Is it time to do away with Dinoland?


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I'm relatively certain none of us can speak as to what the "average" guest does and doesn't know.....


Well-Known Member
Enlighten us. What is the story? I like dinoland, but not the crappy games there, just doesnt fit, but another dark ride would, or even a good TS.


Enlighten us. What is the story? I like dinoland, but not the crappy games there, just doesnt fit, but another dark ride would, or even a good TS.

Well the story goes (anyone feel free to correct me if you fina a flaw):

The present site of DinoLand U.S.A was a small town that was visited rarely by anyone passing by. If they did they stopped for gas at Chester and Hester's (hence the gas station). One day some dinosaur bones were discovered at the present site of the Boneyard and many paleontologist started to come and stay. More and more came and more and more wanted to stay close to always be updated on new discoveries (these were pre-twitter day ya know!). So they soon built themselves a house on the present location of Restaurantosaurus (that's why you see beds up top above the seating are). Restaurantosaurus was the original research base/home/ and cafeteria for the paleontologist. Soon they discovered they needed a larger and more advanced research center. With the funds they achieved through their discoveries (and a generous grant from the McDonald's Corporation) they built the Dino Institue. Through research and another generous grant from the McDonald's corporation they discovered time travel. To keep up with maintenance cost they soon began tours for the public to the Dinosaurs.

Chester and Hester knew that this whole time travel business would be a great way to make a quick buck. So they built a large gift shop and a roadside carnival with dinosaur themes to steal some of the tourist from the Dino Institue.

And this leads us to now, the DinoLand of today.


How about they knock down Dino-Rama and expand Dinosaur into that area to have an outside portion? Huh anyone? Anyone? That would be the best.

All jokes aside DinoLand U.S.A is one of the best themed areas of WDW and has some of the best story telling too. The roadside carnival looks exactly like one that you would find well on the side of the road. The story behind it is great also. Dinosaur is one of the best attractions on property IMO and the Boneyard gives kids time to blow off steam. So I would not be for scrapping it. Since between IOA and AK, AK wins the dinosaur battle (though I wished Disney would invest in a interactive encounter with some audio animatronics like IOA.)

Do I think it can be better? Yes! Do I hate it? No! The theming and story are great.

I find it odd though no one complains about a Nemo show (or Tarzan or Jungle Book show) being in DinoLand but complain about Dino themed rides in a Dino themed land.

Isn't that weird?

agreed!!! :)


Well-Known Member
i just don't like the feel of dinorama. the whole point of disneyland is that it's not like a carnival. i'm sure i've read somewhere that walt didn't want anything like this in the parks because it's cheap and tacky. i just think it's really out of place. it's more the primeval whirl and the side shows that i don't like. we never got to see the boneyard or anything else. primeval whirl i can do in the uk, so why would i want to travel 4000 miles to do it in america? it's just not the usual disney standard.


New Member
I have more of a problem with Finding Nemo: The Musical, than I do with Dinorama, mainly due to the fact that I love the complex story behind it. It fits in so well with Animal Kingdom, it's actually very similar (in its complexity) to the story behind AK's Africa.


How did you learn of that story, and do you think the average non-fanboy guest would know all that just from visiting the park?

No I do not believe (I do not know because I am a fan boy) the average guest would know this. I also believe that the average guest would not complain about it being "cheap" neither because they would not let it spoil their visit. We as fanboys are the ones who complain about this stuff while the average guest really does not care for theming like we do. And I believe (once again I do not know) a average guest would enjoy Dino Rama because well 1. It has a roller coaster 2. It's near Dinosaur. At the end of the day I'm willing to bet 60% of people go to Dino Rama ride Primeval enjoy it or not they will still ride it because AK is so deprived of rides some families are just looking for anything to ride.

My point is if you don't like it no one is making you go there. At the end of the day AK is still the 5th most visited park in America and Disney will still be making money no matter how much you complain about how "cheap" it looks.


Well-Known Member
I always thought something badlands themed would be neat. Something a little more awe-inspiring than the big orange dinosaur.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I had a friend with me once who went into the Dinorama area with me and saw the pavement in the area and said, "Did they build this part over part of the parking lot?" It reminded him of Six Flags. In my opinion, thats NOT a GOOD thing.

I think Jurassic Park as a whole is a MUCH better themed dino area. If Disney would somehow re-think the entire roadside attraction area, then maybe it could compare.

You know, thinking about that, how Disney as a dino themed land, AND Universal has a dino themed land, how come Beastly Kingdom couldn't be done...because Universal already had a mythical land? I think that argument is one big cop-out.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I had a friend with me once who went into the Dinorama area with me and saw the pavement in the area and said, "Did they build this part over part of the parking lot?" It reminded him of Six Flags. In my opinion, thats NOT a GOOD thing.
Except that it is supposed to look like it was built on a parking lot. The white lines that marked the parking spaces are even there.


Well-Known Member
I would say it's supposed to look like that because TDO or Eisner or somebody else who wanted to save additional money at DAK, because Camp Minnie Mickey instead of Beastly Kingdomme and a watered down Kali River Ride was still not enough, thought it was a very cheap way for theming this area. Just like they built that incredibly cheap looking primeval whirl instead of the Boneyard collercoaster that was planned originally.

Tip Top Club

Well-Known Member
I find it odd though no one complains about a Nemo show (or Tarzan or Jungle Book show) being in DinoLand but complain about Dino themed rides in a Dino themed land.

Isn't that weird?

Technically the Nemo Show is in Dinoland, but Technically it's also "In the Wild" as the name suggests...sort of between themed lands, not unlike the gigantic path of forest between Asia and Africa that's kind of both and neither at the same time....

Anyway I know it would never happen, but I would love to see an Audio-Animatronic based boat ride that would be a slightly more thrilling version of the Jungle Cruise with Dinosaurs where you actually learned about them. (nothing like a discovery channel documentary, but a few basic things that made you appreciate why they went extinct and how humans can help prevent other animals from going extinct, because extinction is forever.) As well as a better version of the Cretaceous trail, featuring audio-animatronic Dinosaurs partially controlled by Dino Institute Scientists giving presentations on them. For example they could brings their heads down and nod to a child, or occasionally sneeze and squirt out a bit of water, something fun like that.

Obviously this will never happen....but wouldn't it be better than Primeval Whirl?


Think for yourselfer
Animal Kingdom has 2 areas that are severely lacking. Dinorama is one of them. It just comes off as lazy and uninspired. They need to lose the carnival feel and go with a more lush jungle feel, I know IOA has Jurassic Park, but quite frankly, when I think of Dino's I think of lakes and tress and brush. Not cement. That is the direction that they should have went.

Dinosaur the ride also needs some TLC. It is an awesome ride, just needs a little lovin.


New Member
No only Chester and Hester should go Disney should be embarrased by this I don't care about the stupid back story!

Move PW elsewhere and demolish everything.

Put in the Excavator aka the Wooden coaster that was supposed to go there in the first place and put in the Dino boat ride that wad proposed! On huge E coaster and a D/maybe E POTC type dark ride!

1 it gets rid of C&H
2 It would go along way to helping DAK with the lack of attractions
3. It would just be awsome!

As far as PW move it to either of the other three parks and Retheme it!

MK: put it on TSI and give a theme to match!
DHS put in some where in PS with a Pixar theme!
EC: There are many places in WS it could go!

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