Is the clock ticking on the Sorcerer Mickey Hat icon at the Studios? YES!


Well-Known Member
And now it's ruined again....


Sorry about the crappy phone screen shot but ugh! Why Disney why!?!?!


Well-Known Member
And with SW Weekends running into another summer of Frozen promos bets on this thing staying up until the fall?

I'd say that is a safe bet. :( DHS Frozen Summer of Fun ( :banghead: ) will run from June 17 - September 07, 2015 this year. Maybe it will be the same next year since we are going at the end of September and we will actually get to see the theater the way it was meant to be seen.


Well-Known Member
An erector set of a stage is ugly, but fine for SWW. The Frozen stage should have nothing to do with that metal look. Fingers crossed Disney sees this too and replaces it asap with something more aesthetically pleasing as they transition from one to the other. My fear: they'll just think it's easiest to leave up year round.


Well-Known Member
If…IF…they truly do add a large Star Wars Land to this park in the distant future, perhaps a stage for SWW could be setup somewhere else?
You could even theme it to a Holonet Entertainment Station and have some year-round Star Wars material there and bring back Snig and Oopla.


Well-Known Member
Saw the stage yesterday. It looked "temporary" in the same vein as the hat was "temporary"; a substantial installation. As it is currently configured, it really isn't bad and doesn't detract from the theater. I hope there isn't a whole lot of stuff going in to block the view again. I was encouraged that management was maybe listening to the complaints and responding.

Don't screw it up, WDO!!!



Well-Known Member
Luckily they can't. As a temporary structure it has to periodically come down then go back up.

If only the down period was say eleven months.

When I was working there they had come up on the end of a permit for the temp stage and when the park closed they tore it down completely and then put it back up overnight.

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