Rumor Is Indiana Jones Planning an Adventure to Disney's Animal Kingdom?


Well-Known Member
I have on good authority that the next Indy movie is being re-written to help be more inclusive to adopting the IP to AK.

First, Indy crash lands his plane in the deep jungles of India (Harrison Ford won't even have to act out this part) on an expedition
He is rescued by a talking panther who drags him to a pack of wolves who heal him
These wolves teach him lessons of animal survival in the jungle
The black panther returns when he is healthy and informs him he must avoid a ravenous tiger and go back to the man village
Indy balks at this as he wants to remain in the jungle looking for some lost supernatural dinosaur eggs and runs away
He spends the night in a tree and runs into a giant snake with crazy eyes and gives him a fear of snakes
He finds an old stone, runs into a pack of elephants and rides them back in a sort of marching style to return the stone to an ancient village
Upon leaving the village he returns to his original quest and stumbles upon a friendly singing bear who agrees to help him
While bathing and singing together Indy is captured by rabid monkeys who are led by a giant singing orangutan that is a major pyromaniac
The friendly bear meets up with the talking panther who hatch a plan to dress in drag, do the hula and somehow rescue Indy
During all of this a really really mad tiger stalks Indy wanting to eat him so that the supernatural dinosaur eggs are never found
Indy, being the petulant child he is, again won't let the friendly bear or talking panther take him back to the man village before he finds his supernatural dino eggs and runs away again
The really really mad tiger overhears the friendly bear and talking panther discussing Indy's whereabouts with the marching elephants and goes after Indy
While fighting the really really mad tiger, Indy falls into a hole that slowly drops him to the center of the earth and lands on some supernatural dinosaur eggs that break his fall
Indy makes a giant omelette and is eating the supernatural dino eggs when the mama dino, a carnotaurus, starts chasing him for putting an unbroken egg in his backpack
Right as it is about to eat him there is a bright flash (ride photo) and a friendly iguanodon rams the carnotaurus over a cliff
Indy rides the iguanodon back up from the earth's core and runs into his other animal friends who start taking him back to the man village
As he approaches from a distance he sees Karen Allen walking down to a river to fill a large pot on her head with water
Indy immediately falls back in love with her and with his eyes all googly follows her to the man village where he tells all of humanity to help save our jungles and their creatures except really really mad tigers.

Does this fit in AK now?


Well-Known Member
Some of our insiders are giving conflicting information. And I hope Disneyhead has the most recent/most likely intel. I have no qualms with an Indiana Jones ride as part of a South America re-do of Dinoland, but I have no interest in seeing a full Indiana Jones land in DAK.


Well-Known Member
If only Disney owned Land Before Time, all our problems would be solved.

On a serious note: Indy would be cool but not ideal. Would much rather stick with the Dinosaurs (an original purpose of AK was animals of the past), but with a completely different theme. Perhaps we have actually stepped back in time? A repurpose of the lost Fire Mountain to fit the prehistoric landscape? Just a thought.
Maybe they could have Indy find a time machine and he has to try saving the dinosaurs from the UOE before the Guardians the Galaxy accidentally destroy them


Well-Known Member
I have on good authority that the next Indy movie is being re-written to help be more inclusive to adopting the IP to AK.

