Most every vacay destination has value this aspect isn't unique to Disney. Still, if we're talking Disney discounts and pricing schemes, I don't really think you can take that perspective if you return to Disney year after year and watch the prices climb and discounts decrease. I just find it hard to celebrate the discounts and value seasons when rack prices have climbed so sharply in such a short period of time. Example...the room I stayed at back in 2010 costs $76 more per night in 2013. I had some 40-45% room discounts for that room in 2010, but the discounts we saw in 2012 were 15%...sometimes 20-30% in some of the deep value times. I'd hardly celebrate that. No matter how you cut that, no matter when you are still paying a lot more.
Sure, there's free dining, but most people wind up leaving $ on the table with that or at least find they would have made out better with a good room discount just as a result of eating habits. The cost of the DDP has also gone up a crazy amount. While I won't turn down free dining if it's my only discount option, it's sad that I'd spend less OOP vs. paying for DDP - even with a ton of TS meals.
It's like my dad always used to tell my mom when she went a little crazy at a sale...just because you've got a discount doesn't mean it's a good deal.