Is DVC worth it for me?


New Member
Original Poster
Hi There

I'm after some advice! Been speaking with Kelly at the DVC on the phone this evening about becoming a member. I'm not tooo sure it its really worth it.

Let me explain my situation.... I'm a 26 Yr old single guy who loves florida! Trying to go every year, actually went last Jan, Oc, Juen and going again in September! :sohappy:

Soooo..... Kelly suggested 190 point at $104 each plus Dues. Based over 50 years inclusing the dues this would work out at approx $1200 to stay at a resort in disney for 14 nights.

What do people think?!




Well-Known Member
Are you figuring that you are spending 1200 a year for 14 nights a year? Because that would be a good deal! Also, consider that right now you are a young single guy, but in time you could be married with a family and may really need the larger accomodations that dvc provides. I guess ultimately it's up to you if you think you are getting a good deal or not.


Active Member
I can't speak for you, but we bought in in 1999 at Hilton Head. We bought enough to stay in 2 br villa for a week in "magic Season". That gives us plenty of points for exchanges or trips to WDW at anything except holiday weeks. Or even hoiday weeks if we don't stay the weekend. (which is what we usually do)

We have never regretted the decision. When on vacation, we always go for the "deluxe" type venues, so DVC allows us to continue that.

My wife and I are empty nesters who travel alone, with friends or with our 3 sons their wives and children. The ability to save and borrow allows all of this to be covered by the points. If I could afford it I'd buy more points, just so my kids would always have enough for their families thru the years.

If it fits your budget Buy now.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
You're single. Don't know if you intend to always BE single, but there's a good chance that, if you ever become UNsingle, you'll never have the amount of money that you can do whatever you want with, as you do now. And if what you want is to buy DVC, and you can afford it, do it.

Besides, if you love Disney that much, owning DVC will be a great litmus test for any potential mates. If you're looked at funny by any potential partners for liking Disney that much, you know to move on. :D


New Member
Besides, if you love Disney that much, owning DVC will be a great litmus test for any potential mates. If you're looked at funny by any potential partners for liking Disney that much, you know to move on. :D

Or he might snag a single woman for his DVC points! :ROFLOL:

NortyUK - I say "buy!". If you love Disney...if you plan to stay on property...and in at least Deluxe resorts...and want to go multiple times a year or for long stays (like the 14 days you mentioned) once a year, then I truly believe DVC is for you.

We purchased in 2005 and are so glad! Just be warned. Knowing that you have a place already at WDW will truly truly tempt you to go more often. Before purchasing DVC, we'd take 1 summer trip. After purchasing DVC, we went in Jan, May and Aug of 2006. This year we've went in Jan, Feb (well, it was a work conference so we didn't use points) and are going now in Aug! Potentially we'll go in Dec for MouseFest.

I don't know your financial situation nor career situation, but slappy magoo is probably correct in that you won't have much money than you do right now. It's expensive to get married...and have kids... sooooo... hopefully this all helps!


I say buy. I am a DVC Member and love it. If you go at least every other year it should be worth it. I have stayed at the resorts I never would have been able to afford (for a week) if I was not a member.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Buy, definately buy. If I had been paying attention while I was single, I would have definately bought in when they started DVC. It would have been paid for by the time I got married etc. etc.

I personally would not buy in with less than 250 points, but thats just me. When you do get married, have kids etc, you are going to want to be able to get a one or two bedroom villa.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I say dont buy, if Blurr and Gore get their way long hall flights will be banned , and you wont be able to get there.

At the end of the day its timeshare.

If you treat it as either a) a downpayment for a holiday for the next 40+ years or b) a comitmet to a place you like, the money wont be an issue.

The dues are constantly going up and are certainly higher than we expected, and 190 points dosent cover 14 nights in any season I dont think.

And dont forget no free dinning or pass holder discounts, with DVC the mouse has your money and likes to blow it on jazzy marketing to get you to part with more.

Just remember ITS TIMESAHRE. in a glossy brochure.


Well-Known Member
The dues are constantly going up and are certainly higher than we expected, and 190 points dosent cover 14 nights in any season I dont think.

And dont forget no free dinning or pass holder discounts, with DVC the mouse has your money and likes to blow it on jazzy marketing to get you to part with more.

190 (or less) points will get you 14 nights in studios at AKL (value or standard), BWV (standard view), OKW and SSR from September through January (except Thanksgiving and Christmas).

No we don't get free dining, but we can purchase the dining plan without paying rack rates for rooms and ticket packages. Actually, we do get $100 off annual passes and then get the passholder discounts too!

None of our dues is allowed to go towards advertising and (I assume) the bulk of the purchase price goes toward construction costs. I'm not sure if any of it is allowed to go toward advertising.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
190 (or less) points will get you 14 nights in studios at AKL (value or standard), BWV (standard view), OKW and SSR from September through January (except Thanksgiving and Christmas).

