I can vouch for 'Raven'. I did the college program, and as a CM you are only 'allowed' to handle certain situations. Majority of the time managers expect you to come and find them, which i suppose, is the role of a manager. But still...
on a second note, there are alot of CP's working too. I would say most really want to be there and really enjoy themselves. For the rest of them, they just think its like working at any other retail, restaurant, etc. and dont see the need to live up to Disney expectations. During my CP, myself and one of my roommates worked in quick service food, i thoroughly enjoyed myself, he on the other hand hated it. I would go sometimes and visit him at work and he was one of those CMs you see who wasnt smiling, mingling, etc. he was just doing his job so he could clock out and go home. I think its these CMs, even for the guests causing no trouble, that make the parks less of what it should be at times. If you have a CM who really wants to be there and really cares about the Disney experience he/she will do anything to keep the magic alive.
Sorry to go off on a rant