First, Indy crash lands his plane in the deep jungles of India (Harrison Ford won't even have to act out this part) on an expedition
He is rescued by a talking panther who drags him to a pack of wolves who heal him
These wolves teach him lessons of animal survival in the jungle
The black panther returns when he is healthy and informs him he must avoid a ravenous tiger and go back to the man village
Indy balks at this as he wants to remain in the jungle looking for some lost supernatural dinosaur eggs and runs away
He spends the night in a tree and runs into a giant snake with crazy eyes and gives him a fear of snakes
He finds an old stone, runs into a pack of elephants and rides them back in a sort of marching style to return the stone to an ancient village
Upon leaving the village he returns to his original quest and stumbles upon a friendly singing bear who agrees to help him
While bathing and singing together Indy is captured by rabid monkeys who are led by a giant singing orangutan that is a major pyromaniac
The friendly bear meets up with the talking panther who hatch a plan to dress in drag, do the hula and somehow rescue Indy
During all of this a really really mad tiger stalks Indy wanting to eat him so that the supernatural dinosaur eggs are never found
Indy, being the petulant child he is, again won't let the friendly bear or talking panther take him back to the man village before he finds his supernatural dino eggs and runs away again
The really really mad tiger overhears the friendly bear and talking panther discussing Indy's whereabouts with the marching elephants and goes after Indy
While fighting the really really mad tiger, Indy falls into a hole that slowly drops him to the center of the earth and lands on some supernatural dinosaur eggs that break his fall
Indy makes a giant omelette and is eating the supernatural dino eggs when the mama dino, a carnotaurus, starts chasing him for putting an unbroken egg in his backpack
Right as it is about to eat him there is a bright flash (ride photo) and a friendly iguanodon rams the carnotaurus over a cliff
Indy rides the iguanodon back up from the earth's core and runs into his other animal friends who start taking him back to the man village
As he approaches from a distance he sees Karen Allen walking down to a river to fill a large pot on her head with water
Indy immediately falls back in love with her and with his eyes all googly follows her to the man village where he tells all of humanity to help save our jungles and their creatures except really really mad tigers.

Does this fit in AK now?
Where/When does Indy pull the sword out of the stone?


Well-Known Member
Where/When does Indy pull the sword out of the stone?

That happens in Indiana Jones IX:
Indiana Jones and the Water Woman Defeat the Third Reich

Amazingly, the lady in the lake is also played by Karen Allen whom he falls in love with and almost drowns after chasing her back into the lake from the weight of carrying Excalibur. But, while in the water he is saved by a mermaid who is miraculously the misplaced daughter of King Triton whom he rescues back to the ocean before she leaves him for some prince.


Well-Known Member
I can do this all day. Well, not all day today as I have to go to my son's first varsity football scrimmage soon where he will defeat the evil Midland, MI football team aided by Blackbeard's pirate ghost, Dean Jones and the Daughters of the Buccaneers.


Well-Known Member
Ministry of Magic has not been announced yet. But they did announce that this is the last year for Bill & Ted's which is in the Fear Factor Live Theater which is where MoM is going. So we have confirmation something is happening there. But no official announcement about MoM yet. Universal wants to bookend SW:GE with a double whammy of Potter up front and Super Nintendo World at the rear.

Comcast ain't playin'.
I love it when theme parks try to best each other! It means better rides for the patrons of all theme parks! :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be honest here, Dinosaur is a WAY better ride than IJA. IJA does some things better, like the vehicle reaction technology, but Dinosaur has much better animatronics, and a far more original story. I feel with IJA, it's more of an attachment to the IP, whereas Dinosaur can exist on its own without relying on an IP (well, without an IP that would carry it anyways). It would be a shame to lose the best ever dinosaur animatronics, unless of course they are somehow incorporated with Indiana Jones in some sort of brand new story.

I disagree wholeheartedly with this. But that is my opinion...
I think the effects, story, flow of the ride, queue, and overall ride experience is better in Disneyland (less jarring, none of the unnecessary loud noises that actually take away from the enjoyment of the ride lol).

But... I would MUCH rather they build this ride in Adventureland, or replace the Stunt Show in Hollywood Studios than replace Dinosaur.
Leave Dinosaur alone (cue gross crying face/voice).


Well-Known Member
I disagree wholeheartedly with this. But that is my opinion...
I think the effects, story, flow of the ride, queue, and overall ride experience is better in Disneyland (less jarring, none of the unnecessary loud noises that actually take away from the enjoyment of the ride lol).

