If its a bucket list item, go for it.
If not .. well .. let me tell you about hotels accommodations that are 500+ a night outside of disney (rest of world), for 550 a night, you'd get access to a private concierge, and bell hop, normally some sort of high level suite room, fully furnished with top of the line items. Along with allot of other perks.
We have no quarrels spending 300-500 a night at a hotel, if the service is up to par. AKA, I forget a toothbrush, they go get one for me. Especially if the hotel has nice amenities associated with it (more time on property is spent then).
IMO, no Disney hotel short of a few wildly over priced posh suites are worth it, but i wouldn't stay in those either, simply because your paying 1500 a night for service you can get elsewhere for 500 to 600..
But if you want to do it, and experience it, go for it. Ya may never get the chance again (mantra).