No we don't get free dining, but we can purchase the dining plan without paying rack rates for rooms and ticket packages. Actually, we do get $100 off annual passes and then get the passholder discounts too!

None of our dues is allowed to go towards advertising and (I assume) the bulk of the purchase price goes toward construction costs. I'm not sure if any of it is allowed to go toward advertising.

Ive never paid rack rate prior to joining DVC so I just dont buy into the savings/cost calculations. With an AP I was able to get discounts and join the DDE, the Dinning Plan has been great for Disney, not so great for those who had previously enjoyed table dinning, but when its free you can tolerate declines in standards, it just stick in the craw if youve paid for it.

The biggest limitation IMHO is that the numbers only stack up if you stay at a DVC resort. Now I have to say that I have gotten the resort of choice, not home resort, when Ive booked, Im not keen on Saratoga Springs as the resort still has to mature, but if you like to try things out DVC narrows your options.

But as I said anyone on this side of the pond should bare in mind the actions of the environmental facista and their mouth piece the BBCs attempts to demonise travelers and limit travel. As no doubt whoever is in at No 10 will use it as an excuse to screw more money under the guise of environmental protection.

DVC a decision from the heart not the head.


Well-Known Member
I agree, its best to stay at DVC resorts but if I'm "forced" to stay at BCV, BWV, VWL and now AKV then so be it. Only once have we not gotten our resort of choice and ended up at SSR which my daughter loves. We have stayed the least number of nights at our home resort, mostly we get in at BCV. Prior to DVC we've stayed at all of the moderates multiple times, AKL and the Poly so we've tried them and have even gone back either with postcard rates or AP rates when we've run out of points. I can see what you're saying though if you haven't tried the nonDVC resorts and want to, then DVC is not the most economical way to go.
My DVC calculations still come in with a savings even over AP rates and I don't have to have an AP to get them.
As for banning long flights, that's just plain scary. Maybe Mr. Gore will come pick you up in one of his planes so you can pool your carbon footprints.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Probably not. But he would be more than happy to sell you some carbon credits from the business he owns. Still cant believe people dont see the scam....

Its no scam, its guilt. Probably due to the effect n the environment from all the burnt metal albums in the 80s, that Tipper advocated.


Well-Known Member
I've seen this question asked many times in my few years here on the boards and it always ends in an "US vs. THEM" argument, so here is the "THEM" argument from me...

You really have to think it through.

I currently have the luxury of being able to go to WDW 3-4 times a year NOW.
If I had to pay for the timeshare membership AND the yearly maintenance fees, I'd most likely only be able to go once or twice a year. The money I save on the DVC payments gets me to WDW two more times each year!

Cutting my time at WDW in half to be able to pay for a DVC membership is not a good proposition for me.

For others DVC is just the ticket to being guaranteed a vacation every year or two at WDW. It just does not work out for me.

Hey...If it was perfect for everyone, everyone would have one, wouldn't they?!?!? :lol:


Le Meh
Premium Member
I've seen this question asked many times in my few years here on the boards and it always ends in an "US vs. THEM" argument, so here is the "THEM" argument from me...

You really have to think it through.

I currently have the luxury of being able to go to WDW 3-4 times a year NOW.
If I had to pay for the timeshare membership AND the yearly maintenance fees, I'd most likely only be able to go once or twice a year. The money I save on the DVC payments gets me to WDW two more times each year!

Cutting my time at WDW in half to be able to pay for a DVC membership is not a good proposition for me.

For others DVC is just the ticket to being guaranteed a vacation every year or two at WDW. It just does not work out for me.

Hey...If it was perfect for everyone, everyone would have one, wouldn't they?!?!? :lol:

I understand your point of view, and actually my wife and I were talking the other night about possibly selling ours. We couldnt get our minds around the fact that once we pay off the orriginal "investment" we only have the yearly dues, and the uncertainty of the future cost of lodging convinces us that its at minimal a break even venture.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I understand your point of view, and actually my wife and I were talking the other night about possibly selling ours. We couldnt get our minds around the fact that once we pay off the orriginal "investment" we only have the yearly dues, and the uncertainty of the future cost of lodging convinces us that its at minimal a break even venture.

Thats where Im coming from too, but with the addedd uncertainty of international air travel.

My view (sorry to keep banging on) is that the only numbers that count are in the here and now, that is can you afford to join? Everything else is just jam, who knows if we may even be pushing up daisies in 12 months far less 40+ years.

A purchase of passion rather than financial acumen, dosent make it wrong, or I wouldnt have taken the plunge myself.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Thats where Im coming from too, but with the addedd uncertainty of international air travel.

My view (sorry to keep banging on) is that the only numbers that count are in the hear and now, that is can you afford to join? Everything else is just jam, who knows if we may even be pushing up daisys in 12 months far less 40+ years.

A purchase of passion rather than financial acumen, dosent make it wrong, or I wouldnt have taken the plunge myself.

I agree. If everything were a purchase for financialy sound reasons, Starbucks would not be in business.:ROFLOL:

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