol:

In a nut shell, here's what I think must be done:

*The whole enterance to the queue should get a face lift to get a look similar to the avenue of the planets look to fit in with the rest of the land. The queue should get a similar upgrade as well ( but keep the star tunnel music! It wouldn't be WDW without it! ). I would also bring back the TVs that played the intergalactic commercials and have them play on flat screen TVs throughout the queue, and a new safty video would be added.

*I always thought they never made it really clear on whether or not you're in a space station or on earth. Personally, I would rearrange the theming so it would be more clear that you were at a space port on earth ready to be shot into space.

*The ride loading and exit stations would get alot more theming since they never had much in the first place.

*The beginning of the ride will be rearranged so that you go through the blue speed tunnel and then the spinning tunnel before the main lift ( which will also get a futuristic face-lift along with new suits for the space men, and they'll actually move. )

*I don't know if Disney really HAS to replace the whole track, but from what I've heard the ride is pretty bumpy, so they may have to. And I don't know if the track layout could be changed, but if they could, that would be great ( I'm not saying they should add loops or anything, I know that's impossible ). Maybe the new track layout could be somthing similar to Revenge of the Mummy's track layout. And of course, the ride will get an onboard score.

*Along the ride, encounters could be added like asteroids, meteorites ( like the ones on Dinosaur ), satelites, etc. For the finale, the rockets go thorugh a swirley tunnel like the one at DLP's SM, and then through a star tunnel like the one at DL before coming to a stop at the unload.

*The scenes on the exit walkway could be upudated and newer, more advanced animatronics added.

Oh well, just some thoughts I thought I'd throw out there.


Well-Known Member
I would like to see some queue work. The switchback area isn't used as often, and should be redone. I do miss the video screens (ironically, I think that's a cop out for queue entertainment, but these were actually entertaining).

If the rehab is 18 months, I have to believe that there will be major track work done. It might be just reinforcing the existing track, but if the rehab is that long, there will definitely be track work done.

I would like to see improved effects, and would not oppose to them retaining the same track layout, but if it meant a longer ride and a higher capacity, I would not oppose to a new single track design.

Does anyone have any definitive insight as to what will be done during the rehab? What the budget of the rehab is? Will it be more or less than 18 months?


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying they should add loops or anything, I know that's impossible.

Why is it impossible? Because of the size of the building? Personally I'd love to see properly done inversions as I think they would add to the excitement of the ride. Either loops or corkscrews.

*Along the ride, encounters could be added like asteroids, meteorites ( like the ones on Dinosaur ), satelites, etc.

My only concern about this is that if you show things you have to have light. And if you have too much light you can see the track, which destroys the feeling of rocketing through space. (As someone mentioned, one of the problems with WDW Space Mountain now.) You could paint the objects in that "glow-in-the-dark" paint that RnRC uses but that kind of creates a whole different feel as far as the theme goes.


I would like to see some queue work.
There will be major changes to the queue and exit.

If the rehab is 18 months, I have to believe that there will be major track work done.
Yes. As I posted in another thread, I was told that track work will be "extensive."

I would like to see improved effects....."

Does anyone have any definitive insight as to what will be done during the rehab?
Still murky. Lips are pretty tight on this one....

What the budget of the rehab is?
Not exactly, but more now than a year or so ago.

Will it be more or less than 18 months?
Could go either way. 18 months is a pretty good guess from what I gather.

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