But... I would MUCH rather they build this ride in Adventureland, or replace the Stunt Show in Hollywood Studios than replace Dinosaur.
Leave Dinosaur alone (cue gross crying face/voice).

I have always thought it was the worse e ticket on property.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
It wouldn't be an "Indiana Jones Land". It would be a "South America" land where you encounter Dr. Jones in an Aztec Pyramid. And there wouldn't be ANY dinosaurs. There would Jaguar, Capybara, Amazon Crocodiles, Anaconda, and Piranha.

And in my wildest dreams, an E Ticket boat ride to find the Lost City of Gold using the PotC:BotST ride system/tech.

Oddly enough, has anyone noticed the setting/theme of the "lands" in DAK are geographical locations not Family/Phylum from the animal kingdom? The lands are "Asia", "Africa"', "Pandora". Not "Reptiles", "Nocturnals", and "Pachyderms". Coming upon an Aztec Temple in South America is not that much of a stretch of the current thematic philosophy of the park.
Then where would Dinosaurs go? Is management so inept as to think they've fallen out of style?
The lands are organized by geography because that is how nature is organized. That is more natural than mixing reptiles from around the world together.

An Aztec pyramid in a South America land isn’t the problem. It’s the archeologist that is the problem.
And getting rid of Dinosaurs.
I think it's more about Universal than enything else. Sure people don't like the dinorama stuff, but that can easily be replaced by some other dinosaur related rides/shows. But think about this; Universal has the Jurassic park/world IP. Undoubtedly they will be expanding/restoring that with all the new films coming. Disney just cannot compete in dinosaurs with the Jurassic IP. If you ask someone if they'd rather go to the 'Jurassic World' ride or the 'Unknown dinosaur ride' what do you think they'll choose?

I really love dinosaur and can't wait to ride it again (one of my favorite rides in all of wdw), but when Uni updates their Dinosaur area I'm afraid Disney will not be able to compete with them in this regard. Don't get me wrong, I do think DAK should have a Dinosaur themed land because it def belongs in the animal kingdom, but they just don't have a good IP to back it and their competition unfortunately has.
This whole line of reasoning is just sad but probably true.

Dinosaurs just as a general concept is much better known than Indiana Jones. It doesn't need a franchise to attract people.
Universal chose to build Skull Island:Reign of Kong over a complete redo of Jurassic Park to Jurrasic World.
There's always Site B.
It appears Universal is about to unleash some Jurassic awesomeness in the near future. They have recently officially partnered with Creature Technology. They are going to be Universal's Garner Holt. And Dinos are their specialty.

Did I miss an announcement?


Well-Known Member
It doesn't make since they are going to get rid of Dinosaurs in AK. I'm not buying this rumor.

Maybe they add Indiana Jones in the park. However, with Avatar land just opening and all the work going on or about to go on in MK, DHS, Epcot... I just don't see this happening.

This could be a rumor because they are about to start filming the next chapter in the movie series.

I would be shocked if this went down in the next three years.

But maybe they looked at the numbers and Indiana Jones would put butts in the seats at the end.... that is what matters most.


Well-Known Member
Everything you just said is exactly how I think they could and should make it work. The story of the ride and the IP in particular doesn't make sense to the message of Animal Kingdom, as it is right now, but having a South America land, and all the detailing that would come with it, would fit in perfectly with Animal Kingdom.

Someone posted last night about how they talked to an Imagineer before Animal Kingdom opened and it was supposed to be called Disney's Wild Kingdom and have the Indy Adventure ride. I don't see why it's such a problem if they move the park more towards the concept of what Animal Kingdom was supposed to be and then be able to have a broader message and be able to add great IP's like Indy, and maybe even something like Mystic Manor in the future, that fits in a jungle/wild/adventure look that Animal Kingdom already has right now IMO.

I don't think Indy fits in Animal Kingdom, I can see how you might, but I certainly can't think how on Earth you think Mystic Manor fits...

