I'm the type of person who doesn't do roller coasters. My motto when it comes to rides usually is nothing that goes upside down and nothing with steep drops. I won't do everest, the aerosmith ride or splash mountain however, I have done similar rides in the past, for some reason splash mountain just looks stepper to me. I like big thunder mountain, I'm willing to try space mountain again after a horrible childhood experiance and I've never been on test track but I'll try it and I've been on Tower of terror several times, but not without a slight panic attack before and during. I think I secretly like it, but it still scares the crap out of me.
I was willing to try mission space for the first time until I read a fourm on here about how intense it is and that people died on it. Now I'm not so sure. Someone told me it's more intense than the aerosmith rollercoaster and that scared me. I can handle virtual reality and some jostling around, but if it's worse than I rollercoaster, I don't know. Exactly, what is this ride?
I need advice, do you think it might be too much for someone like me? Thanks.
I was willing to try mission space for the first time until I read a fourm on here about how intense it is and that people died on it. Now I'm not so sure. Someone told me it's more intense than the aerosmith rollercoaster and that scared me. I can handle virtual reality and some jostling around, but if it's worse than I rollercoaster, I don't know. Exactly, what is this ride?
I need advice, do you think it might be too much for someone like me? Thanks.