Surely Mystic Manor could only ever fit in Magic Kingdom, it has absolutely nothing to do with nature, conservation, or real life(Indy has a little of real nature, Dinosaur has everything, this has nothing).

Tim Lohr

Well-Known Member
ummmm? yeah this sounds like another dumb idea for the "IP" kingdom of the world... plus it sounds like a half assed "quick fix"

If they're going to build a version of the Indy ride, do it right, start from scratch and build it on the site of the Indy Stunt show at the Hollywood studios, don't try and shoe horn it into the current Dinosaur ride show building at AK, you're just wasting money and resources destroying what's already a pretty good ride

But Dinoland USA needs some help though, I think the biggest problem with it is pretending it's in the "real world" instead of presenting as a fantasy place. Just call it Dinoland, and have the theme/concept just simply be that it's place where dinosaurs "some how" just magically exist, it's an unknown and mysterious place, and then have all cast-members in the area be like scientists and researchers who've come to the magic place to study the dinos, and man rides through the area. Then they could keep most of the current "Dinosaur" ride, all they would need to do is lose the corny "time-travel" aspect of it, and most of the original area could stay intact things like "Restaurantosaurus" and the original Dino-bone archway that you pass under coming from Discovery Island

Chester and Hester's has got to go though, I think it should be replaced with some type of family boat ride that reuses the "soon to be homeless" Universe of Energy dinos, and some of the tech from the Shanghai version of Pirates... bring some of that cool stuff from the overseas parks and combine it with the classic dino AAs. They could easily fit both rides next to each other, then have a family boat ride option along with the current fast pased thrill ride, and maybe house both attractions in a new rock work structure, like a mountain, cave, volcano? and then populate the exterior area with these kinds of guys which are in many theme parks around the world now


Well-Known Member
Everytime I ride it the Indiana Jones overlay goes on in my head and while I enjoy the ride since it's pretty much identical, I always wish I had just gone on Indy instead.

I was actually just at the parks on the 13th saying goodbye to UoE and GMR and my brother and I decided to go over to AK for a little. When we went on Dinosaur we did this same exact thing and it was quite fun trying to realize where everything is in Indy Adventure. It also made me realize just how much I don't really like Dinosaur that much and how.... kinda... boring it is to me... with no amazing music or immersive theming. Just screaming and darkness with the main AA that looks broken and rubbery imo.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Indy fits in Animal Kingdom, I can see how you might, but I certainly can't think how on Earth you think Mystic Manor fits...

Surely Mystic Manor could only ever fit in Magic Kingdom, it has absolutely nothing to do with nature, conservation, or real life(Indy has a little of real nature, Dinosaur has everything, this has nothing).

No, I know about Mystic Manor not fitting. I'm just saying Mystic Manor for example if my idea of Animal Kingdom becoming more of an extension of Adventureland. Where would Mystic Manor go in Magic Kingdom if it did end up getting built there? Adventureland. That's where the example came from.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't make since they are going to get rid of Dinosaurs in AK. I'm not buying this rumor.

Maybe they add Indiana Jones in the park. However, with Avatar land just opening and all the work going on or about to go on in MK, DHS, Epcot... I just don't see this happening.

This could be a rumor because they are about to start filming the next chapter in the movie series.

I would be shocked if this went down in the next three years.

But maybe they looked at the numbers and Indiana Jones would put butts in the seats at the end.... that is what matters most.

I don't think it would attract any more people than Dinoland(after the initial 'newness' has gone at least, and just that popularity, which will only last a year or so, will cost a lot, a bit too much).

I mean, you swap Dinosaur for what is basically the same ride(just one that isn't thematically appropriate), then a second ride that will basically be the same(the looping coaster from Paris probably, another off-the-shelf, badly themed coaster, like, Primeval Whirl) - so no more has really been added, and it will cost a lot of money to add a bit if popularity, but even that popularity will fade after a year or so, until it is the same as Dinoland once was, so there really isn't any point.

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